Saturday 30 July 2016



Arin and Danny are thrown into the game unceremoniously! Nice skillful editing by Kevin and then with the staple remover and everything.

Wow, the camera in this game is locked behind the main character.

Danny has many questions. Some dangerous, some safe.

Some romancey images of Chris fly by when Arin recounts the moment they both kissed in a video.

Wow, those exploding people remind me of the Lemmings. Must be the Psygnosis connection?

They imagine what it would be like for a fan of this game to write a letter of complaint to its critics. Aw!

The episode ends when they land on a platform they're not supposed to land on and the game freezes. Lots of jokes made after this!

I can imagine there actually being a PC port of this but there doesn't seem to be.

The music to this game is weird alright with its jazzy trumpet music. It sounds like early CD game console music. I can imagine it being the kind of music that's set to a SEGA Mega CD or Saturn game.

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