Sunday 31 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 58


Arin and Danny are in the middle of playing "Legend of Zelda Maker Remastered" by Mikey. Looks like they gave up the last one since and have been playing other ones.

They talk about something funny that happened in their office involving Jack running down the stairs with a rubbish bag and leaving a gross wet trail after him. Not a good time I'd say!

When they finish this level though, they go back to "Blasted Furnace" by Tim. Danny's wondering what a certain song is and Arin says that Siri can be used to find out.

Also, possibly the greatest joke in Grump history is when Danny mixes up the words Boolean and bouillon. I love this joke so much :)

Arin then teaches Danny how to do a Google search using minus to leave out results with that word. Well, it is a good skill to have.

Arin suffers more with this level but gets even further than before. It gets even more merciless and evil but it looks like he is getting some kind of a grip on it.

Skylanders Superchargers Part 6


Suzy and Arin welcome us back. Suzy pretends to be Kevin for a laugh. I love Kevin's little comments here :)

They unlock some skeleton mariachi thing character and fall in love with it. They continue on and get into a driving section. These look somewhat fun. This one ends where they drive into a gong and it wakes a dragon and it all looks pretty cool.

They discover this ability where they can collect gears with a cursor. Seems kind of like collecting star bits in Mario Galaxy. It's kind of nice and I wasn't expecting it.

Dead Rising Part 40


Arin and Danny return once again to this series and try to get their bearings. They're somewhere near the end of the game anyway!

It turns out they didn't save somewhere and have to do a bunch of stuff again :( despair is had by all.

They redo the butcher boss and include some highlights. Dialogue between them is a bit sparse and it's a bit surreal to experience. It's nice watching all the same though.

They catch up to where they left off and have a scene with Isabella where Frank tells her Carlito is dead. They have fun doing voices here too, the funniest part is when she talks about having to check Reddit. :)

Progression! They're moving along nicely...

Saturday 30 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 57


Arin and Danny struggle on with "Blasted Furnace" by Tim.

They talk about stupid humour and give some great examples. Arin gets a little further as well but dies again. Yup, no checkpoints. That doodle wasn't kidding.

There are so many setbacks, Arin eventually has difficulty even catching P switches. The following outburst into rap and screaming is a bit too much! Yes, it's time to take a break!

Skylanders Superchargers Part 5


Back Skylanding with Arin and Suzy. She's gobsmacked when she sees the name "aynahlfeesting" but no, it's only Arin's PS4's name :) The developers wouldn't put that in the game themselves! I know we have stuff like "Up Your Arsenal" for Ratchet & Clank, but that's about as risqué as it gets!

They do some more custom stuff and talk to Flynn. There's a heap of exposition and they have a laugh, making fun of the characters while they talk. Arin can do the voices really well. Anyway, they finally get going on the next mission/gameplay sequence thingy.

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 7


Brian appears as his classy self again and talks about his "I HAVE A PHD" shirt for sale on He gives some more humorous and classy lines before going back to his book. I like these fun sketches :)

Back to Arin and Danny as they take on the potion throwing guy again and beat him this time.

They make their way through the rest of the level sharing a moment in Arin's school time when he made an "Offspring" reference. Sounds like something everyone would enjoy alright :) we'd have loved it at our school too.

They take on Plague Knight and give him a voice, where he pronounces Rs as Ws like Elmer Fudd :) they die to refresh their life at the save point and take him on again, beating him this time.

Danny, you're doing fine at the game. Arin's just a pro at it! It's one of his favourites!

They meet Reize and Danny gives him a Jewish voice. He's a boss that fights with boomerangs. When they defeat him, they get mixed up with doing Jewish and Australian voices for him.

Feel the Magic with Egoraptor Part 4


Suzy and Arin go on to do the Scorpion stage. They have to knock scorpions off their girl! They pull it off well. Suzy thinks scorpions get a bad rep. I wouldn't like to meet any.

Next up is the Sign stage. It's kind of like a Lights Out thing, except with panels in a heart picture.

Next is the Microphone stage. They have to talk to the girl, even with an orchestra playing. Arin sings loudly like Freddie Mercury!

Next is the Hands stage. They have to hold the girl's hand while the Maniac music plays! She blushes and giggles when you do this. It's awesome! Bees occasionally interrupt and Arin yells when they appear. Then Suzy says TwitterGaming followed her on Twitter. Heart points are flowing in like crazy!

Next up is Drive, a boss battle. I like the graphics on this stage. They don't pass this time, but they'll give it a shot in the next episode. They talk about Beavis and Butthead and other MTV cartoons.

Friday 29 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 56


Danny and Arin continue "Blasted Furnace" by Tim. They talk about the recent Primus and Tool concert they went to, while pretending to be aliens pretending to be humans. It sounds like a great time! They met some fellow lovelies too!

These alien characters, the Zognoids, are amazing creations! Laughing away at the dialogue they came up with for them helps them get through this super tough level! They'd make great Game Grumps Animated cartoons!

Skylanders Superchargers Part 4


Arin and Suzy fly around on a spacecraft with wings that look like actual wings. They have to shoot out 40 flying enemies. They talk about Will Smith and Independence Day as they do so.

They go back to the eyeball guy and give him an enthusiastic and bashful voice. It's a nice moment in this series :)

Yoda Jokes - by Mike Bedsole


This cartoon's inspired by the time Arin told all those Yoda jokes, while poor Danny was suffering in Super Mario Maker. The dialogue is separated from the game audio and put to this cartoon. Instead of playing a tough video game, Danny is trying to concentrate on his Jedi training on Dagobah. Arin's Yoda is nearby, telling Star Wars jokes to distract him! This idea is genius!

The impossible moment Danny had in the game is now him trying to get the X-Wing out of the swamp. How can you not smile the whole way through this? :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 6


Danny groans and stretches while his Knight wakes up and Arin bounces on his head. They give them fun dialogue while making them duck like they did during Kirby's Epic Yarn :)

They head to Pridemoor Keep for an auto scrolling stage challenge. After this it's on to the Forest of Phasing. They die a lot here but it's another short one! They do some weird imitations of drunk guys too.

Afterwards they go to the Explodatorium, lair of Plague Knight. They go oooh and ahh at the new stuff and wonder if people look at their last playthrough and compare what similar stuff they said. Danny says they will almost certainly forget stuff and see things like it's their first time playing! It's no biggie guys :) I forgot a lot of Shovel Knight stuff too.

They talk about Snuffy from Sesame Street and imaginary friends, which is pretty interesting. They come across flashing lab test tubes and flasks and lifting lids. It reminds me of the Pumpkin Zone from Super Mario Land 2 :) Funny how memory works, isn't it?

They come across a potion throwing dude that turns into a monster now and again and prepare to beat him next time.

Feel the Magic with Egoraptor Part 3


Suzy and Arin go on to do the Bus stop stage. Here they have to roll their guy inside a bowling ball across the road into the people at the other side like they were bowling pins. It takes a few attempts but they pass it.

They go onto Scene 5 on the Monocycle stage. You have to guide a guy on a narrow bridge between buildings. Suzy does pretty well here. They're right, it does sound like Mickey Mouse!

Next is Painter. Arin has to paint within the lines while avoiding falling dudes. He gets hit by a few but he does well otherwise too!

Thursday 28 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 55


You know, since Danny mentioned it in Part 50, I can't stop thinking about the "Prank My Dad" comedy thing from YouTube. That kid character's really funny with his giant glasses, goofy dance and enthusiasm for dad pranking. It is very funny when you remember it during the day!

Arin leaves a comment "I'm also Ben" on the "Stomp the Thwomp!" level by Brian. So many Bens, he might as well join in!

They take on the next level, "Blasted Furnace" by Tim.

Wow, more excellent doodles here! Love that Danny in a Kuribo shoe one. That "Dude, not even one checkpoint?" message doesn't sound good... That drawing of Barry, Ross, Danny and Arin looking up is really neat too :)

Poor Danny gets blindingly aggravated. That delicate "no!" when he pauses is so painful and so funny. Aw! He's still seething, even when he gives the controls to Arin. They're eventually able to make themselves laugh and smile again by Danny's story about his friend imagining the Scatman song being played while falling down stairs.

At the end Arin gets a brainwave and learns that you have to go back with the Kuribo shoe! he also corrects himself at the end slate that he mixed up the UK flag with the Australian one. Yeah Danny, I'm sure Ross would love that one!

Skylanders Superchargers Part 3


Arin and Suzy do some more Skylanding.

Suzy's worried about us, the viewers possibly being motion sick from the flying section. Thanks, but no need to worry about me! It's quite manageable but the story is kind of flying over my head...

The character that says "Boom!", Arin can do his voice really well! Also makes me think of the "Hey Peter egg beater" line. Of course, it's the same voice actor that does both characters :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 5


Danny and Arin continue the Lich Yard level. They reach the guy in the chest who talks like a clickbait link and Arin buys the Phase Locket from him. Danny already has this though, plus a bunch of other cool stuff! Poor Arin's exasperated by this!

So when you've the Amiibo, stuff just unlocks as you play away and gain experience I suppose.

After navigating more dark areas, they eventually make it to Specter Knight. Arin gives him a li'l goblin kind of voice and shake his cheeks out (like Barry did in Undertale for Undyne!) for the wiggly text!

It's an intense battle, but they still talk about the happy looking face that the wall in the background kind of makes with its one eye.

Arin beats him and Danny levels up loads, even though he died during the battle. He gets even more rare stuff. That's the power of Amiibo I suppose!

Feel the Magic with Egoraptor Part 2


Arin and Suzy take on the bull boss. There's loads of oncoming charging bulls to tap, about 100!

Afterwards, there'e the clean the girl mini-game. I love these ones! Not least because of the music. The track is called "Maniac" and it goes "chu chu chu chu!" and "Waahhhhhhhhh.... ahhhhhhhh" and then this sitar music comes in and... it is the most deliriously happy and sensual music ever! It is also quite similar to the menu theme from NES Remix... That one has a similar tune but doesn't have the "waaaahhhhhhh" or the "chu chu" or the happy deliriousness.

Arin goes "YES!" because TwitterGaming followed him. Must be important!

They then share stories about antlions and being bitten by ants on the giant antlion level. It's pretty interesting. I've never seen an antlion before. Wouldn't like to go near ants either.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 54


The video opens with a live-action sketch starring Brian, looking all classy and academic and stuff. He tells us about a new shirt he designed that simply says "I HAVE A PHD", now available at Very nice message! Couldn't help but smile when I saw it :)

Thank you too, Brian! I will indeed enjoy the show!

So, back to Arin and Danny as they continue to struggle with "Stomp the Thwomp!" by Brian. Danny starts by making fun of Arin's cavalier phone watching attitude when Danny nearly injured himself badly off of something. It's funny :) What's even funnier is joking about Suzy's dislike of the word "completion". Should I describe how hysterical their exchange on that was? Or should I just tell you to watch it while I ponder if she likes the movie Jerry Maguire or not? Hmmm...

Seriously though, watch this episode! Danny even does golfing style commentary! It seems to work as Arin makes it! the next checkpoint. There's freaking MORE. There's a funny Mario Maker surprise feature that makes the screen pause and makes the pitfall a really long Wile E. Coyote style fall. At first I thought it was an episode edit! But nope! It's Nintendo being funny :)

The last challenge is getting to the goal in time before the P block wears off. It takes them a few tries but they make it! Laughing maniacally and cheering when they do so!

Very very hard level!

Skylanders Superchargers Part 2


Suzy introduces the episode in the manner of KittyKatGaming but says Grumpcade. Kind of threw me for a loop because I'm used to the other saying!

They get another chest and win a bone horn thingy. They equip it. Arin makes a "shaken, not stirred" joke and Suzy gets it right away. Made for each other or what? :)

Later they have a character that's just one big nervous eyeball. Kind of cute.

Next episode they say they're gonna finish the whole game. It's that length? Wow... Nah I'd say it's a bit longer than that.

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 4


Danny and Arin give King Knight a posh voice and Shovel Knight a congested nerdy voice. I love the quip "Decadent Dandy" :) very nice writing.

They lose the first time, but then beat him with the power of Austin Powers quotes! Yeah baby!

They say they like the Amiibo logo. I guess it's the type of brand you'd see on a washing machine or something that makes it look friendly and non-threatening.

Danny teases Arin by not letting him select the town on the map! They go see the Troupple King too. The dancing is nice and reminds me of Manbo's Mambo from Link's Awakening :)

Next level is the Lich Yard. Love the music here. Arin gets a pain in his heart for a moment... not... worrying at all? :O He says it's just a pinched nerve or something. Danny's worried and so are we...

They find it tough moving through the dark bits as they have the same silhouette!

Feel The Magic with Egoraptor Part 1


Suzy brings Arin along for this early Nintendo DS game. I remember playing this back in the day and having that positive, Summery feeling. Anyway, it was called Project Rub over here but I'll use the name they know in the U.S. They share their own memories of playing older DS games while dating as well!

They start by Suzy entering numbers that Arin has to call out but he can't keep up! Then it's blowing out candles. After this, they have to clear a path of spiky balls to make room for the trolleys coming down the hill.

Arin shares his experience on how difficult it was to learn German. So many conjugations and gender nouns... Many languages can be like that alright. Irish is like that with genders too.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 53


Arin and Danny continue "Stomp the Thwomp!" by Brian, which gets more unbelievable as they progress! They have to spin jump on the very same Thwomps they had to avoid letting fall on the P switches! Unbelievable levels of evilness!

They discuss techno music and the various subgenres. The comedian reference Danny made sounds just like the Strong Bad cartoon which had "The System Is Down" music.

It gets very very hard and they sing the theme to help them cope, imitating Christopher Walken and President Obama. Fun stuff!

I like they way Arin talks about the eyebrow thing the Thwomps do, comparing it to examples like The Rock or a Dreamworks animated movie poster. They sure do that eyebrow thing a lot on those posters! I generally like those movies though.

Skylanders Superchargers Part 1


Arin and Suzy are on Grumpcade for this new playthrough! It's not Date Grumps. Will have to wait a few more weeks for that. I think they're playing this on PlayStation 4, judging from the R2 icon onscreen.

They sit through a lot of cutscenes and use those toy thingies.

They start to really have fun when they drive around and use those Sonic super strip thingies. I think they're called props or gimmicks, don't rightly remember.

I like the way the car pauses while the treasure chest opens dramatically :) reminds me of Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash.

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 3


Danny and Arin head to Pridemoor Keep, lair of King Knight.

They express joy in seeing the little ratcopter thingies and Danny unlocks the fishing rod for himself. Arin scolds him jokingly for cracking the check points :)

It's cool how they can distract the guy with the sheild with one of them and the other can attack his unguarded side. Imagine if Zelda 2 had co-op? Sounds cool :)

The next sequence where they argue over who gets to stand in the Shovel Knight shaped hole is hilarious! Well worth watching! Then one of them loses their bags and the other has to collect but he loses his too! Non stop laughs :)

They argue playfully like two brothers playing a game and even yell "MOM!". So true to the way it was back then!

At one point, Arin sings instructions to Danny matching the theme of the stage. It's pretty funny!

Later, Arin says he never really watched Futurama, which shocks Danny. I've never really watched it either. Not even 2 seasons worth!

Later again, it's funny when they argue over opening the book platforms! At the end of the episode, they reach King Knight. Very fun episode and playthrough so far!

Word Spud with Ross and Barry Part 1


Suzy has Ross and Barry on board again for another word guessing game. This is all about conjugating onto the last word and voting.

Ross wins the first round and Suzy and Barry both win the second round. On the second round when Ross and Barry read the words, they sound like Mordecai and Rigby from Regular Show!

I just learned too that all the recent games they played together is part of a party pack on PS4.

Monday 25 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 52


Danny and Arin continue to deal with Thwomps and spin jumping in "Stomp the Thwomp!" by Brian. Funny how it looks like two of the Thwomps are guarding the mushroom.

Some more lovely doodles here too. One with lyrics "you spin right round, baby, right round" and then they talk about music for a while.

After this, they talk about learning what being gay was. Fun story :)

After the checkpoint, they see another nice doodle with them looking at each other nervously and a smug looking Thwomp saying "You boys better watch out!". The Thwomps ahead are extra tough and the ones hovering over the P blocks? That is so genius and evil it took my breath away!

Undertale Genocide Part 15


Sixth time's a charm? Barry and Ross take on Sans again. Even this time, dialogue is slightly different.

They cope by adding lyrics to the BGM and asking how skeletons can sweat. Ross brings up the fan theory that Sans could be a human in disguise. Interesting...

After they die again, they consider livestreaming the battle.

On the seventh attempt, Ross reads out some bone jokes in Papyrus' voice. Yay :) Barry replies nonchalantly in Sans' voice. Ahh it's nice to hear Papyrus' voice again :) he does this brilliantly! It seems to be helping Barry too! He gets further and now bones are hovering over all the menu options! The seventh attempt fails and Ross encourages us all to tweet Barry some skeleton jokes!

Eighth attempt now. Sans says seven's supposed to be a lucky number. It fails. Sans says eight is the number of fingers on a spider.

Ninth attempt! It's a long episode! They say it took Dodger (presshearttocontinue?) several hours to beat Sans. They howl when they get past the part where they died. They don't survive, but it's the furthest they got yet! Sans begins to lose count of times they died!

Tenth attempt. Bad start so they start again. Sans celebrates it like a milestone but says "Oh wait, you don't have any friends", rubbing it in.

On the eleventh attempt, they do the voices of Mario, Luigi, Wario and Waluigi to help them cope. They talk about streaming again and Ross mentions his own drawing livestream on Might check it out sometime.

When they lose, they call the episode and talk about a livestream. The endslate has poor Barry groaning in anguish. Hang in there!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 2


Arin's still jealous of Danny getting to be custom knight and getting all the cool stuff. Can there be two custom knights if you have two Shovel Knight Amiibo?

Anyway, they meet Black Knight for the first time. In this playthrough, they give them different voices!

Danny catches Shield Knight and he's all like "I caught your girlfriend!". Fun stuff :). At the end of a level, their gold collecting are ranked against one another.

They head to the village and Danny remembers stuff from their last playthrough, where they talk about his dad saying "Spoofy" instead of "Spotify". It was great :)

Sunday 24 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 51


We join Arin and Danny at the beginning of "Boiling Rock Castle v.2" by Daniel. They took a break and Ross went at the Wii U for something, so now they have to start from the beginning! He causes pain even when he's not making levels!

It's a good thing they make the checkpoint quickly! They even get past that point with the giant Thwomps!

Then there's a jump cut with them back at the start! They lost the footage! Oh no!

No matter though, as they beat the level soon afterwards. Bowser gets Thwomped, leaving the gate open for them. Woo!

On to the next stage! "Stomp the Thwomp!" by Brian.

They immediately die from a giant Thwomp coming out of nowhere. Danny then learns higher spin jumping from blocks placed higher. Arin praises this level design for its teaching. Nice going! :)

They're still feeling out this level. More of it next time!

Undertale Genocide Part 14


We rejoin Barry and Ross at the game over screen.

They take another crack at Sans and don't die straight away, but wow it looks tough. Their health depletes while the battle is going on, so they have to heal constantly. Sans sidesteps their attacks too and makes fun of RPG tropes. It's another game over...

Ross says he wants to make a Mario Maker level based on the avoiding segments! I can almost hear the anguished screams from Danny and Arin!

They head back to Burgerpants to stock up on food. They also decide to go back to the house with the locked door. Inside there are diaries. From them they figure out that they belong to Mettaton and Ross brings the loud Markiplier voice again! This reminds me of that house in EarthBound, where you have to buy it to enter and discover a magazine story about a man being pulled over by the police.

After all this, they jump back to Sans. Ross has a go this time. Takes a load of Barry I suppose, so he can just voice Sans now. After he gets a game over, it's back to Barry playing.

He's getting much better at dodging! It lets Sans talk for a while longer. After a while, he starts sweating and some twists and turns happen! There's one cool one I like, where a bone swoops at the menu options, so you can't hover the cursor there for long.

Unfortunately, it's another game over. Let's see if they pull it off next time...

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 1


Danny and Arin return to Shovel Knight! Yay! They briefly reminisce on their previous playthrough with BEENIS before starting a new co-op adventure with the name BEEEEEEES.

I laughed out loud when Danny made a mistake and said "Shove Knight." He's the younger brother of Shovel Knight who doesn't have a shovel, so he just pushes people around. Fantastic improv moment there by him! The "Farmour" joke was pretty good too! :)

They begin by trying to figure out how to use the Amiibo to bring the second player in. They have to navigate menus! The horror! Plus, B is confirm for Shovel Knight's menus, whereas it's cancel for the Wii U's menus. Why didn't they match the Wii U's menu navigation by default?! The HORROR! Anyway, Arin gives the Amiibo the nickname beeeeeeees.

After a good five minutes, they finally get the shovel on the road! It's pretty fun seeing them running around beating enemies and collecting treasure together. They try some more confusing A and B menu navigation and see that Danny's unlocked loads of stuff he can then save to the Amiibo.

Arin humorously trips over his words at the end of the episode. It's good fun and banter and there'll be much more to come!

Saturday 23 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 50


Wonderful live action sketch here at the beginning where Arin interrupts Brian's equation solving by talking about Crunchyroll! Love the weird crashing sound effect at the end of it where Brian winks! There's a nice blooper thingy at the end of the video too.

Arin begins the episode by talking to Danny about peanut butter sandwiches, getting your hands messy and... well, check it out for yourself!

They're still doing "Boiling Rock Castle v.2" by Daniel. They have the checkpoint now but it continues to be a toughie.

They talk about useless statistics and uncited sources of information. Dangerous stuff. Danny makes a reference to a cool sounding comedy thing where a kid with big glasses wants to prank his dad and dances around when it happens. It sounds funny hearing him voice this kid!

That part with the huge Thwomps is pretty hard. Those doughnut lifts don't make it any easier.

They keep doing the exasperated nerdy kid voice for quite a while and it's pretty funny!

After so many deaths, they start to lose their minds and go all over the place with accents. One is a Brooklyn Bowser Jr.'s Mom, another is like Jerry Lewis or something. It's insane.

It's this really hard part with fireballs, a Fire Bar and two giant Thwomps that always gets them. The path up to it is no picnic either!

Undertale Genocide Part 13


Barry and Ross are now gonna face Mettaton. It's back to the loud Markiplier voice!

Mettaton goes straight to his other form, Mettaton NEO! The battle... ends as soon as it begins. Wow they're powerful!

Ross talks about the Temmie artist tweeting during their playthrough, sassing them with jokes. Ross then tweets "no college for you" and she replies with a sad face. Twitter fun :)

They head to the monochrome house and meet Flowie a few times. Lots of dialogue here and it's brilliant! Referencing the player and the person watching the player. "He's talking about YOU! You watching this!" Ross says excitedly "If you're a sicko: like, comment and subscribe!". Maaaaaaaaan this is great! :) I don't care if I haven't played this before watching. This is such a fun experience in itself!

Soon, Flowie starts shaking with fear and disappears. They then arrive at the silhouette hall, where they meet Sans. Some very snazzy dialogue happens, a battle begins and... well, he was right about them not liking what was coming next, judging from the screaming and subsequent game over!

Portal 2 Part 14


Danny and Arin are back with more laser robot avoiding. I hope Arin had a good vacation despite getting sick twice!

Danny manages to grab one of the laser robots and throw it away into the water/goop! Nice one! Satisfying too. There is that "nooo" robotic wail it does on being thrown like that. Shouldn't be shooting lasers then!

Arin says he has a soft spot for robots and Danny says that's good because there'll be a lot more of them over the next few years. It's an exciting time :)

Nice belly laugh at the end where Danny references someone hurting their hands by clapping!

Best Fiends Forever


This is the Best Fiends Forever ad that was shown before an Undertale episode, released here on its own for our pleasure!

Barry's using his phone, minding his own business until Arin comes along and asks him if he's watching anime.

"No! Not another ad!" Barry pleads, but it's not what we expect! It's for a game this time!

I like the "red handed" gag and the slow sliding to get Arin's phone. Also, the too close to comfort whisper is funny too! Have a look!

Fibbage XL with Ross and Barry Part 2


Suzy, Ross and Barry Fib some more. The voice in this game reminds me of the You Don't Know Jack narrator.

Suzy does an amazing bluff in the Olimpicks question! "Suckerssss!" she says as Ross and Barry pick her fib.

She's good at this game! She wins this round too!

Friday 22 January 2016

Undertale Genocide Part 9.5


Ooo! Behind the scenes DVD extra-like thingy! This is from the recent Undertale Genocide playthrough on Steam Train where the brave and patient Barry makes many attempts at fighting Undyne the Undying. As for Ross, he takes note of the time and scampers off to eat his freshly delivered ramen. (I'm having some too as I type this, but it's cup noodles:) )

Poor Barry fights on, even though he's hungry too! He fights instead of doing commentary so he can concentrate more. All you can hear is the boss BGM and Barry muttering swears when he gets hit.

Brian makes an appearance too, complete with captioned dialogue! Only for real life stuff though, as we see in the onscreen explanation provided that's styled like Undertale's text. There's also a death counter for our convenience!

At least Barry got to take a break for dinner. While he's gone, we can hear a vacuum cleaner. We are literally flies on the wall of the Grump Space!

After a lot of vacuuming, Barry comes back and resumes his intense concentration on the boss battle.

While Barry looks for tips online, we hear what the music sounds like sped up. Is this your doing, Kevin? Thanks! There's also more vacuuming and Ross comes in to check. He stays.

He and Barry are quiet for the rest of the session while Barry dodges all these insane spear patterns from Undyne. Eventually, he beats her! This is where episode 10 begins!

Well done, Barry! I can see what you went through; the victory is well earned and the cheer has an even bigger effect!

Super Mario Maker Part 49


Arin and Danny are determined to finish "Revenge of the Polar Express" by sad in this episode!

Arin shares a tip for talking to people at a party and that's to pretend you're leaving. He's right! For some reason, a lot of talking suddenly happens between you and people when you're leaving! Long goodbyes etc! So yeah, not a bad tip at all!

Anyway, they finally finish the level! Yeah! Now it's on to "Boiling Rock Castle v.2" by Daniel.

Danny's turn to play. Lovely doodles in this next stage too. Arin's drawn handsomely and another one tells them not to throw the spring but it happens anyway! Another doodle has Arin wondering what to do before a Thwomp gets him and another has Danny rocking out! This makes them both rock out for a while!

Lots of tricky Thwomp manoeuvring in this level! Bowser Jr. and Fire Bars galore too.

Undertale Genocide Part 12


Ross and Barry have a podcast style episode while they grind to rid the area of the 27 remaining enemies!

For this, Ross found a random conversation generator online! He brings up random topics and they both deliver funny answers :) some real answers too like wanting to have pet dogs.

They talk about so many fun things and it's well worth tuning in for any fan.

When they finish the grinding, Ross asks us what we would do if we had an extra hour in the day? I think I'd try and do more blog posts!

Arin talks about Mac and Chee - by Grind3h


This cartoon's inspired by the time Arin and Danny talked about Mac & Cheese during Sonic Adventure DX. In the cartoon, Arin is dressed as Sonic and Danny is dressed as Tails(he even flies!). Arin talks away about the different possibilities of mac and cheese. Nice appearance by Garfield when lasagne is mentioned and Arin punches him in the face! Danny brings this up as an unwell child named Billy's favourite Grump episode! It's pretty funny! I like how they have Dr Mario and Dr Luigi doors in the hospital he goes to.

Very nice looking cartoon! Nice clean lines with big expressive eyes and the pink tones make it all look cute and cuddly.

Portal 2 Part 13


Danny and Arin now have to deal with those beam platforms as walls now.

At one point they both get stuck in the same space and the game hangs for a moment before they both explode.

Now they have to deal with lasers shooting at them while making those beam platforms and walls flow through the portals. The wall beams are used for protection against the lasers, so there's an extra layer of puzzling going on.

There's one tricky sequence with a ball that takes so much concentration that commentary is silent for some time! That rarely happens! Goes to show how mentally demanding this game is.

Fibbage XL with Ross and Barry Part 1


Suzy brings Barry and Ross along again for this quiz game where you have to make up answers to trick other players.

Ross' "shotgun" answer to one question is pretty dark and raises a lot of laughs!

Pretty fun episode! Suzy wipes the floor with everyone else here!

Thursday 21 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 48


Arin and Danny continue with more painful Mario Maker playing. Arin makes random conversation to numb the pain, like the way you would at a party. So true and funny that it makes them laugh for a while!

Then they talk about being awkward at parties and social situations. It's pretty interesting and bittersweet and fun... and all very true to life. The coat example they bring up always strikes a laugh!

Oh yes, sorry. They're still playing "Revenge of the Polar Express" by sad, which is hard as heck.

They talk about Michael from belatedmedia on YouTube and his Star Wars critiques. I had a look and they have over a million views compared to his other videos! Wow! Anyway, I haven't seen much of his stuff but I thought he was great in the Table Flip episode and the Final Hallway XIII video that JonTron did. "The game's playing itself, Jon...", man that was great and so rewatchable :)

Danny talks about the "Irish Goodbye" and, funnily enough, I never heard of it before!

It's an interesting conversation and I always enjoy this kind of thing, especially when they can bring it back to coats and laugh again!

Undertale Genocide Part 11


Barry and Ross go in to Catty and Bratty's place. They're not here, so they can take all their stuff for nothing. Unlimited junk food too! Wow! The girls left a message for them to not take their stuff. Whoops! It's a long message and quite funny. They call them a total loser at the end, which is awful sad!

The area ahead in general is deserted because of Alphys' evacuation. All except Burgerpants! He's still here and shaking like a leaf. He calls them little weirdo instead of little buddy.

Ross talks about a tip he saw about how to survive a mass murdering. Matches the mood of the game right about now. It's all so dark and sad!

They press on and come across some mercenary enemies out to get them it seems. Eventually, they reach the part before the area boss, but they have 27 enemies left to kill. This'll happen onscreen in the next episode, which they'll treat like a podcast between all the grinding and stuff! Might be nice and chilled out, looking forward to it :)

Portal 2 Part 12


Danny and Arin continue, bumping their heads a lot and making each other laugh! It is pretty funny!

They come up with funny swears like "finglesnotch" while trying to figure out puzzles.

This last one of the episode is pretty tricky looking and I can't really keep track of it. Glad they're able to figure it out eventually though!

Drawful With Ross and Barry Part 2


Suzy, Barry and Ross draw some more and guess some more!

There's one very strange one about giving birth. Have a look if you dare!

It gets exciting towards the end when they're all tied for first place. Then Suzy gets ahead and ties with Ross for first place! Barry gets more likes though. Not sure what that means here.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 47


Arin and Danny continue to chill on the "Revenge of the Polar Express" by sad. Arin shares a story about ordering food where the menu was boring until they got to the sauce list where the first item was "AWWWWWW YEAHHHHHH" sauce. Danny ordered a yoghurt soda of all things. Looking forward to hearing what the heck that was like.

They try to navigate the automatic platform line while dodging the sawblades and Fire Bars. It proves extremely difficult and they don't manage to finish it yet.

Undertale Genocide Part 10


The episode begins with a montage of Barry struggling against Undyne the Undying. He eventually beats her and he and Ross start cheering "We did it!".

Ross has now eaten his ramen. Barry was plugging away, trying to beat the boss while he was doing so. Now she's defeated! She leaves them with parting words and they move on. Sounds like things will be even more on the alert and difficult from now on.

They go into Hotland, which doesn't have music either. There are 40 battles to grind through in this area. They head into the lab and meet Mettaton. Ross gives him his loud Markiplier voice. He says a few things before running away. In the pacifist run, HE wouldn't stop chasing after THEM!

They continue and run into some enemies. Tsunderplane crashes and explodes when they defeat it.

They run into Royal Guard 01 and Royal Guard 02 who want to avenge Undyne. They don't get to avenge her though and are defeated in one hit!

They venture further and take on Muffet the spider boss. They beat her in one hit and a little spider comes along and leaves a flower on her dying spot. This game really doesn't let up trying to make you feel bad on the genocide run!

Portal 2 Part 11


Danny and Arin continue with their platforms. They seem to go up higher and higher. Hope that's where the exit is!

Danny's singing "you got the touch you got the power" while they're trying to solve a puzzle. Arin's muttering "hrm...rmmm the power....rhmm... sucks!" and it has both of them tickled for ages! Love moments like this! :)

Drawful With Ross and Barry Part 1


Suzy, Ross and Barry play Drawful!

There's some weird loading thing while they're drawing. I guess they're drawing on their smartphones?

Ah, so the game is all about drawing and guessing what the drawing is.

There's a great reference to two Calvin & Hobbes strips in there somewhere! See if you can spot it :)

Before the options came up I thought the "brave ant" was going to be called "defend ant"!

Anyway, Ross wins the game in this episode. There's more to come though!

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 46


Danny and Arin continue "The Cage: Champion Edition" level by Dustin.

The conveyor belts look like an absolute killer here. Same with those one space holes that are unfriendly to SMB3's momentum. Lots of agony until they reach the Hammer Bro. There's another awesome drawing here with one going "Hey bro! Want some hammers bro??" and Arin looking back in panic.

They narrowly make it to the next section! Another great doodle here with Arin going "You've gotta be (something) my (something, I don't know what these are))" while Danny laughs behind his hand. This is another moving box with Fire Bars and Bowser this time! It's troublesome because Bowser can stomp the ground and make them shake in place. Arin has a coughing fit but manages to finish the level! Yeeha! Some more nice drawings here too.

Next level is "Revenge of the Polar Express" by sad. Funnily enough, the record holder for this level is someone named "good"! Loads of Grump doodles here about them being cool, wearing sunglasses and warm clothing and stuff :)

Undertale Genocide Part 9


Barry and Ross face Undyne the Undying and lose. It's a pretty tough battle with lots of avoiding to do.

They decide to stock up on supplies and try again but lose again... Ross wants to eat the ramen he ordered.

Imagine that... ordering ramen for delivery. There's all kinds of things now! I'm still using boiled water and cups!

Portal 2 Part 10


Back with Arin and Danny for more Portal platform puzzling.

The keep quoting "Juicy Fruit" from Short Circuit 2. I wonder if that was inspired by the Juicy Fruit scene in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest?

Arin spends ages trying to catch a ball but eventually gives up and just walks up to it to pick it up. They're playing for ages so they're doing funny stuff like this and walking in circles. :)

WarioWare Smooth Moves Part 5


Suzy retries Jimmy's level. She makes it all the way to the boss and loses :( Seems pretty tough defending against that sword.

She tries a different stage, Block Star. It's a block dropping game where you have to stack and balance blocks. She reaches stage two but tries another game.

Can Shooter, which is all about pointing and shooting. She has a couple of goes and has more fun at it. Good arcade fun with the time extension item :)

Tower Tennis. Bouncing a ping pong ball on a bat while ascending and breaking blocks. She keeps coming back to it! It's kinda cool. If you can imagine a scrolling Breakout/Arkanoid I suppose.

She then does that nail clipping game in the Temple of Form.

Monday 18 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 45


Danny and Arin play the next level, "They're Hungry" by Ben.

It's a short scrolling one where they're being chased by winged Chain Chomps. They have the messages turned on, so there's all sorts of lovely drawings of them including Arin dressed as Tsundere Sonic.

Next is "The Cage: Champion Edition" by Dustin.

This challenging one has you in a moving box with Chain Chomps tied to every post that makes up the box. Clever idea! Very scary and aggravating for Danny and very funny for Arin and us! The springs and other obstacles don't help much either! The banter between them is unbelievable here! "I could do this" Arin says. "That's so COOL of you to say" Danny replies. Unmissable! :)

Arin eventually gives it a shot and shares in the aggravation. They manage to reach the checkpoint and the next section is with another box, but this time it's fire cannons! "Oh, Fire. Great" Danny says in the Miiverse drawing here. Some great drawings here too, like the Danny The Champion (of the world?:) ) drawing and the one where all the Chomps are going "BORF" and Danny's like "How do I get out?" and Arin's nearby saying "You don't". Another cute one where Danny's hugging a Chomp. It's cute and lovely but I'd say that's the last thing Danny wants right now!

Undertale Genocide Part 8


Barry and Ross are in the area with Undyne's house but she's not here.

They meet the turtle guy and there's no option to kill him. He treats them with animosity, no discounts or anything!

Eventually they do the puzzle that takes them to Temmie Village. Nobody's here. Not even Bob! Well, the shopkeeper is here. All else is quiet though.

When they meet Undyne, Barry does her underwater voice where he has to shake his head and speak through his flapping cheeks. I'd love to see him do this on camera! Poor guy gets exhausted.

The monster kid that's been coming across their path gets in a fight with them. They feel terrible but as part of the run they have to attack! All of a sudden, Undyne gets in the way! She takes the blow and gets sliced in half. After a bit of monologue, she transforms into the heroine!

Exciting way to end the episode!

Portal 2 Part 9


Danny and Arin have fun pretending to mess up synchronised switching.

Another wowee thing that happens is using portals to make a special platform shoot across the room.

They spend a good portion of the episode figuring out how to navigate these platforms to bring a ball into its goal switch.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 44


Danny and Arin return to Super Mario Maker! People keep requesting more episodes and they're really popular, so here they are! Danny's gonna be playing these too.

First up is "Timber!!!" by Frank. It takes place inside trees with spinning blades going up and down. It reminds me of Ripsaw Rage from Donkey Kong Country 3! This is a great idea :) Arin and Danny talk about famous last words and pooping. Near the end it gets very close and they make it! It's pretty exciting :)

Undertale Genocide Part 7


Barry welcomes us in a high spirited way to their second recording session! Ross isn't as happy though, since friends in the game are dead.

They run away from Undyne in that sequence and then move on to beat other enemies. There's no music along some of the way so it's all kinda creepy.

Portal 2 Part 8


Danny and Arin return to Portal 2!

They have lots of fun again with puzzles, figuring them out and messing with then on purpose too!

Saturday 16 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 109 FINALE


Whoa it's the finale! Unless another DLC pack comes of course. Arin and Danny are joined by mortagor, someone they recruited on Twitter for this screamy lanky boss.

It proves to be very good help! They come very close to dying so it's still pretty difficult! They win and cheer loudly! Thanks mortagor! You made all the difference!

Afterwards, they kill off the blob thing that birthed it.

They've finished the game and the DLC :) They hang out for a while, check some stuff out, thank us for tuning in... Arin freaking loves this game!

So yeah, wow. This has a finale and Dead Rising will have its finale soon. What's next? Can't wait :)



Ross, Brian and Barry try out a game some friends sent them. It starts on a boat with a lot of dialogue.

The gameplay is all about walking around, immersed in passive dialogue, adventuring and doing puzzles.

Steven Universe is mentioned at one point. I've never watched it but I like Amethyst. She's hot :)

They cheer when they get an achievement for slapping someone. What a weird game! It's all playing out like some kind of soap opera.

Ross talks about a funny Minecraft prank where someone switches stone textures for diamond textures. Would like to see that in action!

When they explore a cave they talk about caves they visited in real life.

Mostly this video is a pleasant hangout session so tune in if you wanna see!

Dead Rising Part 39


We join Arin and Danny as they take on Larry the butcher boss. He likes to pick up the hanging meat and throw it around. This causes a lot of damage... Putting Frank on the hook doesn't look pleasant either.

Seems like a tough boss. They're able to replenish health from cartons of milk at least.

When they get beaten they fast forward to a point where they're fully stocked with orange juice.

It's a close one but they beat him! Took all their orange juice and a bit of milk too.

The following exchange with Carlito is pretty funny with their jokey dialogue :) Well worth listening to.

They're near the end of the game!

WarioWare Smooth Moves Part 4


Suzy takes on the 9-Volt level. Love this one because of all the Nintendo game references :)

She talks about the time she and Markiplier played Game & Wario on the channel. It was pretty fun to watch!

She has a little trouble controlling the Star Fox boss but beats it in one go!

Next is Jimmy P.'s stage. It's a remix of previous ones. She loses to the sword boss here unfortunately.

Friday 15 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 108


Arin and Danny go past the worshippers again.

They talk about teaching voice acting and singing and really they only know them as something you just do.

They face the Orphan of Kos again from the last episode. They note he screams a bit like Goofy! It does sound like a classic cartoon scream... I think it sounds a lot like Tom.

They stay alive a little bit beyond his second form this time. He starts jumping and flying around and then kills them again.

Danny says they're going to recruit someone to help and this boss is the last guy, so this playthrough will be ending soon. Best of luck you guys!

Whomp 'Em


Nice to take an NES break now and again! Barry and Brian start by arguing over whether to say "'Em" or "Them". It's gonna be fun :)

After the Sacred Forest they decide to go to the Ice Ritual stage. Tricky looking stage...

They have a passionate discussion about musicals. Yes really, it's unmissable :) they don't mention Calamity Jane though...

The whole game is pretty difficult looking.



This cartoon is inspired by the Oculus Rift game where Arin had to defuse a bomb and Barry and Ross had to guide him with the instructions.

It's a great idea for a cartoon because the situation is so full of suspense and tension and it would make an excellent exercise for any animator. The drawings are cute and showing Ross' blue eyes was a nice touch!

Dead Rising Part 38


Arin and Danny get Frank a hat, like a fedora or something.

They and Isabella meet in a place where she's trying to hack into something.

They talk about coffee and expresso. Arin never got into coffee. I didn't either. Even coffee flavoured things are gross.

They chase after a fat guy who drags Carlito away to a butcher place. They have to fight him next time.

WarioWare Smooth Moves Part 3


Today, Suzy plays the Ashley stage. She's her favourite character and wishes she had a big Gothic house with a library and everything.

She misses the first couple of tries but beats it eventually. The boss is just one movement!

She loves this stage and is all charmed by the Gothiness. Next is 9-Volt!

Thursday 14 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 107


Arin and Danny talk about The Breeders. Danny laments about how he was too young to go to Nirvana concerts until it was exactly too late. That really sucks :(

They talk more about listening to music. It's pretty interesting :) At the moment I'm listening to a lot of Mario & Luigi RPG music over and over. Love it :)

They come across this really creepy scene where all these beings are kneeling and worshipping something. Nothing can be gained from killing them but they do it anyway.

What are these things worshipping? It's this gross pulsating blob up ahead. A lanky dude crawls out of it and starts attacking while screaming.

They manage to fight it nicely for a while but die just as it transforms. Lots to look forward to when they take it on again!

Undertale Genocide Part 6


Ross and Barry open with a moment of silence. Ross speaks quietly. It really is sad that there's no more Papyrus :(

They still soldier on and the only active sound is the little bipbipbip of the dialogue text.

Ross did something really cool for his cousins. He bought them a Wii U and Super Mario Maker and a couple of other games. He's thinking about stuff like this right now because he's all emotional.

It's heavy on Barry as well. He's doing the genocide and he's like a puddle of sadness too.

They talk about writing and go into the Story Structure Circle. While talking about it they display a chart on the screen while and grind for enemies.

Grinding takes a long time, so they talk more about stuff. They say it's becoming like a podcast! I suppose I don't mind if it becomes like that, as long as they have stuff to talk about.

Dead Rising Part 37


Arin and Danny continue with Frank's stupid dyed red hair. Can we bring the WHAP goblin back? :)

They go on a mission with Isabela and stock up on orange juice.

They head into the hardware store for some fun times. Isabela isn't here and they wonder how she's doing after a while.

They find the excavator works incredibly well in small hallways. It does indeed!  :)

WarioWare Smooth Moves Part 2


Suzy starts the Dribble & Spitz stage. I like these guys with their taxi service from the first game.

She makes it to the boss but doesn't win against it. She tries again and beats it.

Like we can expect, some games are weird, others are funny and the cartoon sequences are delightful :)

I'm guessing that girl needed a taxi to go out from the city where no one could see her board a space ship. No one apart from Dribble & Spitz that is.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 106


Arin and Danny continue with their moose head. I like the moose head :)

Some real world stuff happens when the battery of the DualShock 4 goes low so it has to be charged.

They talk about eyesight for a while. Laser eye surgery sounds scary... they talk about what it's like for Danny and Suzy to have vision problems. They also talk about contacts and about wearing glasses for reading or fashion.

Some human snails and maggoty things in this area. It all looks pretty gross and effective.

Then it's time to eat sushi because their food arrived!

Undertale Genocide Part 5


Barry and Ross continue their genocide run and do more Papyrus and Sans voices!

Papyrus gives up on puzzles and walks off. Sans warns about a bad time and everything goes quiet. They reach Snowden and it's deserted like a ghost town. You can go into the shop and take or steal anything you want. They must've heard about their genocide run...

When they get to the river, they sing the wrong number song. Pretty amusing.

They meet Papyrus and Ross despairs because he doesn't want to stop doing his voice...

The poor guy leaves the room when the battle with Papyrus starts... but he has to come back so they can do the genocide thing.

Papyrus gets beaten. Ross and Barry sit in silence. They don't even say "Next time on Steam Train!" Ahh... have a hug from me guys. Ross' Papyrus voice is my favourite thing about this game, so it's a loss for me too. :(

Dead Rising Part 36


Arin amazes Danny with a jokey dialogue about only doing things that other people like for the sake of validation. It is pretty amazing!

They dye Frank's hair red and have to do another escort mission. It's been a while but they're still a pain! This time it's an old lady named Susan. They manage to rescue her by going through the usual zombie elevator, though her hand keeps slipping from theirs.

Introducing Brian!


Brian's official introduction reuploaded to GrumpOut for our pleasure!

Very fun skit about inventing the internet and love and how Brian was the building block of every funny thing that happened with the show! They all say their hellos and Brian mixes Kevin up with some dude named Gavin, whoever that is.

"I'm in a band with you!" says Danny. "Huh, so am I" says Arin. Nice way to reference Ninja Sex Party and Starbomb! I don't know if that little clip of the underbite dinosaur was in the original though.

WarioWare Smooth Moves Part 1


Suzy starts a new one! It's a goodie too! She tells how the character designer, Ko Takeuchi of Kokosac drew the Game Grumps in his own style! What a cool thing! The art for this game is wonderful and clean.

She does Penny's microgames. She talks about playing WarioWare on DS so many years ago. I wonder if she's played the GBA original?

Anyway, I love the WarioWare series as well, though I haven't played a lot of this one. Must play more sometime.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 105


Arin and Danny were really happy to reach the save point last time! Haven't seen one for ages.

They kill a guy with a moose head and are then able to wear his moose head. That moose head decor is Danny's favourite thing seen so far in this game! It is pretty cool and kind of takes the edge off the misery a little bit.

Some other cool stuff to be seen like the structures with barnacles stuck on them. Lots of electrifying enemies here too.

Undertale Genocide Part 4


Barry and Ross continue to walk past Papyrus' puzzles without having to do them. It's a bit surreal and sad to see really. It kind of reminds me of Mole Mania for the Game Boy, where solved screens look like abandoned ruins that may have tiny bits of treasure left in them.

Dead Rising Part 35


Today, after having to do a fast forward and everything, Arin and Danny are much better prepared for the bomb disposal mission. They consult the map and figure all kinds of stuff out.

They go over and back to get fresh motorbikes, orange juice and weapons every now and again. Carlito still gets in the way but they manage to complete the mission! Well done guys :)

It's pretty funny to see the WHAP! goblin run along with a trolley full of bombs, like he's going shopping for them or something.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch Part 2


Suzy returns to Octodad. She's a very patient woman!

Still in the wedding segment, she has to put on a bow tie, hat and get the ring. She also has to walk up the aisle without breaking everything.

When the credits come up, she doesn't know if the game is beginning or ending and neither do I. It's only beginning though and the next part seems to be about going through a normal day in the life of Octodad.

She has to get coffee, give milk to her daughter, catch up with the wife on her news, lots of challenges like this that the modern dad faces. It's all very clever and makes you feel like writing an essay on what it all means.

Monday 11 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 104


Danny praises us for sticking with watching Bloodborne for so long. It can be a hard watch sometimes.

Arin continues battling the giant creatures in this area and fares much better.

Later on there's also this invincible looking creature that Arin can't harm at all.

Undertale Genocide Part 3


Barry and Ross seem to be getting along better with the twisted Flowie this time. I guess he likes them better this time round...

They meet Sans and Papyrus and it's such a pleasure to hear their voices again! They're a little different this time round too. In fact, you can just walk past Papyrus' puzzles. They're still really fun characters though!

Nice to see that the save points keep track of enemies that are left in the area. Comes in very handy for this run.

Ross talks about doing new YouTube stuff and talks again about animations. Very interesting and very important stuff!

Dead Rising Part 34


Arin and Danny continue to attempt the mission where they recover bombs from trucks.

It's pretty tricky as they need the motorcycle to get through the horde of zombies and to get away from being chased and bombed by the insane Carlito. It's not easy! They keep having to restart the mission over again. They'll get better though. They do make a little bit of progress.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 103


We join Arin and Danny as they run away from Mr. Giant Man.

They find it's hard to avoid him as he's been killing them a number of times now.

They regroup and manage to kill one of these giants. Well done :)

At the end of the episode, another one charges at them and Arin lets out a yelp. They're getting better in this new area!

Undertale Genocide Part 2


Barry and Ross are still creeped out by the fact that there's no music and they killed everything in this area.

Barry talks about a show he's working on too. Might be cool and fun.

Barry wails when Toriel shows kindness to them. He doesn't want to involve her in the genocide!

Eventually they have to face her. Ross wants to try something out and that's the one hit kill after so many mercy choices. Barry still doesn't and is in anguish when they finally do it! Ross does an evil laugh and Barry just groans... Poor guy! Ross is well used to it since this is like his third or fourth time playing through.

Best of Game Grumps - December 2015


My third of these posts! May there be many more!

We start off with that first manga reference Danny keeps making recently! Many more instances of it appear!

The WHAP Goblin/Demon is here too with its debut. Must remember to spell it that way from now on.

We also have the amazing return of Endless Ocean 2! Man that Captain Grandpa voice Danny came up with was AMAZING!

The "Beast Cutter" joke is here too. Brilliant one that was! :)

Seeing Feathers the Pigeon chase Ross is always funny too.

There was that moment too from The Grinch where that kid wouldn't let go of you. Scary stuff!

Then there's the emulator exposure, which ruined the magic forever! Just kidding :) emulators rule. Virtual Console is an emulator after all.

Dead Rising Part 33


Arin and Danny keep comin' back to Dead Rising! They begin by imitating Carlito, and then Danny shares some funny true text SMS stories, including one exchange he and Arin had the previous day :)

They go through the maintenance tunnel to get the bomb from the truck. Danny says not to lose the motorcycle but then they lose the motorcycle and they're screwed.

Back at the mall, they switch the Wap Goblin head for the Servbot head and immediately put it back. Gotta keep the WAP Goblin head!

They try a car but it won't fit. Then they try the motorcycle again. They get on much better this time and earn an extra square of health too! Unfortunately, the bike runs out and the episode ends with them screaming for their lives.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 102


We join Arin & Danny in some new clothes and Danny tells a story about an ex-girlfriend who didn't understand football.

They get killed by that big bad guy from last time, but got beaten instead of eaten.

They talk about what their kids would think of Game Grumps. Pretty interesting to think about.

Quite a lot of scary tough baddies in this area.

Undertale Genocide Part 1


Ross and Barry are back with Undertale! Pacifist finale happened, but now we're joining them for the genocide run!

They keep doing the voices and they're a little grumpy because it was resolved and happy before. Oh well, they'll have fun once they get going!

Barry's pretty uneasy doing the first battle, while Ross does an Emperor Palpatine voice. They're heading through the Toriel tutorial.

Ross whinges about killing Papyrus and says he doesn't want to do it. I love his Papyrus "Skeletor" voice...

He also talks about a real successor to Toon Grumps. Might be cool :)

They talk about this while they walk around in a circle. A battle scene pops up but nobody comes, then the music goes and they're spooked. What's going on?

Portal 2 Part 7


We join Arin and Danny having a big laugh as they bounce around through puzzles :)

Danny makes an Endless Ocean 2 reference and I'm missing that series already! They'll return at some stage though I'm sure!

They get all careful about one puzzle and Danny just slips off the edge, giving them a belly laugh. They're enjoying it so much that you'd hate to interrupt!

The Crunchyroll Song


Another wonderful Crunchyroll ad previously accompanied in an episode, now uploaded here for our viewing pleasure!

Arin disturbs Suzy's New 3DS XL playtime to talk more about Crunchyroll. Brilliant cameo by Danny here, who ducks out of the way just in time! She suggests writing a song and Arin's gets all inspired!

He goes to the keyboard and belts out a power ballad about how you can be the coolest kid on your block if you get in on Crunchyroll's offer. He'd be a worthy contender on one of those song competitions on T.V.!

Octodad: Dadliest Catch Part 1


Suzy's all squirmy and weirded out by the controls in this game. It is very very strange, using the left and right mouse buttons for taking left and right steps. Opening doors is really hard and to top it off, she loses the key. It respawns so she has to go back and get it. Then she slowly makes her way back to the hall door, only for the doorknob to fall off! She groans and ends the episode.

Friday 8 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 101


Arin and Danny are still going strong in this game!

They talk a little bit about YouTube Rewind. I'm not really sure what it is.

They come across a big creature that eats them straight away! It's not just the flying purple skulls they have to deal with!

They meet it again at the end of the episode where they end it on a scream!

Karate Champ


Barry and Brian play Karate Champ on NES!

They play two player, and struggle with the controls, which are pretty weird.

They play for a bit and go to different areas. Brian shares a story about taking Karate and never getting promoted to belts, probably because he was playing the arcade version of this game.

At they end of the episode, they're no wiser as to the controls or how anything works in the game! The game's like a farce really :)

Nice text from Kevin though!

The Grumpfather - by Pixlpit


In this cartoon Arin and Danny play out a scene where they're an old-timey newsboy selling papers and there's another bit where they're acting as mob bosses. It's random bits of dialogue drawn together to make something that kinda makes a little plot on its own and it's a good effort. The chibi box head style is cute too.

Portal 2 Part 6


We join Arin and Danny in a belly laugh when Arin goes flying into a door that closes right in front of him.

There's lots of fun puzzles like this ahead and it's great fun for both of them, falling into a hole in the floor and then being launched across the room out the wall.

Yo-Kai Watch Part 6


Suzy and Holly continue searching for more Yo-Kai.

They come across a big red cat that tries to pick a fight with a truck for some reason. Holly freaks out at its backstory. It wants to get revenge on the truck that ran it over. Suzy freaks out too. It is quite a dark turn! Its name is Jibanyan.

They run into enemies called Roughraff. They all have these big pompadours.

They don't give Jibanyan a StreetPass name. He's like one of the main characters isn't he?

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 100


Wow, happy 100 episodes to this series. Arin really likes it huh? :)

He and Danny start with a new weapon that looks pretty cool. After a while, they figure they have to go to Maria's chair.

Just beyond and outside, they humorously kick over stone piles, like they're some kind of beach bully. :)

Later on, they're happily going their way when this weird ghosty thing comes at them. They freak out and retreat! I guess we'll deal with it next time!

Spider-Man 3 Featuring Super Best Friends


Arin and Danny welcome Woolie and Matt from Super Best Friends to play Spider-Man 3!

Wow, graphics haven't aged well but I like the font size. Nice and big and readable. Seems to be a lot of brawling gameplay.

They laugh their heads off when a wall blows up and debris clips right through Spidey without hitting him!

Bit of behind the scenes when their cleaning lady interrupts. Ah, real life!

Anyway, they crawl around the walls and ceilings for a while. There's a good bit of generic glitchy gameplay and the character models look really terrifying to them.

Later on they try webslinging. Lots of fun stuff and lines said here.

Then they see bridges that lead off into nothingness, making more jokes :)

More webslinging and it looks so odd it's like Spidey's drunk. They all have a good laugh at it!

Portal 2 Part 5


We join Arin and Danny for some head scratching puzzles. Then they start singing Tenacious D songs and making references to the movie! Some good moments in that film alright :)

There are some ball carrying puzzles and infinite hole falling puzzles. Little bit tricky, but they pull it off and make good progress.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Yo-Kai Watch Part 5


Suzy and Holly go into the convenience store Everymart. Eyepo is here and replenishes their stats. They have a quick look before leaving.

They hunt around and battle for a bit and meet Coughkoff. They don't bother giving him a StreetPass name.

Holly talks about one of her pigeons that follows Ross around in one of the videos.

Noway's another one that asks to join them. They name him TOFU.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Happy 29th Birthday Arin!

No video for this, just a birthday greeting! This is something I'd like to do in the blog as well. If you have a look at his Twitter feed @egoraptor, you'll see people giving him lots of greetings and sketches, particularly the one of the tsundere Sonic, which was a recent cosplay of his. They're all wonderful. He's even been getting greetings a day early, which is his brother's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday to Arin's brother as well!

I don't have any sketches but I'd still like to wish you a very Happy Birthday, Arin! See you in the funnytubes!

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 99


Arin and Danny find a secret passage the elevator doesn't stop at and die trying to reach it.

They talk about fun words like "blood" and "quart".

Arin makes a reference to the way Amy shakes her skirt from side to side while turning a crank in Sonic Adventure DX. It was pretty funny :) and Suzy didn't watch that episode? Come on...

They venture on for a bit and meet a guy hitting his head on the wall. Wouldn't be the first one encountered in this game...

Will You Press The Button? - Steam Train


WYPTB makes its way from KittyKatGaming to Steam Train! Here we're joined by Arin, Barry and Suzy. Where's Ross? Isn't this his show? Who's driving the train? AAAH!

Anyway it's here as a one-off. Just like before, I'll give my answers to the questions which are found in the video.

Barry answers no to the first question. I think I'd answer yes.

Arin answers no to the second question. It's a bit of a dumb question.

Suzy answers no to the third question. It's kind of dumb too.

I forget who answers yes to the fourth question. It's a yes for me too.

They all answer no to the fifth question. I'd answer no too.

Arin answers yes to the sixth question. I'm not sure what I'd pick.

Suzy answers yes to the seventh question. Ranma 1/2 sounds fun.

Barry answers yes to the eighth question. Sounds fair enough.

Arin answers no to the ninth question. Same here.

Arin answers yes to the tenth question. Sounds good too.

Suzy answers no to the eleventh question. I would too.

Barry laughs his head off at the twelfth question. I would too!

Barry says no to the thirteenth question. I would too.

Portal 2 Part 4


Arin and Danny continue singing "Blue" as they jump through portals. This is gonna be stuck in their heads for a while! :)

Then they mix it up with Arnie quotes from Predator. It's all getting delightfully silly :)

They do that thing where you're falling through portals forever and then launch the other across the room. It's pretty fun and Danny gets all barfy.

Yo-Kai Watch Part 4


Back with Suzy and Holly as they look for more Yokai with their special meter.

Eventually, they find one under a van called Dimmy. He attacks with two cohorts. They call him TIMMY when they catch him, after Timmy from South Park.

They meet another cicada on a tree. They find more Dimmies under cars too. They gotta catch more Yo-Kai though!

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 98


Arin and Danny talk about the excellent Peter Dinklage. I haven't watched Game of Thrones but yay Station Agent! Woo!

They take on Lady Maria again and recruit help from Lavendou. It's very emotional and panicky but they finally manage to beat her! Thanks for the help, Lavendou! They wave goodbye to one another.

Big achievement for this episode :)

Tuesday 5 January 2016

God Hand Part 13 Finale


Octopimp, Ross and Arin welcome us to the finale!

They start off with a wrestling gorilla. Not the same as the gorilla from the bus stop! (or is it?)

Octopimp finishes it off with a gorilla suplex.

Next is the elite obese ninja, also easily dealt with!

Then it's Afro Fist, beaten easily with Shaolin Blast.

Up ahead it's the sunglasses guy and Olivia's captured. After a beating, the sunglasses come off and the Devil Hand comes out! Octopimp runs away until it wears off. Then it's time to beat him up more. There's a little trouble here but he manages it well.

Sunglasses guy goes into demon form and throws his Devil Hand at Gene. He absorbs it, so now he has both the God Hand and the Devil Hand!

Octopimp fights away before unleashing a couple of Double Shaolins, finishing the last guy off!

Then there's a little cutscene and the awesome song that goes with the credits. I guess this is the last time we see Octopimp for a while. Very pleased to see you and your skills on the show dude!

He, Arin and Ross just hang out for a while and enjoy the ending and talk about stuff for a while, such as the way Gene should've been in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. Firebrand is cool though! I like Firebrand.

Portal 2 Part 3


Danny and Arin do some more relaxing puzzles. Or perhaps not so relaxing?

When finishing a tricky puzzle Arin sings a friendship song that escalates into something more. After this they share a couple of girl stories.

Danny runs around with a CD and sings Blue by Eiffel 65. Arin joins in and they make fun of the lyrics. It's pretty fun :)

Grumpcade Intro


This is the introduction to Grumpcade when it first came out, now reuploaded to GrumpOut on its own for us to enjoy!

On reaching a very high number of subscribers, Ross wants to celebrate by playing a console game. HOWEVER, he's a PC guy on the show, so a new show has to be created called Grumpcade!

The Grumps are over and back discussing this idea, including Danny who is totally there(not there) through the power of editing!

Yo-Kai Watch Part 3


Suzy and Holly win their first battle!

They give Buhu "FEATHERS" as its StreetPass name.

A little cut scene plays out and Whisper follows them home. HOZY's parents are fighting and it turns out it's Yo-Kai activity that's making them do that. They find out that it's this big purple blob named Dismarelda and they have to deal with her. Later on, Whisper gives them some rice balls. That's nice of him :)

Holly and Suzy talk about rice balls and Japanese convenience store food. I'd love to try some nice rice balls someday...

Monday 4 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 97

Back with Arin and Danny for more Bloodborning and music talk! There was a band when Danny was a kid called "Butt Trumpet". Very interesting! :)

Arin comes up with a strategy to take on the laser pulse heads: Hide behind a pillar until there's a break in the laser attack. Then go and get them.

On further inspection, they're not lasers. Still dangerous Wizrobe like projectiles though. Arin takes care of them with poison though so it all works out in the end :)

God Hand Part 12


Back to God Grumps! Starring Ross aka Jesus, Octopimp aka Alex aka Buddha and Arin aka Greg.

They make jokes about Alex's obsession with anime.

They reach the main evil guy, who transforms into a giant gross fly. They beat him though!

On the next stage they make a lot of video game logic jokes. It's funny for this game because it's a very pure video game :)

Up ahead, Octopimp gets defeated! Noooooooooo! :O There goes the perfect run!

They then make fun of Gene's exclamations on collecting items. I love those :) the whistle, the "I love it!" and "Awesome!"

Portal 2 Part 2


Back with Arin and Danny for more Portal puzzling!

They're really enjoying themselves. They're doing high five gestures, real and in-game; they're co-oping on puzzles together and sometimes messing around too. Fun stuff :)

The episode ends with Danny saying this game was made by a genius.

Sunday 3 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 96


We join Arin and Danny back at the lady whom they gave the brain fluid. Apparently, when they didn't get anything she was supposed to give them the balcony key. Now it seems to be patched and they've now received the balcony key :)

They talk about the Black Eyed Peas for a while. Danny was a huge fan of them. I didn't know they were active back then! Where is the love for them now? (jk)

all of a sudden a big blue PS4 error message comes up! It turns out Brent signed in with the same username on a PS4 in the next room! While the episode is still recording, they get up and yell at him. It's all very funny :) I'm gonna make a label especially for him. Welcome, Brent!

They talk about that website Will You Press the Button? for a while.

Poor Arin gets zapped by lasers and dies. It's coming from those gross pulsey head things. They're getting dangerous now! The next encounter he has with them, they spot him and he screams trying to get away!

God Hand Part 11


We join Octopimp aka Alex, Arin and Ross for some cutscenes and shopping. Alex says they're nearly finished the game and Arin can't believe it, as it took him much longer to play through. They must be doing all this in one session or so!

After some obelisks, they come across a boss that detaches apart and comes together again. It reminds Ross of Metal Gear Rising. That game was a neat idea for a spin-off!

Ross says he's never played Resident Evil or Kingdom Hearts or much of Final Fantasy. He's not alone! I've played a good bit of Final Fantasy but not Kingdom Hearts at all. I've only played chunks of Resi 2 and Resi 4.

The next boss is a guy that can split into several copies but Octopimp beats him quickly too.

Portal 2 Part 1


We join Arin and Danny for a fresh co-op game of Portal 2! This is my first time using the PlayStation 3 label too.

Danny's mind is blown at the concept, just like everyone else's when the games first came out. Still really fun to see, though! :)

They don't make too many jokes here as they're fully concentrated on figuring out the logistics of the button pushing puzzles.

It's gonna be an interesting playthrough!

Saturday 2 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 95


We join Arin and Danny as they summon for more help. They summon Zissou29.

This inspires a discussion about Wes Anderson movies and stuff he does in movies like steady shots, wide angle shots and long shots. I've seen a few of them and I absolutely love this kind of film making! Shaky cam can get lost.

Poor Zissou29 dies and Arin dies soon afterwards.

They talk about the Spanish fan dub of one of their Crunchroll adverts. I pause and watch it here:

It's pretty good! Well done, DelfinMaestre Fandubs!

Arin tries to summon someone else but it's taking a while. They take another look at the old dead(?) swaying sunflower.

Danny sings Maria by Blondie. Arin thinks he was just making it up. Arin loses against her again.

He manages to summon someone else next. It's ThraneVanNord. He manages to get them to her next stage of attack but Arin dies again unfortunately.

Unable to summon someone else, Arin decides to take her on alone again. All psyched up, he gets her down to her third form but then gets killed.

It's some kind of progress anyway!

God Hand Part 10


We join Alex aka Octopimp, Arin and Tolerable Ross for a platforming segment!

It may not seem like much but we're told you get a straight up game over if you fall off them.

Next they lure a poison chihuahua to a bridge guard. Then they face the Sentai-like imps again.

They talk about the annoying thing where you repeat what someone says in a whiny voice. Very annoying!

Then they talk about puppy farms and pugs. Eesh and eesh.

Up ahead they face a psychic midget whom Alex says is the hardest boss in the game. Arin and Ross don't believe him though, because he used the Shaolin Hand on him. I don't know either!

There's a big statue of Elvis up ahead. They all talk about Hideki Kamiya's Twitter. It is an amazing Twitter! Lots of fun there :)

Next they face Shannon in her demon form. They say how it's like a Zelda boss with the weak point. It does have that "Big eye" thing going on alright.

Dead Rising Part 32


Arin and Danny continue to struggle with OJ supplies and health. Otis rings a few times. They're still in the WAP demon mask but they also have a suit on so they're like "Sell! Sell! Put all my money in WAPPIN'!" which is pretty funny :)

They head back to the security room and some exposition happens. Isabela talks about blowing stuff up. On the way back, they don't bother with the elevator because it sucks with it being full of zombies all the time. Thank goodness they're getting tired of it too! They did get a sweet bonus by kicking a ball in there though.

Later they discover the wonders of reading! The reading material gives you stat boosts. You have to have them in your inventory though, like accessories in RPGs.

Yo-Kai Watch Part 2


Suzy and Holly go to Mount Wildwood to look for bugs. Looking at the game closer, it seems almost exactly like developer Level 5's other game, Fantasy Life. The messages that come up and the way the character moves and everything. It all looks really similar.

They head up to the mountains and meet a cat that growls. They talk about the Jerusalem cricket so I look it up. Funny looking thing.

Then they come across a Gachapon machine looking thing that asks to be fed. When they do, the first Yo-Kai appears! His name is Whisper. Holly gives him a whiny ghost voice.

They're taken through a tutorial and find another Yo-Kai, Buhu. It's a bird with a sad face on its belly and a floppy bird's neck and head. It challenges them to a battle. Just then, it turns out that the cicada they caught is another Yo-Kai named Cadin. They give him BUGGIE as a StreetPass name. He sounds all gallant and everything. The battle happens in the next episode!

So far, it seems this game was made for Suzy and Holly, as they love bugs and birds!

Friday 1 January 2016

Bloodborne: The Old hunters Part 94


Arin summons a player, something he didn't do often for the Bloodborne playthrough. Good idea for facing the Living Failures boss again!

Danny and him start the video actually by talking about Tom Green and epididymitis. Yeesh and yeesh!

Seriously though, any news about Tom Green? He's gone awful quiet.

Anyway, they take care of the boss easily this time. Thanks a lot MrTiddlyBits! They invite him to tweet at them.

Afterwards they meet another boss, Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. She beats them...

So they recruit another guy, Ninja_Tino49. They're delighted he's doing the hand gesture with them. They take on Maria again and... lose again. Oh well, thanks for the help anyway Tino!

God Hand Part 9


Octopimp takes care of Elvis in demon form in this episode. Arin and Ross note how it looks like various things, like a Skylander. It TOTALLY looks like a Skylander! They defeat him and it looks like he's gone for good.

Things are getting more difficult now! We're really getting to see what Octopimp is made of.

They all talk about iconic sound effects like the Jetsons car noise. I love that one too. Not sure which is my favourite though... hmm... Will have to think about that one.

Space Camp: The Movie - by 3D Bear


This is from the time Ross and Holly played Space Camp for Wii. It's presented movie trailer style. Ross is wearing a sweet Saiyan uniform.

Things are dramatic, yet humorous.

I like the addition of First Officer Feathers.

This reminds me of how the new Zelda for Wii U looks.

Dead Rising Part 31


We join Arin and Danny as they give names to the random zombies they kill. Genders are mixed up but what the hey!

They get kidnapped by the psychopath cult and wake up in a room stripped down to their boxers. It's a weird place and they seem to gather here and do culty stuff. Arin and Danny nab the sword and deal with some of them but there are too many. Eventually they die and have to load from the last save.

They find a shop that has battle axes and katanas so they're pretty happy right now!