Saturday 16 July 2016



Yes it's back! It looks like this will be running alongside Dark Souls III. I can settle for that! Not that it's a compromise or anything! Both are still great entertainment :)

Before the episode, Brian and Barry appear in an advertorial skit for Lootcrate. They had me going for a moment. For a moment I thought it had something to do with the new BOXBOXBOY! game on the 3DS, but nope! It's for Lootcrate :)

Why not smile? I've never played the BOXBOY! games but from what I can see, you're not opening them, just rearranging them. The skit would have to be rewritten if it was for the game! I wouldn't rewrite this skit! I love it! Barry and Brian work amazingly well together. Nice to see different dynamics in action with different pairings. Grumpcade is a great thing :)

This is another paragraph praising the skit and I'm sorry(not sorry) but isn't it just brilliant the way the camera just slowly reveals Barry lying on that table? It definitely caught me off guard and it's funny too :) Paul Greengrass wouldn't do something like that!

Anyway, Sonic Swordy. Arin and Danny are back to play their favouritest game of all time.

Faecal Friends surely! Gotta alliterate!

I know about "trots" from the Dragon Ball manga. It's the only other time I've heard diarrhoea being described that way.

Imagine Sonic doing this in Dark Souls world! DLC idea? :P

"I think?" this game is awesome. (no, I know it's awesome :) )

I don't remember the aiming thing... and I did finish this game. I guess it's been a while.

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