Tuesday 1 March 2016

Firework Full Cover by JonTron

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy_JlG7C-T8

JonTron animated! I think I'll give this the label. He's not a Grump anymore but the animators often make Game Grumps Animated shorts and there is a fantastic collection of them here animating Jon and Jacques!

Jon shows his amazing star power yet again with this lovely cover he did of a Katy Perry song. It was a reward for a charity goal!

He has a long history with this song. I remember the other video he did long ago where he stood on a cliff, belting out the song to sea! He and Arin used to sing various stuff on Game Grumps too. Yup, from the very beginning, that show just exploded with talent :)

The talent was already there mind you and I love seeing Jon continue to do so well!

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