Tuesday 10 May 2016

Zelda Ocarina Of Time Part 56 - Fantasy Buying

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JzCPlTv6RU

Arin and Danny face the Bottom of the Well today. I never really took notice of the Skulltula's teeth going red like that... huh...

I loved that Perry Bible Fellowship webcomic :)

Love Danny's observations in this dungeon, with the ReDeads in the underneath part and the hands holding the wooden things up. Very dark.

They talk about what fun thing they would buy if they had all the money for it. Arin's arcade sounds kinda sweet and Danny's thing about buying a sports team sounds fun too. Arin's nice house in Japan idea sounds cool too. Danny's Last Unicorn animation cell idea is the best and funniest! He wins this one!

Not sure what I would have. Maybe a flying apartment or something like that, but then that involves houses and travel. I'm not sure.

Wow, seeing the "HAMAD" name from space. That's pretty crazy.

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