Saturday 23 July 2016



Arin and Danny sing their very own Katamari Na-Na Hardcore Remix.

Wiggly Stan joins them on their firefly gathering quest. Dip joins later.

Wow. Arin applies the scientific method to Street Fighter :) Danny's mind asplode.

Yes Fred Durst and his impressive range :)

What's with that arcade high score thing on the stage fail screen? Wait... OOOOO! OOO! The high score says 7650, which is goroawase for Namco! :) well, the 765 part anyway.

Arin tells Danny about Monster Hunter while they do the stage again. Danny then brings up the idea of doing Final Fantasy VII on the show. Kind of a brave thing to do to take on a long turn based RPG... but of course they've done Pokémon and Undertale so that's kind of opened things up.

Of course, the idea of doing a long RPG at all opens up so many possibilities and many fan requests! I would like to see them do Final Fantasy Adventure as it's a lot like Zelda 1 and Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga as they can play that on a GameCube and use two controllers. There are many many RPGs fans would like them to play though I'd say!

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