Wednesday 2 March 2016

Tetris Axis Part 1 - Grump! Cade!


Barry and Brian move on to Tetris Axis for 3DS! They wouldn't try multi-player? Does Tetris Axis even have single card download play? Ah well.

Brian shares this Star Wars cinema experience he had where a guy made both halves of the cinema crowd shout "Star" and "Wars". Sounds fun! Doing this with other movie titles sounds like a good laugh too!

They notice the modern Tetris features like spinning while the block has reached the bottom and the little guide shadow. I wonder if this game has the hard drop by pressing up?

It looks like they're going to challenge the other one's score on the next episode! That works too :) I'll look forward to it. Arin and Danny did the score thing with some Pac-Man games and it was great.

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