Sunday 8 May 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 54 - Water Temple Episode 7 out of 7, ARIN WAS RIGHT


Arin and Danny are at the boss door. It's Giant Aquatic Amoeba Morpha! WOW! I didn't know about that cornering strategy! Nicely done Arin!

Also, double WOW because it really did take 7 episodes for Arin to beat this temple like he said! How does he do it?

Some nice funny voices for Ruto and Sheik and it's back outside!

They spend a good bit looking for what dived into the water and it's pretty funny! It was Sheik guys! He was on top of the tree too! Everyone noticed that back in the day but not now for some reason. Ah well, at least they got the Fire Arrows.

I don't have a Blu-Ray player either Danny. That's actually more normal than you'd think.

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