Monday 29 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 74 - Megan Man


Arin and Danny will try "Everyone loves P-Runs" by Illuminati again later. It was a bit too hard to listen to all that P-Switch ringing while dying constantly, so they move on to "METALMAN" by DanIsDumb. Yup...

Lots of lovely tributes to the enemies in the Metal Man stage from Mega Man 2 here, and it's great fun pointing them out!

Then there's the super cute Miiverse doodle Arin made of a girl Mega Man called Megan Man! :)

Bust-A-Move Universe Part 2 - Bubbly Moon


Barry had to tell Brian what a Circle Pad was. Well, now he knows!

I wonder if Brian watched the 60s Space Ghost while growing up? I did, but that was because of Cartoon Network showing loads of reruns in the 90s.

This was the first time in a while Brian mentioned his PhD. It wasn't even him that brought it up, it was Barry!

Sunday 28 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 23 - The Zap Happy


Danny and Arin have to deal with baddies on a conveyor belt or something now. It's pretty tough! Tough enough that they have to psyche themselves up with funny two word chants.

Data entry! Data entry! Woo yeah!

Super Mario Maker Part 73 - P-Switch Ringing


Arin and Danny continue "Everyone loves P-Runs" by Illuminati.

I don't want to watch that video Danny described, but I do want to see that YouTube comment!

There are a few amazing zingers and corporate logo commentary, but all I can concentrate on is rooting for Arin! I think he should try and keep that Propeller Mushroom. He'd be able to glide against the ceiling above those Munchers in any case.

Oh that P-Switch chime would drive me insane after a while too!

Bust-A-Move Universe Part 1 - Yay 3DS!


Barry and Brian take on this 3DS game! It's Puzzle Bobble! Not Bubble Bobble! This is important to remember! What the heck is Snood?

Well yeah, there are like a million variations on this thing. This one has stuff like keys and bosses and bonuses that I've never seen before, though they may have appeared before. Barry and Brian talk about everything under the sun! Above too! This is the "Universe" edition of the game after all.

Portal 2 Part 22 - Changing Directions


Danny and Arin return to co-op puzzling. How come Arin left the PS3 on? Maybe he didn't want to go through all the loading screens and stuff. Anyway, it froze and they had to load it all up again anyway.

They solve this really complicated one where you have to change the direction of the swirly thingy. They manage it pretty well.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Super Troll Island - British Psychadelia


Crazy Grump eyes on the thumbnail! Before I watch this episode, I just want to say I know this game very well! I saw an ad for it in a game magazine back in the day, which showed rave review scores from various other game magazines. Back in those days, the most common complaint for a game was that it was "too easy" or "another bloody platformer". Magazines loved this one though. I played it myself and it was very arcadey and fast and colourful and psychedelic. Let's see what Arin and Danny think of it!

By the way, I got 5/10 in that cummingordrumming quiz. What a concept for a website!

As to be expected, they're freaking out at it! :)

There's something very British and Amiga-like about this game. However, the arcadey fast paced action makes it quite playable.

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 7 - Dog Butts


Barry and Brian come up with slig bombing strategies. It's a nice cool night sky area here.

I didn't see any fellow lovelies commenting on dog anal gland videos on YouTube :( Maybe they were ninja commenting?

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 27 Finale - My Danny The Hero


Danny and Arin go on to the finale episode of this second playthrough. Aw! I forgot to mention Arin's compliment fishing in the last episode by the way. How cute :)

They lose a few times to the last boss, but they come up with a winning strategy. It involves Danny doing all the work, but he's got all the super Amiibo powers, so it makes sense!

They win and we all enjoy the epilogue and credits together. Danny's unintelligible Black Knight dialogue continues to be amazing :)

That Shovel Knight game giveaway they're having, I wouldn't be applicable since I'm not in the Americas. Besides, I already have my own European Wii U copy of the game! I just need to play it! You do too! Can you believe this game comes with a physical instruction manual?!

Ben and Ed Part 3 - Progress!


Suzy has made it until now without putting a head pun in the title. Well done! Markiplier couldn't resist at all!

She completes the challenge and goes onto the next, chasing after Ben. She's making good progress. Her thumbnail avatar is getting so mad though! Cute :)

Friday 26 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 72 - P-Switch Blues


Arin and Danny go on to "Everyone loves P-Runs" by Illuminati. Danny got this level from an NSP fan named Felicia Mosely.

Oh boy it's another toughie! That lovely NSMB U background is here though. It's absolutely gorgeous and almost lessens the pain of repetition on this level!

They talk about various things which leads on to a nice story about Arin winning a voice role on the Marvel Ultimate Alliance video game. They also talk about the lovely story about how Arin and Danny first got in contact :)

I love the part where Arin went "Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai!". I felt like adding " you verrrrry much" like the song by Carmen Miranda! :P

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 6 - Mind The Lasers


Brian talks to Barry about his baby daughter Audrey and about her learning words and about how she's obsessed with Danny. D'aww!

Shakespeare's epitaph does sound pretty darn cool.

Those motion sensor thingies are kinda like the blue things in Undertale.

They're pretty good at the R tongue rolling thing!

Cillian Murphy - By Ghost Satellite


Great choice of dialogue in this cartoon! It's Arin and Danny, dressed like those Cosmos dudes from the Katamari games hanging out in a café, eating banana split ice cream and drinking tea and Arin's talking about getting bottomed by handsome male celebrities while munching down on the banana. I like the expression Danny has when he says "definitely" but I love both their expressions throughout the whole cartoon! Meanwhile, the Prince is rolling his little Katamari all around them. Lovely stylistic drawings and colours in this cartoon too! Very well done indeed! Watched it at least 3 times while writing this!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 26 - Cool Game Ideas


Danny and Arin take on the last level!

At the start the blocks come flying at them like all those things in Gradius at the end of the second level, or floor tiles in the Zelda games. Then blocks form in front of them like in Mario Galaxy. Lots of neat ideas here! They wonder if this is new and I don't really remember it either from their last playthrough.

Lots of concentrated murmurings during their battle and they eventually recover Shield Knight! It's not over there though as we'll see next time!

Ben and Ed Part 2 - Control Wrestling


Well done on beating that first part Suzy! Now for more.

It proves to be very hard and frustrating but she makes it! It's not an easy game to get used to I'd say.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 71 - So Much Pain


Arin and Danny try to do "Super Shmup Bros." but it's deleted now... :(

Instead they go for "10 Seconds of pain" by Toews. Man, that mean spirited invisible block at the edge. Yeesh! Just looking at those first few Thwomps are enough to make you weep as well.

Oh that premature celebratory cheer that Danny did was hilarious when it went into an anguished scream!

As if finishing it wasn't enough, Arin had to try it again for the world record! On one attempt they forgot that you have to hit the white platform at the goal to finish the stage. It's one of those new Mario Maker rules!

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 5 - It's Not Nice, It's NOICE


More noice-ness with Brian and Barry.

One of the nice(whoops, noice) things about PS1 FMVs is when you go into a static prerendered door or something and then it transitions into the FMV movie seamlessly. This helps with the suspension of disbelief.

Barry quotes some Shakespeare and Brian is very impressed :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 25 - Infinichicken!


Infini-Danny and Arin continue to fight against in the boss rush. (Never thought of making that joke until now!)

They eventually beat them all with the help of the chicken they get between fights.

Ben and Ed Part 1 - O-limb-pics


Suzy's little avatar is smiling on the thumbnail this time! It wasn't too happy on the Doors series!

That head throwing thing is kinda neat. Wow, all those keys for controls! Seems like it would take some getting used to. I might get along better with a good analogue stick for control but she's getting the hang of it.

Funny how you can keep playing when limbs get sliced off! Weird and dark sense of humour!

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Take On Me - NSP


First post talking about NSP music videos! So yes! The new cover album by Ninja Sex Party and this is one of the videos. Take On Me just makes perfect sense to do and they've pulled it off very nicely.

As a tribute it's just spot on with the lighting to those early music videos that's just on a dark stage with bright lights breaking through. For example, like ABBA's Dancing Queen. Excellent shimmering costume by Danny and mascara by Ninja Brian!

As a cover it's just lovely. If you're a stickler for the original song, this is certainly the best of the covers you can get. If I'm honest here, my favourite version of this song is the one by Reel Big Fish, especially in Samba De Amigo!

The chorus is just perfectly sung and Tupper Ware Remix Party know what the heck they're doing too! This new album will be just the thing to take us out of this dark dreary Winter!

Super Mario Maker Part 70 - Spiny Bouncing


Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian of Ninja Sex Party appear before the video to tell us about their new cover album and a video they just put out of "Take on Me". I gotta check this out! Also, I think Super Freak by Rick James would be a great one for them to cover!

Back to Arin and Danny as they continue "Bowser's Puzzle Dungeon" by Bowser.

That puzzle with the helmet is pretty nuts. Also, that Fire Bar spinny thing is like something out of Gradius 2!

That Spiny bouncing thing  looks pretty cruel :/ it's nice that there's fresh stuff to see at every turn though.

They talk about weird 80s music videos for a while.

They manage the final showdown and that's that! Now for that Take on Me video! :)

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 4 - NOICE


Barry and Brian continue possessing sligs.

"Noice" is Brian's new claimed catchphrase. Not sure where he got it, but he has appeared on British TV so maybe...

He spends a lot of the episode reading song lyrics from well known songs we may have missed. Some interesting stuff there.

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 24 - Mouthful of Cereal


Arin starts the episode while Danny has a mouth full of Cheerios. Heehehee :)

It's a tough level up ahead again and they reach a boss banquet. This'll be tough with two players...

I've never watched Arin's Girlchan stuff. I'll have to check that out sometime.

Doors Part 3 Finale - Finale? Awww!


Finale? Aww!

Suzy eventually makes it through. On the next stage, things are spooky with the big skull door and Suzy doesn't even look at the fifth door's clue! Gaaaah! I wanted to see for myself! Lucky thing makes it through though! I guess she was too spooked by the atmosphere to wait.

She skips the clue on the next one too and makes another lucky guess! I think I'm going to stop using my notepad to solve things for myself if she's not going to look.

"Are these even supposed to make sense?" she asks. Yes they are!

Ok, she looks at all the the doors in the next one at least. Back to the notepad :) It's fewer doors too and she makes it capably.

Round and square doors next! Fresh! I like it!

Triangles on the next one! There are 5 choices again though. Time for me to put away the notepad again as she bulldozes through!...^^;

On the following one, I'm able to see all the clues so I paused the video and worked it out again on the notepad. It was pretty nice! I wish she looked at all the clues so I could write them down and work them out...

The one after this took me at least an hour to work out. Yeesh!

Then another lucky skip...

Then a place with 30 doors! WOW! I would love to do this one logically! Poor Suzy just toughs it out and tries every door until she gets through. Logic puzzles are just something you have to be interested in.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 69 - Brian Crying


Arin and Danny discuss Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne. Guilty pleasure songs :)

I've only watched the video with song once. I don't have any strong feelings towards it. I was a big Avril Lavigne fan back in the day too!

Oh yeah, they're still playing "Bowser's Puzzle Dungeon" by Bowser. They make their way out of a hole by stacking POW blocks.

I'd love to hear Brian talk about gravitational waves while he's crying at the same time. I am more interested in Danny's Cheerios though. Bought a box myself today! Not the honey ones though. I don't think we have the honey nut ones here either like Danny was having. Just the honey ones.

Almost forgot Brian's thing! Uh... whatever it was. I'll just try to remember "Brian" and "Crying". That should do the trick.

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 3 - Still Playing a PS1 Game


Brian is not wearing pants today. Barry is. It's too cold not to wear pants here...

They talk a bit about Magfest and how they're excited to be going.

Brian sings the words "I'm Mad" at the end slate. Hey, that was an Animaniacs song!

At least the game isn't shaking anymore like it was on the first episode. Things are going well.

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 23 - Black Knight Muffledown!


Danny and Arin face Black Knight again. I noticed him growing wings too! I was kinda shouting at the screen for them to pick up the gold satchel in the corner!

Troupple snot! Imagine that as food! Anyway, love Danny's voice as Black Knight again :)

Doors Part 2 - Office Doors Are Weird


Can we go back to looking for bacon? This office place outside the logic puzzles is creepy and lonely and Suzy is doing this all by herself! There are lots of weird messages here that make little sense. I guess the fact that there are loads of doors here means the game is consistent with the title.

Suzy then finds the way into the next section, and we're back to logic puzzles again! Yay!

Only have time for one though and she gets it wrong! Gah! It's the red door! Red!

Ah well. I guess it's fine for me to be able to pause and work this out on a notepad, but she has to make a video. I could be less harsh but I'm too excited about these puzzles!

On the other hand, there are times I can't stand puzzles... I'm not quite sure what influences that.

Super Mario Maker Part 68 - I Miss Sitcoms...


Arin and Danny take on "Bowser's Puzzle Dungeon" by Bowser. Yes it is one of the official levels.

Wow, that generic sitcom thing was pretty awesesome! The voice Arin did reminds me of the secretary from Fish Police talking about her ex-husbands. Danny joins in too and between them, it makes for an amazing and hysterical episode!

That puzzle at the end was kind of a stumper. What made that buzzy beetle shell appear at the bottom? I kind of had my own eureka moment when I saw that maybe they could just eat one of the springs inside the wall. Then there was that unfortunate ending! At least they know what they're gonna do now and they can always go back to the P-Switch dispenser pipe on Yoshi, rather than starting again.

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 2 - Slig Scanners


Barry and Brian find a working controller! It's good to see both of their brilliant minds at work on this cerebral and demanding game. Barry says it's like one of those cinematic platformers. It seems like it may be more playable than the likes of Another World or Prince of Persia.

When one of the sligs explodes, Brian talks about the movie Scanners. I've only seen the gifs too!

Monday 22 February 2016

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 22 - Grumps In Tights


Danny and Arin go on to a tough stage. That crushing ceiling and floor reminds me of the yellow one from Super Mario World.

Oh wow yeah I remember that line from Robin Hood Men In Tights! Yes too, I remember that big wad of spit that comes out when he says it!

Super Mario Maker Part 67 - Real Arin


Arin and Danny continue playing "Hail-Fire Peaks" by glu. They talk about Rob Schneider's new show.

Next, they play "Feelin' Hot! Hot! Hot!" by Dodgy. More talk about the show. Arin's fascinated with it! He's trying to make sense of it and he has a lot of questions! I remember Danny saying that thing about his dad going into a spiral before :)

Next level is "Bowser's Puzzle Dungeon" by Bowser. They'll play it next time. Is this one of the official levels?

Sunday 21 February 2016

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Part 1 - PS1 Dinosaur


Brian and Barry do this new playthrough. What's up with the screen? It's quivering and shaking like heck.

The game encourages snide comments among players, letting the Grumps be Grumps! They were pretty happy to see that :)

So yeah it's a PS1 demo. Loooooong loading times too. Glad they mentioned that. Poor Barry has controller problems too at the end. Yikes! Weird old game! :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 21 - Jack Around The Corner


Danny and Arin discover this weird rainbow barfing ability! After a few attempts they defeat Propeller Knight. They then do the icy stage that needs the infinidagger again.

After the episode, they do a live action skit montage of themselves doing the "jacking off while peeking around a corner" joke that Danny talked about! The sillies!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 66 - Nice Game References!


Ninja Brian and Danny Sexbang appear before the video and announce Ninja Sex Party's new cover album in a nice little skit with the two of them!

Danny and Arin go on to the next level, "Mario Gear Solid" by Nick.

OMG I would love it if they had David Hayter on with them to play Metal Gear Solid! It would be so awesome! Arin recognises Shadow Moses and the Hind D. in this stage. It's quite nice :) Danny leaves a nice cursive message on Miiverse too.

Next up is "Hail-Fire Peaks" by glu. A Banjo-Tooie reference eh? They use a lot of funny German accents here!

Spelunky Part 20 Finale - My Ross The Hero


We join Ross, Brian, Barry and Miles Luna for A scream filled finale! They set going to world 3 as their goal. I'd say that's about all anyone can take for this session...

The pressure was on Ross as he had to carry the others when they were ghosts. He makes a great joke about Miles and kilometres :)

At the end they hug it out. Yay :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 20 - More Airship


Danny and Arin continue their infinidaggering and infiniswaggering!

That's true about Nathan J. Barnatt. He is unbelievably talented and like one of a kind.

Their stolen joke banter is pretty funny :)

Propeller Knight boss up next!

Doors Part 1 - Will Solve Logic Puzzles For Bacon!


Suzy has a cute new avatar on the thumbnail of this new playthrough. I've seen this style of art on Commander Holly's thumbnails too. It's pretty nice!

This game is one of those Stanley Parable walking sims, which often make for a lovely experience. I like the foggy monochrome hills and robin singing in the background! It's puzzle oriented, where you try to pick the right door based on the outcomes of the logic statements. I used to love these in puzzle books!

My goodness, she was lucky on the second set of doors. All she could think of was bacon instead of logic answers! She thought she was doing the first one a second time!

The third set door she chose was just based on a thing she personally disagreed with! Lucky here too!

"Well, you die eventually" is the reasoning she had for picking on the fourth set of doors. Lucky again!

On the fifth set, her luck ran out! She learned that a door can be incorrect & lead to bacon! Dun dun duuuun!

On the sixth set(nice cacti here), she seemed to be getting the hang of it. Good girl yourself Suzy! :)

"What's the point of having us walk up to the doors?" she asks. Atmosphere, my dear! This game could be presented text only after all! The seventh set is in a cool cave. She lucked out here again! She said the green one was wrong! It's not wrong, it just didn't lead to bacon!

I can't exactly tell if the eighth was a guess or not due to her frustrated outcry, but she picked the bacon-leading one anyway!

Some cool floating rocks on the ninth one and a weird unsettling computer desktop style prompt. She picks the bacon-leading door easily.

The tenth one has nice stepping stones on a lake. She doesn't take all the statements into consideration and dies twice! Impatient! She goes through eventually.

The eleventh one turns into a hallway and she finds herself in a room. So she was in a game within a game and it crashed. So no more logic puzzles? Aw! "I never got my bacon!" she says. Double Aw!

This was a fun episode :) I kept pausing on the puzzles to try and solve them myself!

Friday 19 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 65 - BALOGNA!!


Arin and Danny are still doing "Super Meat Bros" by André GX. :(

I guess the word "Tinker" is a slur here. Actually, I dunno, but it is impactful. It is an excellent discussion they have about usage of language and the power we give words!

"Bologna" is a particularly powerful word in this episode! Arin's movie trailer voice is great :) it's just like his Awesome Solid Snake voice.

I too am so glad he made it to the end of the level! I want to move on from this one!

Spelunky Part 6 - Yay Ross!


Ross does something great and he is applauded by the others! Yay! He gets a high five for a classy joke too! He gets one from me too :) to make up for Brian not doing it.

Miles is very excitable and shouty! The passion is good though! I agree with Barry there!

OMG I agree about Scyther! It has an awesome voice! "Scyyyyyyyytherrrrrrrrrrr!"

I love that banter with Kevin showing up in text form! He does look really young! It's like he's from a Disney Channel sitcom.

Hello Governor - By Lemony Fresh


Highlights from the Spider-Man video where Arin and Danny had The Super Best Friends on the show, except they're animated!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 19 - Not So Infinidagger


Danny and Arin welcome us back with a HELLOOOOOO!

I don't really remember the airship stage from the last playthrough they did of this. Ah well. I love the "couples whisper shouting" thing they have fun with here :)

Arin also gets his own infinidagger! A lower level version of it, but still! I can't wait to see them infinidagger in synch!

Firewatch Part 3 - Suzy in the Woods


Suzy looks for the fireworks vandals, while the woman on the walkie-talkie gives out to her.

Suzy's jealous of people who live near forests instead of in L.A. She gets lost and winds up at the same spot at the end of the episode.. Maybe she's safer in the concrete jungle...

Thursday 18 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 64 - Arin's Body


Arin and Danny take on "Super Meat Bros" by André GX. I played some of this guy's levels before :(

Arin talks about the recent tweeting of his old pictures that goes "i can be your angle....or yuor devil". One is of him in a fedora with his Mega Man collection and the other is him with a samurai sword in a pose. He is really proud of it, as he should be!

He does have an unusual body with that six pack... fat. He does look good though and it's great to laugh at this kind of thing and be goofy about it :)

Spelunky Part 5 - AAAAH ROSS!


Ross makes himself, Barry and Miles die almost immediately from an angry shopkeeper. Brian survives with his ninja skills! This series wouldn't be half of what it was if it wasn't for Ross riling everybody up! :D

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 18


Danny and Arin get all flustered and can't stop dying and laughing! They reach the part where they came up with the "RAPTOR PRO TIP" thing in the previous playthrough! Ah, memories :')

It's cool how Tinker Knight falls in one hit from that cog thing! Are there other one hit defeats for enemies in this game?

Firewatch Part 2 - Cosy Adventure Begins!


Suzy likes the beautiful art in the game. At least there's something in the game that doesn't make you sad!

The game gets kinda interesting when you do this forest fire watch duty and go investigate some fireworks. Suzy talks about camping in Montana.

The game has a kind of nice cosy feel to it now :)

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 63 - Rapping Toad


Arin and Danny play some Mario Maker levels that Vernon fished out from the internet's best!

First is "Grottoes and Gravestones" by Cvrator. A hard one, but they make it thanks to a Lakitu cloud!

They sing a lot! Yes Danny, Smooth McGroove featuring on Starbomb would be amazing!

Had to turn volume down for Arin rapping as Toad, but it is very funny!

Pinstripe - Indie Grimdark Platformer Thingy


Yay it's the original Steam Train duo, Ross and Danny! Kevin joins them too! They're playing his friend's new and upcoming game and he gives us all the details.

Ross does a really good old man voice!

So it's a point and click indie grimdark platformer type of thing and they all seem to like it.

Wow, the kidnapped daughter looks like she's being crucified or something. That's a chilling image...

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 17


Danny and Arin change their look before going to Clock Tower, lair of Tinker Knight.

It's another dangerous level but they're unfazed on dying because they look so darn good!

Firewatch Part 1 - A Sad Story Begins


Suzy plays this recent game that people are talking about. It's like a visual novel and you make choices. You're a guy hanging out with your girlfriend and ye get older and ye get a dog and ye talk about having kids and ye take the journey of life together and then it gets sad when your girl becomes unwell. :(

End of part 1 :(

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Jackie Chan Stuntmaster - or Maybe LEGO Jackie Chan


The laughs begin right away! Oh, the graphics! Yes Danny, it would be amazing if it said "Roading" instead of "Loading"!

That timing was great when the idle animation came in. Sassy Jackie is the best Jackie!

But yeah, loading and freezing... this is a PS1 game alright! Arin tries to do that weird lid opening and closing thing, but it doesn't work.

I still don't really know if this is a bad game or not, but their reaction is the exact kind of reaction I would have had if I rented a game like this 15 years ago! Still some fun to be had :)

Spelunky Part 4 - Aw, Ross!


Brian says Ross is the death of comedy but I think Ross is the death and rebirth of comedy! He even does a Papyrus voice when skeletons appear, but since skeletons are enemies, he's all sad because they have to be killed. Aw!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 16


Danny beat Arin in the end of level rankings for the first time! Well done Danny! :)

They meet Phantom Striker and give him a voice kinda like the one Barry gave Asgore. Even after they beat him, Danny still wants to keep doing the voice while they go on to face Black Knight!

It's funny they way it's all indiscernible and you think he's saying something outrageous but he's trying to say something normal.

Slime Rancher with Vernon Part 10 - Sleep Problems


Suzy and Vernon talk about horror stuff. Vernon was afraid to watch Are You Afraid of the Dark as a kid. Actually, I was too! Didn't like horror at all back then! I kinda like it more now.

He talks about his sleep paralysis and other sleep problems that can happen.

Monday 15 February 2016

Hello Kitty Picnic - Date Grumps 2016


Arin and Suzy seem to be enjoying this game more than the other cat game they were playing today. I can't believe Suzy doesn't know how to play Checkers! It's funny that it says LEAVE instead of GAME OVER.

Hello Kitty doesn't have a mouth usually but she does in the cartoons. That's cute about her speaking from the heart though.

Bratz Forever Diamondz - Kevin's Back!


Kevin joins Danny for Single Train! Wow, that princess hair picture from The Last Airbender is hilarious! They eventually can't stand the game anymore and put on "Grumpcast: Love Edition".

Here they talk about love & relationships, share some very applicable wisdom and eventually just talk about dogs, how much they hate the game and tell everyone to go see Deadpool.

I saw Deadpool today alright :)

Kitten Corner - Date Grumps 2016


Arin and Suzy take on this Nintendo DS game. They make a cat named "Boob"! It's weird how the cartoon tutorial cat looks more appealing than the 3D polygonal cat. They can play tic tac toe with it at least! Controlling a mouse for chasing seems kinda fun too. They're pretty unimpressed with it overall and wish they were with their real cats instead. They're right, it doesn't seem much fun.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 21


Danny and Arin reckon this is episode 28. Not quite, though it may feel like it with all this brain bending puzzling!

They finish the next stage nicely and it feels good after so many tough stages.

That sudden death that surprises them on the following stage is kind of shocking. It would make me jump if I played.

After this, they both put their sussing skills to the test and it goes quiet with intense concentration for a while. Quite serious stuff! Victory in the end though, with nice high fives!

Spelunky Part 3


Ross, Barry and Brian continue with Miles of Rooster Teeth. He shares a story about a time they got a call from someone who thought they were some kind of bird dentist. You sure that wasn't a prank call or something?

It's funny when Ross says they did better when they were killing each other!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 15


Danny and Arin continue through the icy place. Danny's foot falls asleep so Arin pretends to spray a bandaid on him. He said it's from a movie. I think I remember it but not what the title is.

Lots of ice and pitfalls here.

Poor Danny gets miffed when Arin starts snoring at his football story. It's nice to see them try and make up though. :)

They come across Polar Knight at the end and beat him handily. Weird but interesting story they tell then about a car they rented that Nicki Minaj could've had before them.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 20


Danny and Arin try to find a laser or something in this room. When they do, you really get to see Arin's sussing skills! Mad sussing skills!

It has to be coupled with his Danny management skills too, which are put to the test as well! Danny's nice and co-operative though!

It's fun and really satisfying when you finally see the stairs appear for them!

Spelunky Part 2


Brian, Barry, Ross and Miles continue spelunking. I used to think this game was a remake of the old game Spelunker when I first saw it.

Ross wants to be dead and a ghost but no! He's not allowed! They want him to be alive so he doesn't cause as much mischief! :)

He and Brian are all mischievous to each other and make each other die. It's fun :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 14


Danny and Arin continue through a dark level. He talks about his friend Adam, who appeared in Metal Gear Awesome! the guy who shoots Arin at the end!

They then give up and try an ice stage. They talk about Mario playing Go Fish and do a funny piracy gag! Then they talk about drawing naked people and it's hilarious!

They try to remember where the Mario Go Fish game comes from. It's probably some PC edutainment game.

Nice pun about Astyanax too! Eye pimple :P

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 9


Suzy's right, the slimes here look a bit like Grump heads. Vernon's having a good time too. Yes too, there is a subreddit for this game! I guess this is the next popular thing but I dunno. I don't really think much of this game. They are cute little plushie selling thingies!

As they clear out the pink slimes, they say it's like they're Freeing Willy! They then try to guess what the plot of Free Willy is.

Friday 12 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 19


Danny and Arin manage the next level very decently!

The following level though, is a real headscratcher for them. Danny's having a good time riding the waves and Arin's tearing his hair out trying to figure a way to make the swirly waves reach the end. They've been playing a while so he's exhausted! Poor guy!

Spelunky Part 1


Barry, Ross and Brian are joined today by Miles Luna of Rooster Teeth and Red Vs Blue.

Three of them die almost straight away and haunt Miles. They have a lot of fun running away from the big ghost.

Another funny moment when they unwittingly sacrifice Ross at the altar! He gets his vengeance though!

The boulder seems to chase them back and forth when they take the golden idol.

At the end, Brian grades their performance with thumbs up or thumbs down :) ever the nurturing mentor!

Best of Game Grumps - 2015!


That's right, best of the year in general! I was surprised at seeing this! Hopefully I can blog long enough to cover a "best of" for following years too :)

Wow, they did Super Mario 64 during this time last year?! It feels much longer ago somehow.

The sassy Nidorina scene was amazing :) just a smile a second! Sometimes two!

Can't help but join Barry and Ross in the laughter at the first Pokémon drawing with Suzy's name to it :)

The "Like what ya see boys?" with Amy Rose was amazing, as was the random "Armenian" quip from Big(ot) the Cat, that just came outta nowhere!

Ohhhh the "You're a FREAK!" line is here too! That was amazing! :)

The "I fired and I missed" bit was a laugh they needed! The game was kind of weighing them down and disorienting them for ages before that. It was cosy, don't get me wrong but... I guess it was cosy because we were all disoriented together.

Wow, Markiplier and Ross played Mario Kart? I do remember something like that alright but gosh... again it doesn't feel like something that happened in the past year.

That first episode of Sonic Adventure DX could not have been better! :)

Poor Jirard, being shown that Pizza Time video by ProJared and Ross!

Arin then has that stand up comedian like monologue about Subway! It's so true. True of any deli counter anyway. Ordering a sandwich at any deli counter or a coffee shop pretending to be a restaurant can be an absolute nightmare of stress. Anyway, by the time he gets to "MORE onion please!" we're already on the floor laughing :)

Dan's Many Stories - by ThePivotsXXD


This cartoon is adapted from the time Danny was telling Arin about these women he had seen going into shops and saying "B'OKAY" and "B'SCUSE ME". I remember these stories! Especially the part where the girl behind the counter at KFC answered back at one of the women's sassiness.

The devilish slowdown of one of their lines at the end is pretty creepy!

I love how Arin looks a bit like a cute little devil with the way his hair is and his teeth being all fang like. Also love the Kermit the Frog mouth movement at the word "B'OKAY!"

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 13


Danny and Arin encounter Mole Knight! Arin gives him a funny nasally voice. After a couple of tries, they beat him!

They visit the village for supplies and catapult back to the other region. Things are getting even harder now, so when Danny does the "INFINIDAGGER!" and "HELLOOOO!" lines, Arin gets that feeling of dread :) Danny himself says that he's turned into Ross!

Good times :)

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 8


Vernon has a cat named Michael. He and Suzy talk about cats for a while. I never knew about cat claw caps before! Also, robot litter boxes? That sounds like something out of the Jetsons.

They also talk about talking to cats! Great stories about Suzy talking to her cats Mochi and Mimi!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 18


Danny and Arin continue with ball puzzle solving with warpy anti-gravity pathways.

Poor Arin spends so much time thinking it through that he despairs when it doesn't work. They end up having to look something up. It wasn't too hard but he admits complicating things.

On the next stage, the place and their controllers vibrate. Some door is sliding open.

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 6 Finale :(


The finale episode featuring Dustin of SoloTravelBlog :( 

Chip the beaver appears. "Is this a beaver?" Dustin says. He also says "I like beavers.", "I'm a fan of beavers." and how incredible they are. 

Poor Ross has never seen a beaver. I haven't either...

Awesome Arin extends our time with Dustin and this game by 10 minutes. Thanks for being awesome, Arin :)

Dustin smoothly opts out of buying turnips, saying that sometimes you gotta go against the market. Then, when the market crashes, he says he looks like a soothsayer right now. On the next turn though, the market takes a different turn and he misses out... Aw :(

Arin doesn't take another option to extend the game by 10 minutes. Supa Suzy kinda teased it, but no, I guess it's gotta end sometime... :(

Arin swoops in with a very lucky land on the last turn that wins him the game! He got so rich from that! Dustin then enriches us with words of wisdom. Ahh...

Shovel Knight Co-op Part 12


Danny and Arin do some awesome vocal exercises!

There's this cool green goo stuff that makes the lava all green and bouncy. It's an interesting idea and adds its own challenge. Danny sings Enya "Sail Away" as he does his floaty move.

Lots of "INFINIDAGGER!" moves here too :)

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 7


Suzy and Vernon talk about how farty the Grump office is. Vernon's been with the Grumps for a few weeks now and he talks about how the dress code is. Suzy says it's also really warm lately.

The topic goes to camping, and they say that Ross has a Dr. Who tent! But of course :) I wonder what it looks like?

They then talk about paranormal stuff and weird stuff that happens to people who go camping on the beach. Woo!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 17


Danny and Arin make pretend violent microphone sounds. It's fun :)

This next level has a cool anti gravity swirly air thing.

They high five when they finish and more noisy microphone sound jokes ensue!

They get to the next stage, where the puzzles in this area are a  lot harder. Hang in there you guys!

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 5


Dustin says "No" to Suzy's flower sneezing question. If that's his answer then it's the answer. Ross and Arin concur. Dustin has a better story about a cactus.

Dustin talks about the time he learned about Feng shui in school. This is the kind of thing that made him.

Dustin wins 1,000 Bells in a magazine contest for being the most buckwild.

Dustin talks about his favourite food to eat in Japan lately, Unagi.

Dustin Dustin Dustin.

Shovel Knight Co-op Part 11


Danny and Arin meet Baz on the map and take him on. He's pretty tough and they lose a few times, but get closer to victory each time!

They beat him and head back to the first town to deliver music. They get supplies from the Troupple King and head to the Iron Whale, a nice bonus stage with lots of money to collect. Afterwards it's off to Lost City, lair of Mole Knight.

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 6


Suzy and Vernon bought some equipment like a corral.

They say they don't like the Minions and don't get the Minion craze. I love them! I think they're hilarious!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 16


Danny and Arin welcome us back with some Spanish smoothness.

They do some funny weird wordplay thing while they try to solve the ball puzzle from last time.

It takes some doing and they have to do a fast forward thing but they figure stuff out. It's a pretty sweet solution involving a robot chest bump!

I hear some people don't like screen watching in split screen FPS games, but here, a split screen seems pretty helpful for both parties.

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 4


Dustin of SoloTravelBlog rolls on! Arin, Ross and Suzy are here too now and again.

Ross has an Australian accent on his Siri. Can you get an Irish one I wonder?

They have trouble with the microphone falling around the place again.

Dustin meets Katie on a square and she says she's been travelling solo. WOW! That's an incredible coincidence! Of course, it could be her stalking him!

"See ya baby" he smoothly says on the end slate. Wow :)

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 10


Danny and Arin welcome us back with the boisterous "HELLOOOO!" that Danny came up with in the last episode. That is gonna spread like wildfire! :)

They come up against Treasure Knight. They beat him on the second attempt and Danny unlocks the buzzsaw boomerang. Arin wins this round again in the comparisons.

They head to the next town and try to make Toader laugh by telling jokes. They get into a fight with the hat shop guy too. I don't remember this part in the last playthrough!

The hat guy disappears and they wonder where he is. Is he the guy on the map that was moving around when they left town briefly?

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 5


Poor Suzy and Vernon's slime farm is being devoured by the evil looking slimes!

She talks about her dream where Mochi and Mimi become the same cat and have kittens. It's kind of weird and then they talk about David Lynch stuff for a while.

It was pure devastation though on that farm... Kinda sad.

I Have a PHD


This is a compilation of the 3 videos Brian made for the "I HAVE A PHD" shirt. Dressed all dapper and in this classical academic setting, he has a great screen presence! I really enjoyed these videos when they appeared before the recent Grump episodes. :)

Monday 8 February 2016

Portal 2 Part 15


Danny and Arin return to puzzle solving!

They thank us for helping them reach over 3 million subscribers! No problem guys! You've been so awesome and entertaining this whole time that I'm happy to tell the world about you!

While they try to solve a puzzle involving a ball flying around, Danny says the Twinkie he ate is making him feel a bit humbled :) I gotta say, I'm not that big on Twinkies. You can't get them here except in import sweet shops and they don't taste as good as other baked treats you can eat instead.

So yeah, well done on passing that benchmark guys :)

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 3


More buckwild Animal Crossing with Dustin of SoloTravelBlog! Oh and... the other guys are here too I suppose... Suzy, Arin and Ross. Yeah.

Ross gives Dr. Shrunk a cool voice :)

He then gives Redd a... well he seemed undecided on Redd's voice!

I love the way Dustin says he refuses but then chooses the yes option. That makes you laugh in a way that catches you off guard!

He says something else amazing at the end slate! Don't miss it!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 9


Danny and Arin get chased by a giant angler fish that uses a treasure chest as bait. Arin says something is a Football term and Danny corrects him. I wonder if they were watching the Super Bowl?

Danny has a little too much fun with the infinidagger and does a campy hero voice when he declares his move. "INFINIDAGGER!" and "HELLOOO!" he loudly proclaims and it's funny every time :)

Sunday 7 February 2016

Who Wants to be a Millionaire Part 3


Arin and Danny turn this session into Game Grumps VS!

Danny's a pro at the 80s stuff, so he has the upper hand with those questions. Arin knows a good few answers too.

It doesn't end in this episode! The feud continues!

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 2


Ross, Arin, Suzy and Dustin(of SoloTravelBlog) get into the stalk market!

Suzy's dialogue on one square has Reese forgetting to write in her diary. I know what that's like...

They miss out on a chance to make serious money from the turnips, but at least they played it safe.

Dustin comes up with these amazing lines like "That head looks radioactive" that you can't help but explode in joy at!

Shovel Knight Co-Op Part 8


Danny and Arin continue on to Iron Whale, lair of Treasure Knight.

It's not a good place to be clumsy! There's this amazing story they share about a lady who befriended a moray eel. Of all creatures!

They're pretty silly this episode! It makes for a lot of laughs though. "Hey Bales!" indeed!

Saturday 6 February 2016

Undertale: Final Showdown


This is the uncut version of the livestream finale of Barry and Ross' genocide playthrough of Undertale. Highlights are compiled into the main channel's finale episode, but here it's all uncut and you can see stuff like Ross' cool Papyrus desktop, where he's wearing shades and is all buff and there's also a plate of spaghetti! Cool stuff like this :)

Brian asks them to sum up the playthrough, since he and some chat participants and viewers may be neophytes.

Brian asks Ross to introduce people to what Game Grumps is all about too. The description of it being like Mystery Science Theater 3000 sounds pretty good to me! I never actually watched that show, but I know what it's about.

In the other post, I noticed how Ross was dressed like Papyrus. Now I notice Barry is dressed like Sans too! They got all dressed up for the livestream event :)

Some cute little animations of Danny and Arin appear when something happens in the chat.

Ross even does the Papyrus voice for a little bit! Yay!

After a few attempts, they consider using something other than the keyboard to control, but Barry ends up sticking with what he's using.

Vernon answers some Twitter questions aimed at him that Brian asks.

When they break for pie and spaghetti, Ross and Barry bite into the cinnamon sticks, not knowing they were made of wood. Yikes!

On this day, Steam Train is Stream Train!

I finally learn that the guy in the stocking cap is their Irish intern Jack. Have a label on me, Jack! Remember, it's not jacksepticeye from YouTube! That's a different Irish guy!

Brent makes an appearance too! Brian introduces him to us. He tells his story, a little bit of his curriculum vitae. He gets some questions from the chat too. They talk about beards and homemade peanut butter.

For the rest of the stream, questions are answered from the chat. Brian answers a load of science and math ones. At the end, they thank us for joining them and supporting them and that's it!

Who Wants to be a Millionaire Part 2


Arin and Danny continue quizzing! Arin's turn now and he spends a bit of time changing the avatar's look.

There's a nice question about Wimpy and hamburgers :)

After an unsuccessful run, they try playing together in Party Mode. Arin's grumpily getting a Wii Remote for Danny, who comes close to the mic and has a nice little chat with us, the lovelies, for a while :)

It's a fun little chat. When Arin comes back it's time for next time. Danny says it's like being with a girl and the doofy friend doesn't pick up on the hint and doesn't leave them alone. Funny stuff!

Seriously though, finding an extra Wii Remote can be a hassle. It mightn't have batteries, or have flat batteries, because batteries for some reason now die over time instead of just through usage; or the batteries may have leaked and you have to throw the Wii Remote away. Also, since the Wii U came out and you have two consoles, you don't always know if a Wii Remote is synched to the correct console. I understand the frustration well! You have to be a designated technician to set up a game nowadays.

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival with SoloTravelBlog Part 1


Dustin of SoloTravelBlog joins Grumpcade today! WOO! Sounds like it's gonna be buckwild right? :) Here he is with Arin, Ross and Suzy.

Suzy plays as Reese, Arin plays as Digby, Ross plays as Cyrus and Dustin plays as the cool dawg K.K. Slider of course! (omg this is gonna be amazing. I love this guy)

Seriously it's so cool that he's reading out his messages on the spaces he lands on. He's a bit of a sensation :)

He lands on a happy space where he has a blog update that people liked and commented on. Art imitates life as Suzy says! :)

Next time they'll be doing the stalk market thing. This series is gonna be great! :D

Dead Rising Part 46 Finale


We join Arin and Danny for the finale! They get captured again by the special forces.

They escape and continue the race against time. Arin freaks out when the special forces appear in the supermarket and kill Frank while they're trying to get replenishing orange juice. They kill him so hard, Arin has to reconnect his controller!

They decide it's too difficult to finish by themselves, so they decide to commentate over MrToastSandwich's footage of the ending and give thanks to him.

Isabela and Frank are on this truck that looks just like the one Solid Snake used to escape the Shadow Moses base in Metal Gear Solid 1! Frank has a fist fight with Brock, a dude with a tank that's involved in some kind of conspiracy. Arin and Danny cheer MrToastSandwich on! After some punching and running back and forth, Brock is defeated and falls into the zombies. Frank screams and then the credits roll. This is the happy ending?

They thank us for joining them on this depressing ending to this incredible journey! I've blogged every episode of this long series! I hope it's something I can continue to do :)

After the credits, there's text exposition. Danny reads it out and that's the ending.

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 4


Suzy and Vernon ranch some more.

They talk about Suzy's cats. Suzy sometimes feels sorry for Mochi because his only cat friend Mimi is dumb. She's still a good companion for him though and before, he used to meow sadly at night with loneliness. Aw!

Vernon talks about his cat too and how she gets lonely for company as well.

Just like real cats, the cat looking slimes get in your way when you're trying to feed them!

In the next episode, Suzy will share a terrifying dream she had!

Subway to HELL - by Brandon Turner


This cartoon is inspired by the time Danny and Arin talked about if Hell was a real place, the subway train there would be disorienting and hellish in itself. In the cartoon, they're on the train and all the staff are demons in railroad attire(well, except for that guy in the underpants). They get all muddled and don't make the experience any less abominable than being confused on a real life train would be.

I like the bit at the end where the "We're the Stephen Kings of Stupid" turns into a review of their book and there names A. Hanson and L.D. Avidan are on it like a fancy treatment of an author's name would be :)

I don't remember what episode this came from, but judging from the whappin' joke at the end, I assume it's from Dead Rising!

Great bold and clean character design and lip synching in this cartoon!

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Part 1


Danny and Arin kick back with a game show game! Arin played this before when Jon was on the show.

They do this voice... is it the American host of the show? We had a different host in the version of the show that was here. It's still kind of funny though.

Some of the questions are interesting head-scratchers. Siri is consulted now and again too :)

Undertale Genocide Part 16 Finale


Barry and Ross are back in this livestream archive of the finale! Brian and Vernon are here too!

Barry gets a little further and the screaming starts on the next attack with Ross going "BATTLETOADS! BATTLETOADS!"

The next turn, Barry shows us what happens when you take the opportunity to check the spare option. You get extra dialogue too.

Barry takes a sip of water and spills some on Vernon. "Vernon wet! Vernon wet!" Ross sings.

Eventually they make it to Sans' special attack. It's pretty interesting! It perfectly justifies a livestream where they can discuss a strategy and show their reactions on cam. Look at how excited Ross gets when they finally beat Sans!

Holly comes in with her own baked butterscotch cinnamon pie and congratulates them! They thank her and say she's the best. This is so nice :) she also brought spaghetti to which Ross cheers loudly "SPAGHETTI!"

Sans leaves with some heart-affecting words and they move on. But first, they have the food they earned!

The face-cam takes the main part of the screen then and it's just them hanging out and eating the food Holly made. Brian and Ross get close to the camera so spaghetti can be fed to Ross, like that time pudding was fed to him! Then I notice that he has that red scarf and "cool dude" shirt that Papyrus had! Very nice choice, Ross :) They even do a Lady and the Tramp thing with the spaghetti! Brian feeds Barry some pie. I'm afraid I don't know who the guy in the stocking cap is.

Then the stream finishes up and it's back to a normal episode style. They thank everyone for the support during the livestream before continuing. It's all just such a cool thing :)

They progress to Asgore and he gets killed almost immediately. Then a pleading Flowie appears and he gets killed brutally as well.

Then a surreal scene comes up with a creepy, smiling Chara. She gives them the choice to ERASE or DO NOT. They choose DO NOT and Chara goes all scary and kills them so hard, the game window resizes and closes. Yikes... I don't blame Barry for getting frightened at that.

They go back into the game and some weird black screen is there with ambient noises. Ross and Barry try to figure out what's going on.

They learn that this screen lasts for about 10 minutes, so they bring back the conversation generator! Woo!

It's fun to hang out with them like this accompanying this dark screen and ambient music. Barry asks the questions and Ross answers like the serial murderer Chara would I suppose! They even have an existential kind of moment and it's fun :)

Eventually, text dialogue returns and they make a few choices. Unfortunately, the choices put them back in the void and they have to do conversations again. Eventually Ross just answers with either "Danny Sexbang" or "Murder". They're losing their minds in the void! Then he moves on from Danny to Kevin and back.

They wait so long they close the game and go back in. Aargh! It's still kinda fun though :) with Ross saying Kevin to everything.

Dialogue eventually comes back and the aspect ratio too, bizarrely. They choose the other option and the game closes again. On starting it up, it has reset like they never played. Also, Flowey is the spelling of that character's name, not Flowie like I've been typing all this time!

So yeah, wow. That's it. All reset. Is there anything else to this game? Another type of run you can do or another ending?

Anyway it's the finale of the genocide run. That void was long, but fun!

Friday 5 February 2016

Dead Rising Part 45


Arin and Danny continue the story. Isabela takes Frank back to the hideout. Now the clock is ticking until he turns into a zombie. He has to go find a cure.

Danny makes a very cute joke about Capcom turning into a website for hats if you say :)

They drive through the tunnel, mowing zombies and looking for the next vehicle. Arin makes Danny nervous when he doesn't check the map and drives around for too long in one car. But he's just living up to the stereotype he says :)

Later, he just makes it to a save point. Good thing he retains all that progress he made with the zombie kills and experience.

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 3


Suzy and Vernon slime some more.

Super Mario Maker Part 62


Arin and Danny battle on with "Battle Kid" by Blargen. They reach another checkpoint too. Woo!

Danny shares his sister's simple secret to a successful relationship.

Then they face the Battle Kid style boss with Spiny spines flying everywhere and Bowser being huge and almost impossible. They have to use a damage boost strategy and it's something else! Arin even does the same improv thing he did during the actual Battle Kid playthrough! It's great :) it's even harder though!

When Bowser is defeated there's still the Spinies, Buzzy Beetles and Chain Chomps to deal with. Buzzy Beetles and Chomps aren't harmed by fireballs either so it's tough to get past them while they're in the way.

They closely manage it though and make it to the end!

Arin draws up a Miiverse post. It's a good and fitting one to wrap it up with! They come to the end of the current list of levels they had lined up and reflect fondly on them. It's nice that they feel good after playing them. They don't always feel good when they finish Ross' ones for example! They're still fit to throttle him!

Classic Concentration Part 2


Barry and Brian play 2-Player! Barry chooses Clumpch as his name.

Barry wins the first round! Brian then tells him that the wager is for the whole game and not the round! Nooo!

Barry wins the next round too and the bet is cancelled out! Hooray! It is a fun time hanging out with them like this and rebus puzzles are fun. A quick Google image search gives you loads of them!

Dead Rising Part 44


Arin does a load of stuff while not listening to Danny telling him to hurry up.

Later on, they go to the helipad and the guy driving it gets killed by a zombie. It's a downer ending and they have a laugh and also have a... sad during the credits.

They unlock a bunch of stuff after the credits... What is all this stuff? They have to play to find out! This series continues!

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 2


Suzy and Vernon play a bit more of this game.

They talk about having motion sickness and that a full stomach can alleviate it.

Vernon talks about the non-horror part of horror movies at the start when they're introducing the characters. I'm still getting used to him but he seems alright.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Best of Game Grumps - January 2016


Best of January!

Ah, I loved the Zognoid talk where they pretended to be aliens pretending to be human. It's genius and the highlight here doesn't go on long enough.

There's also Brent's interruption of their gameplay. It was a nice comic relief from the dreary Bloodborne world.

That delightful cheer on defeating Maria... what this doesn't show is how many attempts it took to do it! That's why they cheer so much!

I'm seeing the jokes in the Spider-Man game I didn't notice first time round. They're pretty good actually :)

That Prank My Dad reference is here too :) Ah, I forgot that! It's a great laugh to come back to!

The "I'm gonna complete" belly laugh is here too, as is the reaction to the Wile E. Coyote fall.

When you hear the "oh? Oh! Ah! Ohh... Oh ! Oh!" when Mario is struggling on the conveyor belt, trying to catch the P Switch, you can see why this series of videos is their most popular at the moment!

Super Mario Maker Part 61


Arin and Danny continue "Battle Kid" by Blargen. Danny gives a history of Milli Vanilli. I remember the episode of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, where Princess Toadstool was a huge fan of them!

They talk about other musicians too like David Bowie and Coldplay. That story where he said no to one of their songs is a good story :)

They get to the checkpoint and it's a rotten one with spikes! It makes sure you stay as small Mario!

It continues to be a lot like Battle Kid. They seem to be enjoying it more and more too.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Classic Concentration Part 1


Brian and Barry settle and try to control the microphone. Brian plays as Spyyydr, a handle he often chooses for stuff.

He gets his butt handed to him by his contestant Donna in the first round...

When you guess something you have to type it in. The first answer was "COLORING BOOK". Does that mean I get it wrong if I spell it with a U?

Anyway, I remember this show! I used to watch reruns of it all the time as a kid :) Alex Trebek did indeed host it and the whole thing just looked fun and addictive. It really is a show of its era as well when you consider all the glitziness.

They have a bet on whether "IN ALL CANDOR" is the correct answer or not for one of the rebus puzzles and Barry loses! Yikes! Now he has to see if he can win it back!

Dead Rising Part 43


I've covered Game Grumps, you know.

I'm still reeling over that amazing moment from the last episode. I gotta watch it again and again!

Arin and Danny run around the zombie infested mall while Frank is still half naked. They put on a Servbot head. Unfortunately they get captured again.

Next they have to meet Isabella at the hideout.

Slime Rancher with Vernon of Hot Pepper Gaming Part 1


Suzy has Vernon on today! He's the newest on the Game Grumps team and he talks about stuff he's doing before they start the game. Barry and Ross played this in a video yesterday too.

They're still learning the game. Suzy freaks out when they see the baby chick thingy, but they have to feed it to the slimes for some reason.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 60


Arin and Danny are back at the stage select. Arin builds up to something and it turns out to be "Battle Kid" by Blargen. It's made in the shape of the Battle Kid sprite!

Lots of nice doodles here too! "Jennifer dumped me" is one of them, making reference to Arin's Battle Kid playthrough from back then. Now I know why it was appearing in my recommended videos today! It says it was uploaded a year ago. I thought it was more long ago than that...

They talk about Ross' obsession with dairy products. I love dairy too but man, it makes you phlegmmy.

Danny talks about "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Al T.V." and some of the great jokes that were on it. Sounds interesting! By they way, he'd be great for Guest Grumps! They said it before, but it's just something I'd love to see, them all in the same room together hanging out and being goofy! He also gets side tracked and recounts his personal experience on learning of Kurt Cobain's death.

This level's difficulty is on par with the stuff we've seen in Battle Kid. Loads of stuff to dodge with tiny windows of opportunity. It captures Battle Kid's essence just right.

Slime Rancher


Ross and Barry decide to play this game on a whim because it looked really cute. It's a first person shooter where you go around with a gun, vacuuming up things and shooting them at other things.

Lots of shooting and exploring in this game. Lots of cute critters in the game too.Ross is dying to play the game in his spare time and show it to Holly too.

Dead Rising Part 42


Arin contemplates the Pacific Ocean and just how much of the world it takes up. He and Danny get back to the game. They can wait at the helipad for 12 hours, or go back downstairs to deal with the special operatives. They decide on the latter!

They spend a good bit of time throwing stuff down on them from above. They fall and get captured, so they have to do a mini-game where they try and escape.

Danny talks about Brian making references to a drunk guy in A Clockwork Orange where he says "More Wine!" at fancy dinners.

When they escape, they have to survive a helicopter attack, even though they're almost naked from being captured. They try using a teddy bear futilely and laugh about it!

The most INCREDIBLE moment happens when Arin thinks the helicopter can't see him in the shadows. "He can't see me!" he says and then the next moment is just fiery death. My goodness, that couldn't be more perfect if they tried! That one will make the monthly "Best of" video for sure!

I mean, WOW!

Feel the Magic with Egoraptor Part 5


Arin and Suzy take another shot at the boss battle, Drive.

Arin recalls a game like this they played on the show before and tries to remember what the name of it was. I remember it! Incredible Crisis it was called :) the businessman protagonist would say something like "Yawehhhhh!" all the time!

Next up is Yacht, where they have to blow on the microphone to sail the yacht to the girl's rescue.

Next is the amazing Bonfire scene, where they have to help the girl out of her wet clothes. I remember back in the day, this was a demo on the game's official website! (I think it was a demo! Maybe it was just a video?) Anyway, the Maniac music plays here too, which is great.

Next is Dance. It works exactly like Space Channel 5! It even has the sound effect when the turn switches! I was obsessed with that game and its sequel :)

Monday 1 February 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 59


Wow this episode's title has a long acronym.

Arin and Danny fight on with "Blasted Furnace" by Tim.

The acronym stands for "Ways That Arin Has Died That He Has Never Died Before". Catchy huh :)

They make a Homestar Runner reference, specifically to "The System Is Down" song from a Strong Bad e-mail.

Arin screams out a couple of times from losing to the Monty Moles but fights on! This is their most popular series at the moment after all!

He has a few run ins with Goombas, of all things. That would make anyone scream. Patience of a saint he has.

At the end slate, he does another one of their coping mechanisms, which is to add funny lyrics to the BGM. It's not all painful!

Crunchyroll Christmas


This is the Christmas Crunchyroll advert, reuploaded for our pleasure! This is the one where Barry is wondering what to buy everyone for Christmas and gets possesed by the Ghost of Anime something or other voiced by Arin. Then he acts like a crazy action anime hero voiced by Arin and tells Suzy about Crunchyroll's subscription offer. Love the ending too, where he spits out the ghost as balls of paper. Mleeeaaahhhh.

Skylanders Superchargers Part 7


Dr. Brian appears again with a third ad for his "I HAVE A PHD" shirt from! He's covering all bases!

Arin and Suzy continue with their Supercharging. They go through an underwater section.

They talk about pooping habits. Arin loves it and goes twice a day. Suzy says she goes about once a week. Interesting stuff. I remember Danny saying he doesn't poop that often either. Then Barry has that app that keeps track of where he's pooped. In any case, healthy pooping is important!

Dead Rising Part 41


Danny calls our attention to a Hulk Hogan photo where he's at the beach. I don't think he looks fat...

Arin and him go onto the next scene with Jessie, who has now turned into a zombie, but Danny doesn't believe it! He's still holding out in hope! He is right about it being a downer though.

They kind of delay the inevitable but ultimately they have to deal with her now that she's become one of them.