Thursday 3 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 76 - That That


Before the video begins, Danny Sexbang and Brian appear to talk about the release of the next music video from their latest cover album Under The Covers. It's "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" and the video takes place directly after Take On Me ends! Wow! Will this be presented like a feature length thing someday? Under The Covers: The Movie? Maybe it could be a "Music DVD". I don't have any of those in my collection but the music/DVD shop near me has a section for them. We'll see, we'll see.

Arin and Danny continue "Stompstalk Swamp" by Dwreck. Arin beats it after hilariously losing his temper with the winged Thwomps and trying to set them on fire. :)

They move on to "Light and Shadow" by Robin. They have an interesting conversation about words, how sometimes two words can be the same and come right after each other and it feels weird. That's true, it does feel weird. I have an example: "I'm going to give her her own thing". It feels weird looking at it written down!

This level is quite clever how it has two parallel worlds with the light part and shadow part. It's like one of the last stages of World 4 in Super Mario Bros 3, where it goes between giant and small lands. They finish the level and move on.

Here I move on too, to "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"!

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