Sunday 31 July 2016



Holy guacamole! The last episode of this was well before I started this blog! A very welcome return to Kanto! This is also the first time I used the Game Boy Advance label in these posts. Since they have a Game Boy Player they should be playing a lot more Game Boy games! Link's Awakening's gotta be done! But let's enjoy this first...

Arin and Danny welcome us back with an enthusiastic scream! Danny's friend, who's known on Instagram as @callmerye, very kindly levelled up Buntd, the Beedrill and just Buntd,!

Aw Poor Knurttt is only level 45 after all! All those jokes about her being all muscular and growing out the walls never came to be! Aw!

They reminisce on all the funny names they gave their Pokémon a year and a half ago. I don't remember some of them either! Others are just classics though!

They head straight for the Elite Four! Because, as Arin says, Beedrill is the best Pokémon! Lorelei does not see it coming and it makes for a great episode!

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