Tuesday 10 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 31 - Longfinger Invades

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKuVzbhsUBU

Arin appears before the video in another mysterious sketch! It's a totally serious message where he wants to meet Chris Pratt and have him on the show. I'm sure he really would though!

Arin and Danny start with the classic 5318008 calculator joke. Then someone with "longfinger" in their username invades and you're right Danny, that really is something you don't want to actually happen!

Arin takes care of him and says it's not an actual player? Whaaat? Ah well, it was still fun watching!

"How can there be updates to a game that came out 6 hours ago?" Danny asks. Arin says "Welcome to 2016", I say day one patches are really just a form of online authentication.

They have another strategy with the giant, stabbing at his foot. His fall looks pretty awesome! Worm eye view of the taint and everything!

Next time they're fighting more dudes! Yeah!

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