Friday 15 July 2016



Arin appears before the video to announce another show for the Game Grumps Live! at San Diego because the tickets to the other show sold out so quickly. Woo!

Arin tells Danny a story about a girl named Phyllis. Totally not the comedian!

82 out of 88 stars. Gotta do it again for the RoboKing...

Asterism... interesting and educational... I remember putting the entire zodiac on my ceiling in the form of glow in the dark stickers. It was pretty cool.

Hi Maurette! :) I watch everyday too!

Passage of time is something else... maybe it's because they're having fun :) I just know I don't want the Summer to end yet...

Lots of fellatio references in this episode... seems fitting to pair it with emo rock references though.

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