Friday 8 July 2016



Ah June went faster than I would've liked. Still lots of great moments though! Sonic And The Black Knight began here. Such greatness :)

Wow that's right Nathan Barnatt was on! Wow... maybe June wasn't so short after all? That felt like forever ago when he came on.

Wow, that Virgin Airlines safety song :)

The big Sheik reveal is here as is the "spent it all on gambling" line that threw Danny for several loops!

Some great laughs in that Imagine Party Babyz game :)

Of course one of the best playthroughs ever, Mad Dog McCree is here too! June was a fantastic month for the Grumps! Again, what was with the disappearing horse?!

Poor Danny got stomped badly in Hollywood Squares!

Yes, that farting roulette was classic Arin :)

I actually watched the "OH MY GOD!" clip with Final Fight. Fun stuff :) Didn't know it came from there.

Great to end on Mad Dog McCree scenes again! :) love the mortician one-liners.

Ah we haven't seen those Arin advice skits with the blue plastic bat in ages! They had a nice ol' run though :)

Wow, June was a great month!

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