Tuesday 2 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 60

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToFniH9Qzm8

Arin and Danny are back at the stage select. Arin builds up to something and it turns out to be "Battle Kid" by Blargen. It's made in the shape of the Battle Kid sprite!

Lots of nice doodles here too! "Jennifer dumped me" is one of them, making reference to Arin's Battle Kid playthrough from back then. Now I know why it was appearing in my recommended videos today! It says it was uploaded a year ago. I thought it was more long ago than that...

They talk about Ross' obsession with dairy products. I love dairy too but man, it makes you phlegmmy.

Danny talks about "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Al T.V." and some of the great jokes that were on it. Sounds interesting! By they way, he'd be great for Guest Grumps! They said it before, but it's just something I'd love to see, them all in the same room together hanging out and being goofy! He also gets side tracked and recounts his personal experience on learning of Kurt Cobain's death.

This level's difficulty is on par with the stuff we've seen in Battle Kid. Loads of stuff to dodge with tiny windows of opportunity. It captures Battle Kid's essence just right.

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