Wednesday 27 July 2016



Ross and Barry take on the final Pikachu!

Barry's worried about getting hay fever until he finds out it's not contagious. He was at MAGFest so he's worried about getting a cold.

Barry talked about his experience at MAGFest and about meeting fans that were Barry fans. What a nice thing :)

Internet fame seems like a weird thing. As a fan you feel happy about it but it must be kinda weird.

Ross gets a text "Bring in the pigeon". It's Real Ross!

It looks like Ross is going the disturbachu route with this one too.

Lots of nice jokes about movies that have been out already but they haven't seen yet or have just seen :)

Barry talks about the LA winter heat and wishes it was a bit rainy and chilly. If this episode came out during the past winter, where it was cold and damp a lot here, I would be like "whatever". We get seasons here alright, sometimes all of them at once.

They talk about renovations to the Grump office. Interesting to hear about them and the need for them too. Wonder how it'll affect future Grump episodes?

"Whinge" isn't international?!

I hope Ross will like his office space... Hope they all will like their office spaces.

After an hour they turn on the air conditioning so that they don't go crazy and die. Well... so they don't die.

I must say that I don't hear any interference at all. Safe to have the air conditioning on guys! :) be comfortable and alive!

Wow that Yom Kippur thing sounds like Lent and confession.

Yeah... Kudos to Kevin who has to edit this long episode!

Yes whew... sometimes I let a backlog of Grump episodes build up... right now wasn't a good time to do that!

We have our own version of football here in Ireland as well, Gaelic football. That's why I like to say soccer too. Nice researching into the soccer/football thing Barry :)

Haha! Ross was excited about becoming an uncle and talked about his plans to go to Australia after E3, which right now has happened! Hey past Ross, you had a great time and took pictures of quokkas too!

Barry has to leave in half an hour? But there's another hour in the episode! Wonder what happens...

The way I do comments is... well... you know.

Ah so fans love Ross' Papyrus voice! It should be official :) Barry as Sans too of course.

Yeah Steam refunds are a good or bad thing sometimes. Interesting discussion following this about income models and production funding and everything.

Barry then left to answer his phone so we get Ross and only Ross! He talks about his passion and how doing Grumps is fun too and he thanks us for tuning in... Thank you too Ross! It's a pleasure! Must be tough doing this on your own... Barry comes back though and all's well! He chooses to stay too until the session's over yay :)

Ross adds a cool looking halo to Picklechu Final. It has a nice glow to it!

Yikes, Ross' vision!

Wow those pickles have electricity coming from them! Must've been in the vinegar a bit too long!

That flower store improv they come up with is hilarious!

The rival's Pikachu looks awesome, like it's really happy to be lighting up the room like a lightbulb!

That cloudy background is awesome for the finished halo bearing, lightning pickle wielding Picklechu! Excellent work Suzy! What an imagination! Congratulations Mortemer! C:

I like the way Barry took a different spin on the Professor's voice to say MEGA EVOLVED POKÉMON.

Aw... Satoru Iwata in the credits... It was his first anniversary this month too.

Final Picklechu was so powerful they got a static shock from the carpet when they finished. Zap!

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