Friday 29 July 2016



Ross and Barry take on Mega Mewtwo Y and Ross keeps drifting to Papyrus' voice when he reads the professor's dialogue!

That scrawl when Ross rubs out the guideline makes my skin crawl when I think of the fact he's doing that on a 3DS touch screen :(

Love the alternate Pokérap they come up with :)

Gorillaz is cool alright.

Stephen Hawking's time traveller party sounds pretty funny.

That DirecTV subscription cancellation scenario is one that sounds increasingly familiar nowadays :(

Very sad to hear that Holly's pappy isn't well though he is a good age. Man... I wanna watch Holly's channel even more now.

Wow that "What's The Point" burn got Barry good! Dang! Omg that "The Point" animated movie looks adorable. I'll have to watch it and other cartoon movies of that era sometime.

Ross talks to us for a bit while Barry goes to look for a charging cable. I oughta watch his Twitch streams again :)

Is that the majin M he's drawing?

"Brontosaurus coming out of a bush"? So that's why Arin has a dinosaur themed online handle...

Interesting massage clinic stories... safewords and everything.

I... don't like mustard or hot dogs... that phrase is humorous enough though :)

"Prease forgive me" for saying "prease"! Funny stuff :)

Hmm... yeah "racist" is a pretty bad thing to be called.

That is an interesting conflict, if you're doing comedy and trying not to hurt anyone or make them feel unwelcome. It's the same thing with criticism of media and people. They have a good discussion about it.

The Anti-vaccination position and activism... I don't get it.

Haha "Conspiraspherists". Nice one Barry :P

After all that serious stuff it's nice to go back to the Layton and the malignant growth references and tutorial snoring!

The finished Majin Mewtwo looks awesome! Well done Suzy!

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