Saturday 2 January 2016

Yo-Kai Watch Part 2


Suzy and Holly go to Mount Wildwood to look for bugs. Looking at the game closer, it seems almost exactly like developer Level 5's other game, Fantasy Life. The messages that come up and the way the character moves and everything. It all looks really similar.

They head up to the mountains and meet a cat that growls. They talk about the Jerusalem cricket so I look it up. Funny looking thing.

Then they come across a Gachapon machine looking thing that asks to be fed. When they do, the first Yo-Kai appears! His name is Whisper. Holly gives him a whiny ghost voice.

They're taken through a tutorial and find another Yo-Kai, Buhu. It's a bird with a sad face on its belly and a floppy bird's neck and head. It challenges them to a battle. Just then, it turns out that the cicada they caught is another Yo-Kai named Cadin. They give him BUGGIE as a StreetPass name. He sounds all gallant and everything. The battle happens in the next episode!

So far, it seems this game was made for Suzy and Holly, as they love bugs and birds!

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