Thursday 12 May 2016

Dark Souls III Part 33 - You're Not Me!


Before the video, Ian McElhinney appears to introduce the episode. Wow! That's a surprise right there!

Arin and Danny fast travel. Mario Kart 96? Whoa!

Ghost scone! Love that :)

Danny tells a story about Jack. Don't worry about the impression sounding Scottish Danny, the Northern accent is similar in many ways to the Scottish one!

Love that discussion of human disagreements happening since there were just two people! Funny stuff :)

Wow that fiery death was like Scorpion's fatality move in Mortal Kombat.

Danny tries Soylent. That description they have for it sounds like it's soya milk or something? Hrmm...

Arin and Suzy loving food together sounds like such a sweet thing :)

That joke falling flat and post joke discussion on what their worst joke is is fun too. Hmm... I wonder what their worst joke actually is?

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