Friday 27 May 2016



Ross and Arin have Rocco Botte of Mega64 as a guest! They play some of these strange Sonic parodies.

First one has a strange First Person Shooter perspective and is called Turbo Sonic Gun Adventure 2 Turbo. Smooth Jazzy soundtrack and well, it's just funny :)

Next is Sanic Spin 2006. It's AWESOME! It's another first person view and when you jump the camera spins in the air just like if you were Sonic himself! Later levels have lots of jumps! Rocco tries to imagine an Oculus Rift version! Poor Ross is getting queasy! Oh man, a Super Monkey Ball version of this would be really amazing! Wow... just looked up the Monkey Ball DLC gameplay with the gravure idol stuff. Never knew about this! Pretty interesting.

I never knew about the "drink tray" thing. That's awesome!

I love the Sonics from the failed attempts in the replay!

Hmm... Matrix sequels. I just love the fight scenes between Neo and the Smiths from them.

Next game is Sanicball. This looks awesome too! Very fast racing! Looks better than most racing games honestly and the Super Sanic thing was hysterical!

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