Thursday 31 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 97 - Clever Tapper Goalie


Arin and Danny move on to "Goal Keeper (stop everything)" by Nevakee. Not the cool cave one but no biggie!

This one is pretty interesting, they have to keep the flames from lighting the Bob-omb! Danny says it's like Tapper! Nice!

Then they pass it and reach the next section, which is keeping the flames from using the helmet this time instead of Yoshi. Very clever!

Very clever level in general. Well done :)

Poor Danny's feeling under the weather. Must've been the recent SXSW convention and the concert too. Don't know how they manage really!

Carnival Games Mini Golf Part 2 - Golfing Pinball


Suzy and Brian's mini golf game goes through a pinball patch! Pretty interesting!

They talk about some movies where most of the audience were women, like a Knight's Tale and Frozen. Haven't seen Knight's Tale but I like Frozen.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 21 - Reverse Controls Rule!


Arin and Danny beat the Octorock boss eventually. Is there any other way to beat it than the tactic I discussed last time?

Arin is agitated by reverse controls! That's the complete opposite to me! Thanks to N64 gaming, I prefer reverse controls!

They take on the freaky Bio-electric Anemone Barinade boss and win! Then the next scene with Ruto is quite fun! Danny calls the look she gives Link, "The Look"

"Don't tell my father" she says and they say "No that's going all over the internet!". Imagine if Hyrule had online social media? Yikes!

Slime Rancher With Vernon Part 16 - Continuous Tattooing


Suzy and Vernon talk more about getting tattoos and how painful it is going in to the armpits. Yeeesh!

They also talk about how different people view tattoos. Again, I'm not crazy about them! Wouldn't get one!

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 96 - Grandma and Bodybuilding


Arin and Danny continue "Grandma" by Sink. After the nice Triforce level, it's back to pain! Danny finishes it and Arin wants to give it a go too, so he does.

Danny says there's something zen about washing dishes and he kinda likes it. I don't know what he's talking about... it's just a job or a chore really.

They finish and go on to "Stay on Track" by Dan. It's tricky with the conveyor belts and stuff. Arin talks about bodybuilding and stuff.

I hope they do the cool cave level next time...

Carnival Games Mini Golf Part 1 - Pachinko Golf


Brian and Suzy take this Mini Golf game on! Suzy tells the story how Arin was going to be the voice of the host. Such a bummer that it didn't work out... These games were freaking everywhere.

Suzy picks her "Brat" girl character and designs her up. Brian picks the woman and calls her "Babs" and designs her up too.

They seem to be having fun but I'm not sure if they like the pachinko parts.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 20 - Majora in the Shower


Arin and Danny talk about other Zelda games like Majora's Mask. Danny has his first look at the Majora's Mask Moon and says it's like those Madballs that were all the rage one time. I remember something like Madballs... maybe not exactly them but something like them.

Danny talks about an upcoming NSP video for a song about singing in the shower and it's quite interesting!

They get to the giant Octorock mini-boss thingy and end the video on their last bit of health! Will they get through it? Find out next time! My tactic for this was always to make it hit me in the face and turn around instead of me running the other way. It takes too long otherwise!

Slime Rancher With Vernon Part 15 - Tattooey


Suzy and Vernon go on to talk about doughnuts.They have chain stores of them over there. I love jam doughnuts :)

Then they talk about tattoos. Vernon talks about making friends with his Shadow of the Colossus weakness tattoo. I wouldn't go that far... Branded clothing maybe but not a tattoo!. Just not into them.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 95 - More Triforcing


Arin and Danny return to "Way of the Triforce" by Sean and do a different path. Replayability is good level design :) They do Ganon and Link's side and it's pretty cool.

Afterwards they move on to "Grandma" by Sink. This continues into the next episode :)

Babysitting Mama Part 2 - Kissasaurus


Brian and Suzy sit more babies. Suzy tries this time while Brian tells more Audrey stories. The game tells Suzy not the shake the baby too. Audrey is into dinosaurs now! That's pretty awesome, especially the kissasaurus bit. Cuute!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 19 - Princess Rude-to


Arin and Danny meet Princess Ruto. Yup, she's the worst! Making you carry her all around and stuff. Yeesh! They pick up the boomerang too so lots of good progress is made here.

Slime Rancher With Vernon Part 14 - More Mochi


Suzy tells Vernon more about munchkin cats and how she'd like another one for Mochi.

It's so cute to hear how Arin talks to Mochi on the phone! Or Skype or whatever that was.

Monday 28 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 94 - trolo and Triforce


Danny and Arin continue "Ani's Theme Galleys" by HandsUpAni and finish it off.

They move on to "trollololololololo" by JJL. Meme from the 90s? It wasn't memeing online that far back but it probably came from then. I love Arin's muttering here :) the level then is just a short couple of impossible jumps. They give up on it.

They move on to "Way of the Triforce" by Sean. Looks nice with its Triforce pattern :) they do the Wisdom Zelda path and there are two more of them. Nice variety there :)

Babysitting Mama Part 1 - Don't Shake The Baby!


This new series should be a laugh! Brian of course is the pro here and Suzy might pick up some tips. I love the picture thumbnail where Brian is kissing the baby doll accessory on the head!

First pairing of Suzy and Brian for a series and a great choice of game to do it with! It's like when classmates are assigned to look after an egg or something.

Suzy's filming Brian as well! It's gas! Very interesting game too! Lots of "Don't Shake The Baby!" messages!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 18 - Fish Bottle Puzzle


Arin and Danny do some funny Zora personalities. :)

They're trying to figure out how to get King Zora to move. Arin's very very close. I actually heard from so many people that they got stuck on this very part with the bottle and the fish. Arin cops it soon enough.

I love seeing Danny's fresh eyes on seeing the game by the way! They go into Jabu Jabu's Belly and he starts talking about Pinocchio.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 93 - Audrey and Ani


Danny and Arin move on to "Ani's Theme Galleys" by HandsUpAni. Ani's what Brian's little daughter Audrey calls Arin! It's cute.

Very interesting airship stage, densely packed with stuff and you have to figure out where to go. I like it!

It's a pity that choosing "Start Over" doesn't bring you back to the last checkpoint... ah well. It seems relatively painless, as they were having good fun with this level anyway. So that's good :)

Family Party 30 Great Games Part 2 - Brian's Roast Kale Recipe


Ross and Brian continue the greatness. Then they do a cowboy barrel dodging game. The landscape is kinda nice but the game doesn't seem to be as enjoyable. The stepping mini-game is frustrating them a lot too!

Then Air Hockey's up. It's one of the few games I still like in arcades! This version is bewildering to all though. You score by hitting the puck into this rotating thing in the centre. Do you have to put it in to opponents' colours or your colour? I can't tell how scoring works in this game.

Next is a penalty kick game. Confusing again... Then its a panel jumping game. Ross says it's like the piano scene from The Simpsons. I was hoping Brian would one-up him and say it's from Big starring Tom Hanks. I think it's like Turtle Rock from Link's Awakening!

Ross asks Brian about healthy food recipes and Brian tells him about roast kale. This is around the 10-12 minute mark. I'll have to come back to this. Might be handy for myself too...

Ross also gets Brian talking about the universe and multiverses. Ross becomes so depressed at the notion of the universe ending while playing this game, that he gives up to play something else!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 17 - D'oh-ras


Arin and Danny meet Malon again and Epona. They imagine Link (or Slurmp) getting mad at her for calling him "Fairy Boy!". Arin gives her a very whiny sounding kid voice and Danny begs her to shut up for a second! They also imagine her as being extremely profane!

After learning Epona's song, they  head to Zora's River. Danny asks the question that's been on everyone's mind and that is where the heck did Arin get that crab character in Zelda's dream and if it was a reference to something. Arin says he just made it up and Danny then says "I love you". :)

Zora's River is pretty fun. They meet this game's version of the Octarocks and how it's unusual that they live in the water. Then Danny is charmed to his toes when he sees all the frogs jump out and gather on the log.

Then they meet the Zoras and imagine them being really tactless with keeping secrets. Fun stuff :)

Saturday 26 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 92 - Keen Level Design


Arin and Danny move on to "VineropeChasm&CaveO'FishySecrets" by ThaTomHall. What a name!

Oooo that's a clever hidden bean stalk at the start.

KUNG POW reference! I have to point it out! It's the "What is your purpose?" line. Maybe I should make a label for Kung Pow references? Hmm... I think I will :)

Awesome Kevin edit too with the Danny Wins thing! So wow, ThaTomHall, was the level designer for Commander Keen? Neat!

A suggested level catches Danny's eye and he goes on to "Leap of Faith World 1 Level 2" by Terrence.

No leaps of faith, but he does turn into a sweet spring! Heh.... anyway he beats it and gets a Danny Double Wins edit from Kevin with two crowns this time!

He then randomly picks "Hayden" by joanthony. It's beaten even more quickly and he gets three crowns!

You know, It's nice to see them play easy levels for a change :) it doesn't have to be all pain!

Family Party 30 Great Games Part 1 - Noice Spark Ball


First of all, can I just say how perfect Ross' and Brian's Grump faces are on the video thumbnail? The game enthusiastically titles itself as great, but then there's the contrast with the unamused faces!

Ross tries out some obscene names and Brian picks his usual Spyyyder name.

The first game doesn't look that fun but Spark Ball seems ok. I like that they pretend they played it as kids in space :) funny stuff.

I love how Ross doesn't know what "Noice" is and Brian calling him out for not watching episodes!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 16 - Cucco Craziness


Arin and Danny resume the episode during the day. They have funny voices for the Great Fairy and the Owl. This time he's a chicken who mumbles the English language :)

Danny is delighted at the owl flying shortcut. It's a great moment alright :) always loved that part. This inspires a conversation about sky diving and paragliding and stuff like that.

They meet Ingo and yes, it's pretty much Luigi! And yes there have been Zelda references in Mario games! A recent amusing one is in Super Mario 3D Land, where you light torches with a Fire Flower, a door opens and the Zelda unlocking chime plays!

Anyway, nice death metal edit by Kevin there with the headbanging Cucco chickens! :D and Talon's "JO Crystal" is actually Bowser. lol!

The cucco catching minigame is gas! Arin eventually manages to catch them all with very little time to spare! So yay!

Loving this hangout with Arin, Danny and Ocarina of Time :) Puss? Who cares!

Slime Rancher With Vernon Part 13 - Mochi Settles In


Suzy and Vernon continue ranching. Suzy talks about Mochi, his habits and how he coped with the recent house move. Vernon talks about his shy cat too.

I think they talked about other cat stuff before but it's still nice to have cat talk. It's KittyKatGaming after all!

Friday 25 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 91 - Swim And Fudge


Arin and Danny continue trying to do to the music to "Swim: The Musical" by Vellhart.

Arin struggles and rages and Danny copes by singing the tune using his own lyrics and making up new curse words :)

Arin fakes a hilarious fit to cope and it makes them both bust a gut from laughing!

Arin's putting his DDR skills to the test... His DDR pride must be keeping him going too!

Seriously this episode must've been exhausting... Arin eventually goes barking mad.

Detective Barbie Mystery Cruise - Model Ship Ship


Danny and CBG19 take on this Barbie game! They play some interesting calming mini-games and have a nice time. It's a pretty chill episode!

I like that model of the ship joke that caught Danny off guard :)

"Barbie Pink" a trademark? You can trademark a colour? Or the term? Strange...

Danny likes NSYNC huh? Is his favourite member Harpo? ;)

Goddammit Sophie - By Nic ter Horst


This cartoon is inspired by the Dead Rising episode where the dumb NPC kept getting in the way of Arin's attacks on the enemy. It's pretty funny to see her pop up in the way, not a care on her for her safety! Arin's drawn with the Servbot helmet and Danny's there as a zombie. Nicely done and good lip synching and expression!

I also like that the zombies kiss him into game over! Pretty funny!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 15 - Up To The Fairy


Arin and Danny blow up the entrance to the boss room on the floor while still standing on it and drop into the Infernal Dinosaur King Dodongo boss fight.

Grapples sound very strange indeed.

They beat the boss and head up the mountain, marvelling at all the stuff that happens. Nice smooth episode :)

Slime Rancher With Vernon Part 12 - Suzy's Modern Life


Vernon and Suzy wander around at night.

Suzy tells a story about Joe Murray, the creator of Rocko's Modern Life. It's amazing! I loved that show so much growing up!

It's how Arin met him and everything. Well worth listening to if you're a fan of that show too :)

Thursday 24 March 2016

Happy 26th Birthday JonTron!

Must give a shoutout to the original Not So Grump! I always say that whoever's involved with Game Grumps is supremely talented and Jon is no exception. He's the original after all! He continues to do great stuff with his own JonTronShow on YouTube of course.

Reflecting on the past year we had StarCade and that amazing moment where he had his reunion with Arin! Such a lovely moment for us fans :)

Hope you're having a good birthday Jon! :)

Super Mario Maker Part 90 - Rage Against The Music


Danny and Arin return to Super Mario Maker once more! They're moving on to "Swim: The Musical" by Vellhart. These upcoming levels are handpicked by Vernon!

It doesn't take Danny long at all to get very ragey! Arin does all he can, offering a candy bar as a treat and everything. It doesn't stop this level being extremely painful though.

Arin gives it a go too and gets even more ragey!

The swimming has to be done to the background music, that's the solution! It's pretty cool but pretty frustrating as we can see! Both rage faces in the thumbnail avatar too!

Catwoman - CBG19 Debut!


Danny and Brian are joined by Comic Book Girl 19 for Catwoman on PS2!

This game's pretty awkward looking and seems to demand quite a lot for all the gymnastic moves. CBG19 talks about games she and her sister were into like the awesome Space Channel 5 games (I was obsessed with them) and she shares a memory about playing Silent Hill 2 during a hurricane storm. Imagine that...

They share some hilarious Barbie stories as well.

Pretty cool guest!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 14 - Death Mountain Asbestos


Arin and Danny momentarily forget they got a bomb bag! Wow! That realisation from Arin was pretty funny though! Danny didn't really forget. They have to think about the show I suppose!

Nice reference to that old internet cartoon! The cartoon with "My anus is bleeding!" line is a classic and I used to watch it all the time.

Danny blanks out on something and they worry if they're going stupid!

They eventually make it to the room above the boss room though! Thank goodness the fiery Keese didn't get them!

Slime Rancher With Vernon Part 11 - Vernon Feast


Suzy and Vernon are back to Slime Rancher after a while. They talk about food.

Vernon had a lot to eat when he went to Austin. I guess they're back from the SXSW thing.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Petz Horse Club Part 7 - Curly Qs


Danny and Arin gotta do more horse grooming!

Well, it's been 7 episodes! Danny is fit to give in and call it a series soon. At least he got the amount he asked for!

I love that horse pooping sound effect they do!

EXCELLENT Kung Pow reference here too!

Monster High New Ghoul in School Part 1 - Skelly Bonezone


Suzy and Ross take a Monster High game on! Suzy likes the dolls but not really the show. They both like the concept. Skelly Bonezone is a great name :) pity they can't use "Boner"!

They have fun finding glitches but they're not game breaking, just pretty interesting.

It's fun when Lagoona Blue comes on and she has an Australian accent :)

This game seems decent enough.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 13 - Intrepid Explosion


Arin and Danny fight on through the dungeon. Arin talks about the time his car exploded and about the LA bus system. We've heard about this before from Suzy but it's still interesting. Danny then talks about his old apartment in New York that used to get flooded. Crazy stuff...

When Suzy talked about the exploding car, it was during a Halloween episode(I think) and it sounded shocking and scary, but when Arin mentions it here, He and Danny laugh about it! Obviously the whole story wasn't told of course! It IS shocking and scary!

Arin dies a couple of times to the Lizalfos... He's pretty gutsy, taking them on without using his shield. He eventually makes it though.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 11 - Don't Go Through Where You Can't Pronounce


Arin and Barry give out to Suzy for having her phone out on her own show! Of all things!

Barry wiped out nearly all those guys in one go off screen but we do get to see a sweet moment where he rolls a barrel downstairs into one of them.

That part where they're quiet and listening for the leech "kissing" noise is funny :) they can't stop making kissing noises themselves!

I like the "Don't go through (placename)" that Barry does. A guy from Eastern Europe once said something like that to me! It's a fun memory :)

That spinny snake thing is funny too. I thought Barry was gonna yell "SNAAAAAKE!" all dramatic at the end there!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Petz Horse Club Part 6 - Ogre Oh No


Danny and Arin bring the mare back.

There's a lot more funny dialogue when they get back to the ranch. Some drama happens when Liam expresses his feelings and what seems to be their rival appears to stay for a while too.

Also, Fruit Loops? Like Lucky Charms, we don't have them here either. They tried to bring them here before but they couldn't have those crazy strong colours. They didn't taste much like anything really, just normal hoop cereal.

Wipeout 3 - Kangaroo Steak


Suzy and Ross continue to hold down the fort with games like this. Ross is dead right about reality TV.

This reminds me of the Ben and Ed game Suzy played on KittyKatGaming. What's with those Sonic rings on the course you can collect!

This game seems fine actually. A lot more fun looking than the Ben and Ed game anyway!

I haven't eaten any strange meat like ostrich. Wouldn't like to really. Maybe kangaroo.

Unusual episodes like this are fun. I'd still like to see Brian and someone else play Doors!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 12 - Danny's Apple and Happy Lion Face


Arin and Danny continue through Dodongo's Cavern. Danny's apple jokes are great in this episode! :)

A lion's face is not the first thing I think of when I look at the Hylian Shield... It's nice to be inclined towards something like that though.

Automated garage doors are a pain alright. I guess they're slow because of safety reasons. I dunno.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 10 - Speedhiding


Barry, Arin and Suzy return to gameplay!

Barry has a bit of trouble trying to get out of this situation with the 8 guards trying to hunt him down. I thought he was a speedrunner?

But anyway, it's good fun. They all talk about Jet Force Gemini. I've never played it myself.

Monday 21 March 2016

Petz Horse Club Part 5 - No Prrrroblem!


Danny and Arin go out riding again. I like that voice they came with for the horse!

The graphics in this game look a bit like Skyward Sword, or the new upcoming Zelda for Wii U.

That phone conversation was hilarious too :) "Uhh... the mare is here" he says.

But yeah, stuff that reminds them too of Shadow of the Colossus. This game has more than meets the eye!

Barbie and her Sisters Puppy Rescue Part 2 - Invisible Bike Walls


Ross and Suzy find a dog that got fleas and Suzy shares a story about the time Mochi got fleas from an IDIOT dog owner. Poor Mochi...

Ross' voice is that of a man in suffering. Poor Ross! Cycling around isn't the most fun experience with all the walls. They get some fun out of it though with the different animations.

There do exist good Barbie games believe it or not! WayForward made some!

It's fun to hear their reactions to the movie trailer too!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 11 - No More Jollo, Almost.


Arin and Danny talk more with Darunia. Arin gives him a groovy Jamaican accent :)

It's a nice change! Everyone was sounding like Jollo from King's Quest. They made a joke about this too. So yeah, they've now made their way into the Dodongo's Cavern. Lots of dungeoneering ahead!

Sunday 20 March 2016

The Hit - NSP+TWRP LIVE (SXSW 2016)


Isn't it amazing how Ninja Brian can do the ninja stare while playing the keyboard? Must be some kind of zen... in the zone... ninja thing. As a touch typist I can only relate so much. No seriously, there is some mysterious force beyond my understanding going on there.

Superb instrumentals by TWRP as usual! Danny of course is great and takes us all away to super cover land. :)

Everybody Wants To Rule The World - NSP+TWRP LIVE (SXSW 2016)


Excellent cover! Everyone is just so smooth on stage. Danny of course is doing an excellent job with his vocals and Brian's solo on the Keytar just makes me grin from ear to ear! Those TWRP guys seriously rock. Look at that keytar player, bowing all gracious like! So classy! I guess since it's to Ninja Brian, his life depended on it!

Robots In Need Of Disguise - Starbomb+TWRP LIVE (SXSW 2016)


The part of the song where Danny was mumbling was kind of fitting, as his and Arin's microphones just weren't loud enough at times! TWRP are rocking so hard you gotta have the microphones up! Great performance from all of them though :)

The Hero of Rhyme - Starbomb+TWRP LIVE (SXSW 2016)


Nice live performance of this rap! Instrumentation is amazing and Brian's attacking of Arin is fun too :) Danny's in too and introduces TWRP, NSP and Everybody Wants to Rule the World!

I Choose You To Die - Starbomb+TWRP LIVE (SXSW 2016)


I'm gonna have to start using a label for Tupper Ware Remix Party! Here they are playing this song and they look really good in their costumes on stage! Danny said at the panel his voice wasn't in the best shape but he's great to get up and perform nonetheless. Well done!

Game Grumps Panel SXSW 2016


That "Black Raven" channel on YouTube seems pretty cool. Anyway, there is footage from the panel Arin and Danny did from this year's SXSW convention!

Lots of excitement around question asking and queueing! I love the start where the name things get mixed up too :)

Maybe I can answer questions like "Favourite Game Grumps moment" and stuff. I think mine might be whenever a Game Grumps Animated cartoon really nails it, like the fight between Kermit the Frog and Ross animated by Jason Boyer showcased a few days ago. Stuff like that is amazing and so rewatchable!

If I could be a Sailor Moon character, maybe I'd be one of their pet cats snuggling up with them or something. Artemis... that's Mina's cat right? Him :)

Man, imagine level grinding the Game Grumps Pokémon! That'd be such an honour! Sometimes I wish I could be a professional gold farmer. If I could, then that would be one of the the best moments in my career!

That girl saying they're like her role models, her creative inspiration, well! We have something in common babe. Welcome to my blog!

Sex with a guy for a million dollars? I dunno.

Perfectionism in making something? Sometimes I can get hung up on a spelling or a sentence...

Any game you wanna make? Yeah, maybe a romance visual novel game or a nice adventure game. Or a noisy satisfying arcade game. I have other interests but this is all I can think of right now.

Prefer playing and commentating on good games or bad games? I am more passionate about good games and even the ok games that Arin mentioned that don't stand out too much. Bad games too if there's something good in them.

I don't know any of these American brands fighting for the Game Grumps prom date!

I would like to see Rob Schneider on Game Grumps. Weird Al too.

I used to watch Newgrounds a lot, but I was already over 18 when I started. Still too much time spent on it!

Another person who wants Arin to make Metal Gear Awesome 3! Ross wants him to too! Me? I'm a little more easy going about it, but I would of course LOVE to watch it. MGA5? Holy shnikeys!  Also, I love seeing them grow and doing really well at really cool stuff too!

My favourite live segment? Hmm... maybe the one with all the Glover cartridges? Or... ahhh! I dunno! There are too many great ones! Mega kudos to the "Hey I'm Dan!" request too!

Bottom half fish for me too. Daryl Hannah is even more gorgeous from the waist up.

I'm don't think much about sea horses but I'm generally not that fond of weird sea creatures. They can be fairly unsettling!

I don't have a PHD (or the shirt they're selling) so I'm going to do Dan's thing and give out high fives, but out to the internet.


OMG more Zelda on Game Grumps! Squeee! I need to play Skyward Sword again someday by the way.

I've never been to Disney World/Land... I guess I would swoon at the Power Rangers too!

Thanks for doing the Game Grumps theme song with your bad throat Danny :)

I think I lost what I was writing for a blog post sometimes... not due to Justin Roiland though!

I don't think there are any Game Grumps references I don't like...

The fan surprises I love are the fan art pictures and animations! The fan surprises I don't love are... hm. I don't know...

I'm excited and looking forward to seeing footage of their later performance!

Oh my gosh, the Kevin edits/Barry edits... I love them so but I don't want them to ruin themselves doing it! The odd text macro now and again is grand! More than enough!

Wow, the method Grumping for motivation and getting in the zone! Neat ideas there! When I'm not in the zone for writing I... I dunno. If that happens it's usually because I need to sleep.

Petz Horse Club Part 4 - Mmm Fisherwomen


Danny and Arin talk with the other characters again. The crisis is that the mares aren't breeding, even though it's breeding season. A field day of jokes is had here! :)

The demonic list of things about Carla is hilarious! Same with Danny's joke about thigh high boots!

Barbie and her Sisters Puppy Rescue Part 1 - More Like Puppy KIDNAPPER


Has it ever been just Ross and Suzy on the show? It has on KittyKatGaming alright. Ross explains it all, how everyone's at the SXSW Gaming Expo besides them and how this choice of game came to be! It's a nice little story :)

So I gather this game is a horror story about a blonde haired puppy kidnapper? :)

Ross is having a bunch of fun with all the stuff you can't do in the game. Suzy talks about her nightmare of getting a Scooby-Doo tattoo, while Ross plays the dramatic honking from the Inception trailer, before ending with a sad trombone.

It's a fun episode! Sounds like it's gonna be a nice series :)

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 10 - Dancing Darunia


Arin and Danny meet Saria and learn Saria's Song. Lotsa jokes here, my favourite of which is where Arin's doing buzzing noises of bugs that would probably fly into your mouth if this whole thing were real! It kind of douses the magic again but hey, it's good funny stuff :)

They talk about birds and falconers. They also talk about the weird Death Mountain map again! DĂ©jĂ  vu! This leads to them talking about nightmares. Naturally!

Fortunately, dancing Darunia brings the good mood back!

Saturday 19 March 2016

Petz Horse Club Part 3 - Soapy Horse Butt


Poor Danny has to scrub a horse and Arin teases him while he does it. It's gas!

This game can be a spectacle, such as the word rinse being misspelled as "rince".

Nice addition of tyre screeching noises Kevin :)

Where's the soapy butt while they were riding? Guess the game's not so realistic... Hmmmm :P

Stardew Valley Part 7 - Invincible Shane


Ross and Barry do a poetry slam by a flute player. A robot doing angsty poetry is kinda funny :)

They do some dog watering as well and Barry just squeals.

Ross explains how the game is so easy to mod, that the sprite sheets are easy to access and alter. It's a true PC game :)

Louis has a bit of a Markiplier voice but it's supposed to be like Cell from Dragon Ball Z, except old. That's pretty good actually!

That supermarket thing, is it some kind of commentary on big business corporatism within the game? I guess we'll see! That was a fun thing with the invincible Shane at the end :)

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 9 - Lost In Hyrule Field


Arin and Danny meet the punk guy under the tree in Kakariko during the night. "What's this, a Nirvana song?" Danny responds to what he says. Good one :) and yeah... that is some angsty dialogue...

Arin gets lost in Hyrule Field... Holy shnikeys :O

Indeed days are short. In the PAL version I played as a teenager, the days are much longer due to games being typically slower back then. It's one of the few times where I prefer the PAL version! The longer day is more realistic I suppose.

It's funny in the Lost Woods with Arin trying to find stuff. That mispelled text from Dan's dad Avi about "you poor gays" instead of guys is pretty good :)

The Simon Says music thing with the skull kids they gave up on just before they got the piece of heart! Gah! I love the schtick though, because right after that, they imagine Kaepora Gaebora, the interrupting tutorial owl, speaking with funny fish puns!

Soon, Arin arrives at the Sacred Forest Meadow. Danny's reminded of all the floaty sparkly things in the forest island in Wind Waker.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 9 - Adam Is Eva


I didn't notice this, but in the past few episodes, Suzy's thumbnail avatar changed expression slightly! Woo!

Barry, Arin and her are here admiring blades of grass while crawling on their belly. Soon they meet Eva and a cutscene follows that lasts the entire episode. They make jokes and do the first person view on various parts of her body while laughing and having fun. It's fun :)

Friday 18 March 2016

Lucky Charms - Jack Is Lucky


Jack, Vernon, Barry, Ross and Kevin appear again for more singing, drinking and laughing. It's a good thing this only happens once a year!

I may be Irish but personally I don't drink. I'd rather drink those minty milkshakes that fast food places have at this time of year.

They get Jack to read as the Lucky Charms leprechaun and it's gas! I love it :)

I don't get offended by this kind of thing by the way!

Also, Lucky Charms isn't sold in Ireland except through import and are usually sold in sweet shops instead of the cereal aisle of the supermarket :)

Afterwards, Jack is trying to teach Kevin how to say Stout Train in his accent. Best part :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Girp and Clop - Addicted By Annoyance


Jack, Vernon, Barry, Ross and Kevin appear before the video again for more antics. They sing a drinking song before they start.

Vernon joins Barry and Ross here in the games. Girp is a game that keeps you emotionally engaged by being annoying. Same with Clop. When I play these games I'm annoyed but still have the impulse to play, probably like the way a cat is compelled to chase a laser pointer.

When they get over a cliff safely it's like the biggest happiest moment! I guess it's best to play it in a party situation!

Jack and Vernon appear after the episode for a little bit too. Nice Casio F-91W by Vernon there!

Kermit the Frog - By Jason Boyer


I'm glad to have this to break up the Stout Train episodes! Gotta pace yourself you know!

This cartoon is inspired by the Kermit skirmish between Ross and Barry imitating Kermit the Frog. It's a clever idea! Barry and Ross are in Statler and Waldorf's balcony and Ross is picking a fight with Kermit on stage! It's absolutely WONDERFUL to see it come to life like this!

My favourite part is when Kermit gets all sweary and talks about fingers and butts and is all like "You wanna go? You wanna go?". That slap fight is priceless too! All over whether Kermit is a Muppet character or a Sesame Street character! I watched this like 5 times in a row :)

Also, Barry looks a bit like Jim Henson! That's nice because Jim Henson originally did the voice!

Pain - Jack's Time To Shine!


Before the episode, Jack, Vernon, Barry, Ross and Kevin are on the couch with cans of Guinness in front of them. They get Jack to explain some stuff about it and you just have to look at the expression on Ross' face! It's priceless! So yeah, they pour their stuff, clink their branded pint glasses and show the before and after effect of so many cans. This goes on for about the first 7 minutes.

Then the laughing starts when a cartoon guy in a cow costume, complete with udder appears on the screen!

The game itself is appropriate for the occasion I suppose.

I remember last year, Kevin was like "Sorry, Mom..."

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 8 - Sneak Around The Tree


Barry, Arin and Suzy aren't quite sneaky enough but they get better! That bit around the tree was cool :)

I thought Barry was a MGS3 speedrunning specialist? I guess he has to entertain while doing this so it's different...

Thursday 17 March 2016

Petz Horse Club Part 2 - Horse Hygiene


Danny and Arin tame a foal and meet Grant. Some others too and they give them funny voices and lines :)

Arin remembers some of the stuff with horses, like their hooves being cleaned.

Poor Danny's dying to brush the horse, but instructions keep coming at him from the game! Gah!

Stardew Valley Part 6 - Ore What?


Ross and Barry get an early start on a rainy day.

They meet an old guy in a mine with an eyepatch and give him a David Hayter Snake voice!

They work away in the mines for a while, talking about Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger. Neither of them have played Chrono Trigger. Ross has an excuse for not playing it in the 90s, but not Barry! Dude!

That's ok though, I've only played it twice myself and only got one of the endings.

Some funny word jokes about ore here :)

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 8 - Between You And Dampé


Arin and Danny do some hippie British voices and it's pretty entertaining :)

They visit the Graveyard too. Danny reflects on graveyards in Zelda games. Wait until he sees what's in this one!

The ReDeads didn't have much effect since Arin has them sussed and that voice he uses for reading the inscription in the tomb kind of diminishes the atmosphere... oh well! It's still entertaining to have them for company.

That exchange with the graveyard kid outside was funny too!

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 7 - Alien Butterflies


Barry, Suzy and Arin continue. Barry does the spinny thing that makes Snake throw up and Suzy recognises the butterflies as not being native to Russia, sharing her expertise on taxidermy. Interesting stuff huh? :) I'd say she could've been hired to work on this game! Or at least consulted!

There's another scene with the Boss and Barry does some cool camo sneaking.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Petz Horse Club Part 1 - SEVEN EPISODES!


Time for Super Mario Maker to go on hiatus again!

This game looks like it has a nice big world to explore. Danny and Arin suss out the controls, make some funny jokes about the dialogue, this is gonna be fun! Danny's demanding 7 episodes outta this so let's see what goodness it can bring :)

Stardew Valley Part 5 - New Doggie Toby Fox!


Ross and Barry continue fishing. A stray dog appears on their farm and it's the Undertale dog! Thanks to another mod Ross installed! They name it Toby as well after Toby Fox! Very good :)

Barry talks about the rare fish you can find in Metal Gear Solid 3. I've never actually done any fishing in that game and don't even remember it being in the game. I believe it though as there's a lot of stuff you can do in that game and I haven't done half of it.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 7 - Visiting Death Mountain & Goron City


Arin and Danny head up Death Mountain. They go in to Goron City and meet the Gorons and Darunia. Then they make their way back to the Kokiri Forest through Hyrule Field.

Also, I never really noticed this before, but you could just use the fire and the Deku Sticks to make a path to the Lost Woods here right? I've never actually done that before!

And yes, they continue to be pretty good at the voices :)

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 6 - Barry Joins Operation Snake Eater!


Suzy's joined not only by Arin today, but Barry too!

Barry's playing because he loves this game so much he speedruns it!

The episode ends when the cutscenes do but it's still a nice time with the Grumps!

Barry's delighted at the camera control. If I remember right, that was something Subsistence added wasn't it? Had he just been playing the older version?

Follow Me Around - KittyKatGaming Edition


Decided to check this out on Suzy's Mortem3r channel because of the title. Some cool fly-on-the-wall stuff here :)

That walk and "wishtree" footage is nice. Wishtree is a nice name. It's a lot nicer than "pissybeds" anyway!

But yeah. A vlog about Grump "office" stuff like Monday meetings and plans for the day and stuff. Not going into too much detail though but yeah, cool! Everyday office type stuff! Kevin's there and Ross and Barry are there too and they're wearing glasses! Maybe they're for looking at screens for long hours?

The bonus footage is where she and Arin are biting into green bell peppers. It's described as "celery mixed with onion". It's mild pepper gaming! Woo!

Super Mario Maker Part 89 - Spinning Between Spikes & Godzilla


Arin and Danny continue enduring "Spinning Is An Art" by Kevin.

Funny Danny should mention Mark Wahlberg, I never knew he was a rapper!

They get through the hard part onto an even harder part with Chain Chomps and they have to spin jump on them. Yikes.

Actually it wasn't that hard but it was still challenging. They were in the zone though and were delighted to finish!

Danny talks a bit about Godzilla and Arin really wants to get into the fanbase. I do too actually :)

Actually I could see them doing "Godzilla Grumps" or something MST 3000 like and maybe even have someone like James Rolfe along too! It would be pretty sweet!

Stardew Valley Part 4 - Robot Rehab


Ross and Barry give voices to some of the characters in the pub. There's an arcade game here! It's kind of like Smash TV.

Ross is also playing this game with Holly on her channel where it's much more mellow and here they're being all loud and funny!

Barry breaks into song about robot drugs and Ross joins in with rhymes about robot rehab! It's pretty funny! :)

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 6 - Who Has This Voice Again? Wally Gator? I Can't Remember. Help!


Arin and Danny are still doing the crazy Zelda voice! Then Impa comes and they give her a deep lispy voice. I can't think of any cartoon characters that have that voice right now.

They go on to give several characters in Kakariko Village the same voice too! It's not just a voice, it's a regional dialect!

Go! Go! Nippon! KittyKatGaming Part 4 - Fish And Ramen With Akira


Suzy's hanging out with Akira today... Oh well. It'll still be fun. I'll miss Makoto though...

They mention Osamu Tezuka, which is pretty cool.

They visit an aquarium and a ramen shop. Lots of stuff to learn about dining :) that bowl of ramen looks delicious and I want some. I actually much prefer rice to noodles though.

Monday 14 March 2016

Happy 37th Birthday Danny!

Happy Birthday Danny Sexbang! Hope you have a good one! On the GameGrumps Twitter, there's a little emoticon thingy of a cake and a retweet of NinjaSexParty posting a picture of Danny looking all dapper in a blue suit that's a lot like the one Harry Dunn wore in Dumb and Dumber. Complete with hat too! Ninja Brian's also nice enough not to kill him for a whole day! So sweet!

There's a hashtag #HappyBdayDanny trending for it and if you check it out, you'll see many greetings, sketches and lovely tributes to our favourite Jewish ninja who just wants to dance, love and make us smile. Have a great one buddy! :)

Acutally, if you look at that hashtag any earlier or later, you may see tributes to a different Danny... Now's his spotlight though!

Super Mario Maker Part 88 - Cars, Shoes and Popsicles


Arin and Danny continue playing "Spinning Is An Art" by Kevin.

They talk about cars and shoes and more importantly, popsicles :) but yeah, having bigger feet can be tough. I'm not a car buff either Danny, so no biggie! That's funny about that mechanic he talked about.

This level just gets harder and harder. They even have to avoid getting big for one part.

That's funny about the American food chains arguing over taking them to the prom on Twitter! I like when Twitter is fun :)

Stardew Valley Part 3 - Ross' Papyrus Farm


Ross and Barry take a look at Ross' personal farm with his Papyrus like avatar. He has an advanced and automated farm! It's a bit aways for the Steam Train farm yet.

Interesting game this is turning out to be... It also makes me think of all the sessions of various versions of Harvest Moon I kept starting and abandoning!

They fish in the rain... I hope the rain doesn't give them a cold. I know it's supposed to be a robot but... Yeah. Cold, rust, whatever! Hope they don't get sick!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 5 - Slurmp Meets Zelda


Hey Danny! I went and checked that REO Speedwagon video for Keep On Loving You and witnessed the dude's bulge, just for you. Happy Birthday!

Arin and Danny talk about the demoscene. It's awesome :) and well worth checking out to explore and see what you like. I was introduced to it a while ago and there's even a documentary about it called "Europe In 8 Bits" I saw at a film festival.

The jokey dialogue with Zelda is amazing :) and so funny! The "Slurmp" name makes them laugh and many jokes are made about their N64 hands with fused fingers. What's with that crab though? Jeez!

Sunday 13 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 87 - Theramusic


Arin and Danny continue "Beetles Are Friends" by Mike. It's pretty difficult as they have to deal with airships and cannonballs flying at them and everything.

Arin talks about selecting a new pair of headphones with some kind of Hi-Fi setting on them. They also talk about quality of life stuff and therapy for head chatter. Extremely interesting stuff. It is tough doing two things at the same time alright. Arin talks and plays games though and that can be really hard!

It took a few attempts but Arin beats it! He got the world record too! Nice one :)

They move on to "Spinning Is An Art" by Kevin. They don't like the sound of it... Sure enough, they have to bounce on Thwomps and Spinies and it's very hard. They cope by talking about music more. Not a bad way. I'd try to get more momentum going on those spinies and keep it up. Dunno if it would work or not!

And yes Danny, there is lots of great music out there. I mostly listen to game music but lots of new game music is great!

Stardew Valley Part 2 - Automettaton Farmer


Ross and Barry really get started on the farming now. After their energy depletes, they go inside and watch the weather report! Man, this is almost exactly like Harvest Moon! Ross gives the weather report his loud Markiplier voice and Barry does the doot-doo-doo-doot-doo thing that happens when Kermit the Frog is telling the news on Sesame Street.

I love when Ross mixes up one voice with another voice :)

Ross shares a story about the time they all went to that Japanese restaurant where you can catch fish that will be cooked for you. Poor Holly!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 4 - The Ye Story


Arin and Danny break out into Hyrule Field and Danny remembers the "You/Ye" story! Yay! It's about pirates, because they say "ye" as well. An album he and Brian found was pirate themed and he gets Kevin to put the cover art on screen. Pretty neat!

I tried to look this up on YouTube but it was taken down? There were hundreds of views indicated though! The power of Grump shout outs! What did it do here?

Anyway, they make their way to the castle and get the egg from Malon eventually. Now they have to wait for morning to come. Danny says Talon looks like Mario. He's not the first one to say that... SirRonLionheart on YouTube did too. I never put that together myself when I first played it. I wonder if he'll say later that Ingo looks like Luigi?

Saturday 12 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 86 - Awesome 90's Stuff!


Arin and Danny start "How To Train Your Bowser 2" by Dan.

Pretty cool idea for a stage. You need to guide a winged Bowser to break walls and Piranha Plants and make a safe path to the end. I like it.

They go on to "Beetles Are Friends" by Mike. They sing a Spice Girls song while they do. Yay :)

They say who their favourites are, which is all of them really. I liked Baby and Ginger Spices.

In this stage you have to use the winged beetles to get through. Danny says he hasn't been able to laugh at Beetle Bailey no matter how many times he's tried. Oh I love reading daily comics! With Beetle Bailey, I don't read it very often but I love its clean and simple character designs and backgrounds.

Danny's favourites are Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side. Everybody loves them! :) I've said it before but I own collections of both comics. Love them too! Can't believe Arin's only read a few of them... ah well!

Arin does the movie trailer voice again and it's brilliant :) first it's to a slumber party where nothing bad happens and then it's Leatherface in a feel good romantic comedy. I wonder if they're referring to the "Shining" romantic comedy parody trailer? In any case, it makes for great laughing here :)

Stardew Valley Part 1 - Harvest Robo


Barry and Ross take on this new farming game playthrough. They start with a good laugh on the character customisation screen, making him to be some kind of robot who's farming humans! Lots of robot jokes follow!

Ross then surprises Barry with Undertale music! The game is modded with it! Some funny character dialogue later and they end the episode with the chopping of a bush.

Yes Ross you should do an ASMR thing! Let's Play, whatever! I visited his stream by the way and it was nice enough but very crowded, like Markiplier's DM's when he switched them on during the recent charity livestream.

By the way, who drew that robot in the thumbnail? It's pretty good :)

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 3 - Rockin' Deku Danny


Arin and Danny continue through the Deku Tree. Arin finds a thing where he was able to clip through a push block, which is where Box Man came from :)

That recent Mortal Kombat discovery is insane...  Danny talks about all the stuff that's been happening since this episode and the last. I guess it was over a month ago since! He talks about the NSP concert and how there were thousands upon thousands of people in attendance. That is something special! Also the stuff about the in-ear monitors sounds really cool.

After the Gohma boss, Danny does the Deku Tree voice and it's good fun, especially the joke about the word "sapped" as a tree joke :) I am absolutely intrigued as to what his story about "You" and "Ye" is. I am because we say "Ye" in Ireland! I hope he remembers to tell it in the next episode.

Go! Go! Nippon! KittyKatGaming Part 3 - Suzy Tours


Suzy tries out the high-tech toilet, to the amusement of Akira and later the two cuties dress up as tour guides to show her around. She says the place names out loud and describe them from what she knows about them first hand! Her commentary is a good companion piece to the game :)

Friday 11 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 85 - A Good Level That Doesn't Suck


Arin and Danny move on to "Nintendo Arcade! (Checkpoints)" by BoomToon.

It's a wonderful parade of Nintendo characters! :) The Goomba one made me giggle a lot when I saw you had to walk along with the other Goombas!

Danny says this could be his favourite stage! That's because it's not a ugly hellfest! I like levels that make you feel good too :)

They move on to "How To Train Your Bowser 2" by Dan.

They don't start it though. It's for next time :)

Sword of the Berserk Guts' Rage Part 4 - Talk About FITH


Arin and Ross continue Berserking and Raging. Ross tells a story about FITH, a Counter Strike clan he joined once. Interesting acronym :)

10 years since Metal Gear Awesome? Wow :O

Arin wants to animate and Ross wants him to animate. They're so good for each other :)

After a long cutscene, gameplay finally comes at the end of the episode with all these freaky enemies popping up. It fades out to Arin freaking out.

Shot and Missed - By Oryozema


Inspired by the hilarious "Ah fired and ah missed" dialogue from the Nancy Drew game episode from around Christmas time.

Lots of varied and funny gestures and gags from every time they say "fired" and "missed" and making references to popsicles :)

Lovely cute art and animation too.

I love the end where they're both cosy under a blanket and enjoying cocoa SO MUCH!

I remember how cold it was when I was watching this episode. It's still kinda cold now, but it's getting a little milder!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 2 - Enter The Deku


Forgot to mention yesterday, but this is my first time using the Nintendo 64 label in this blog! Hope there'll be many more!

Arin and Danny do an eeny meeny miney mo thing for the tutorial at the Know It All Brothers house. It's funny how long Arin's choice goes on for! It made Danny fit to throw him out the window!

Danny makes this amazing observation on meeting Mido and wonders if he and Link are the same race. "It's interesting you say that Dan!" Arin says. Indeed it is! Arin meanwhile gives Mido a cranky nasally voice.

So Arin's brother Nate's birthday was the day before... Did they make this two months ago? Interesting!

Danny gives the Deku Scrub a mousy Brooklyn accent, which is the cutest freaking thing.

Arin appears in a live action thing, where he conjures up a poo toy on a desk and is all ninja like about it. Funny stuff :) That's a lovely Splatoon shirt he's wearing with the Squid Sisters on it :)

Go! Go! Nippon! KittyKatGaming Part 2 - A Week With Two Cuties


Suzy shares some more of her own experience of going to Japan as she plays. It's pretty cool and adds something to the game, given its nature.

In this part, they bring her to their home, where she'll be staying for a week with them. Yes, she's happy to be staying for a week with these cuties :)

She observes unusual stuff like the vending machines and 24 hour convenience stores. You know, I've visited 24 hour supermarkets in the middle of the night just for the heck of it. I remember being amazed at being able to buy DVDs and snacks in the middle of the night!

Thursday 10 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 84 - SethBling's Stage


Arin and Danny move on to "AGDQ Killbox" by SethBling. SethBling of MindCrack fame? Neat! They don't know who he is though.

Looks like a tricky stage. Lots of strategic P Switching involved. They talk about girls who like one night stands at one stage. Sometimes I forget that there are girls like that out there.

They finish the stage after a good few attempts. That conveyor belt... yikes!

Sword of the Berserk Guts' Rage Part 4 - Ross Zone


So uh... I watched a video of Ross' dad playing the guitar since yesterday. He does look like Hugo Weaving a bit.

Arin and Ross continue the game, which is getting more difficult. Ross is trying to coax Arin into getting drunk, like on Stout Train or something. Don't do it Arin!

They come across Paul Eiding's character and have fun talking about Arin's Awesome cartoon series.

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 1 - YESSSSSS!!!! THEY'RE FINALLY PLAYING IT!


FINALLY! Oh thank you thank you Danny and Arin! Especially Arin, since he isn't as fond of this Zelda as he is of Link to the Past. Still, if he's grumpy and Danny's super excited(it's his first time seeing it in action!), then it'll be a good series!

Wait wait... first Ross appears before the episode in cartoon form, talking about his livestream drawing, which currently happens every Thursday at 2pm PST, which is about 10pm Irish time. I really should drop in to that sometime!

So yes! On to Arin and Danny! They're definitely excited to be doing this and poor Danny has to work with the microphone that smells like milk after Ross used it.

They do some voices(including a funny drunken Navi) and talk about the Zelda Sequelitis video Arin did too.

Arin did say before that they were gonna play it on Grumps, but that he was gonna play it for practice first. It's gonna be sweet! :)

Go! Go! Nippon! KittyKatGaming Part 1 - mmm... Makoto...


Suzy's thumbnail avatar has the flushy face of excitement. It means she likes the game right? :) Forgot to mention yesterday's one, where she's winking and Barry just has his Grump face. The Grumps played this before, but here Suzy's having a go!

Ahh I like Makoto... :) the girl in pink. It's gonna be a nice time. First I watched Ross and Arin play, which was fun and... wow it was two years ago. That long ago? Wow... It's weird how surprised I am that a video by them was uploaded a year ago or two years ago and it either felt a long longer ago or a lot sooner. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

But anyway, now I get to hang out with Suzy while she plays, so it's nice too! She says that flights to Japan from California are really cheap right now. From Ireland it's a different story I'd say!

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 83 - The Dream


Arin and Danny continue "Bowser's Fiery Gauntlet" by Mike.

Danny talks about how thankful he is for the way his life is now. He and Arin share stories about the time before they were able to sustain themselves financially doing what they want and it's lovely. I wish that I could be the same someday.

Bowser takes a ton of hits...

Sword of the Berserk Guts' Rage Part 3 - Ross O'Hugo


Arin and Ross play along in a dark dungeon. Ross talks about his ghost Sims story. Very bizarre! Very bizarre part of this game too while he was telling it!

He also says his dad looks like Hugo Weaving. Ross is a gas man.

Portal 2 Part 32 Finale? - High Fivin'


Danny and Arin are in for more intense puzzling action! They get up on that ledge without having to use blue goop like I suggested in the last post. They're well able :)

Later on, the blue goop does come in to play though.

I love their Thelma & Louise moment where they hold hands and jump over the pit together!

Nice sequence afterwards. That Tobin Buttram? Awesome!

Kitten Rampage With Barry Kramer - Pewing and Pooping


Barry joins Suzy for this game. With that scary looking cat on the title screen, I'd prefer not to go it alone.

The main game looks pretty daft though, with the kitten shooting lasers and pooping constantly.

It does look funny though and they talk about the time Mochi took ownership of the packaging that Barry's EarthBound vinyl soundtrack came in.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 82 - Bowayomm


Arin and Danny abandon "P is for Pain" by dansalvato. Whew... They move on to "Bowser's Fiery Gauntlet" by Mike. Mike Bedsole in fact! Talented animator of the Yoda Jokes Game Grumps Animated featured on the channel a short while ago!

Lots of crazy stories in this episode, including Danny's friend's friend's unlucky dates with men. It sounds funny!

This level is kinda cool the way it has all these numbered sections and challenges.

Danny at one stage is worried about how he just whistled into the mic, like if Kevin will be in the office one day and go "AAUGH!" while editing. I wonder if that ever happens anyway? If they see him jump and they're like, "Yup! I remember that!"

They repeat the "bowayommm" sound effect that happens when you hit a boss in the game with something and imagine saying it in real life to the point of it being annoying. I actually remember doing something similar as a kid when I was playing Link's Awakening! A similar sound effect comes from the bosses in that game too. For Arin, it comes in handy for that outburst at the end of the episode!

Sword of the Berserk Guts' Rage Part 2 - Chatty Balzac


Ross and Arin titter with us incessantly at the pronunciation of Balzac's name as something else :)

Speaking of whom, he talks for a very long time and it takes most of the episode! Ross tries to place his voice. I'd try to place it too. It sounds very iconic.

Portal 2 Part 31 - The Orange Goop Deal


Danny and Arin do some more bouncy and speedy goop puzzles.

They get stuck at the end where they're trying to figure stuff out with orange goop and trying to jump high enough. I wonder if blue goop would have any part?

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 5 - Snake Healer


Arin and Suzy heal up Snake after that whole business on the bridge. The rest of the episode is them commentating over the part where Volgin has the nuclear weapons on the helicopter. "Sokolov's Woman" is here too.

Yes I hate waking up to find my jaw feels all wrong too. Know that feel, Suzy. Never dislocated it that badly though.

Monday 7 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 81 - Scream Singing


Arin and Danny continue "P is for Pain" by dansalvato and it continues to be painful.

I can just picture the tears from Arin's anguish. Just like the other P switching one, this sounds really maddening when you have to repeat it so many times!

Oh his sanity... By the end he's scream singing "It's Not Unusual" by Tom Jones and wondering who Freddie Prinze Jr. is. I don't really know him either and would hate to be driven to the curiosity!

Sword of the Berserk Guts' Rage Part 1 - Apostrophe Placement


Ross and Arin start another game. Bear Simulator's coming back right? :O

They talk about the cutscenes a lot and how Dreamcast-y they are. The fairy is voiced by Cam Clarke. It's his Dogtanian voice!

Hmm... I always use the apostrophe after the last S in a person's name when it ends that way, even if they're not biblical.

Best of Game Grumps - Feb 2016


The vocal exercise montage was brilliant :) I wonder if that works well for what you have to do with your voice?

That amazing sequence with the helicopter missile is here too! Couldn't stop revisiting that and watching it again :D

Mustn't forget the HELLO! and INFINIDAGGER! and HELLO! exclamations :)

There's NOT enough Dustin of SoloTravelBlog here!!! >:(

The generic sitcom thing was absolutely wonderful and I'm glad they have it here :) How could they not though!

February was wonderful. Some of this stuff I can't believe was just over the past month and not several months ago. It's all great :)

Portal 2 Part 30 - Coordinatey Puzzling


Danny and Arin come up with a plan that involves a lot of coordination. They pull it off with great success! I like Arin's Doppler effect whooping!

The next one they have to be speedy with the portals and pressing switches. Another coordinatinatey one.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 80 - P Off


Arin and Danny move on to "Don't Get Hit." by Johnny.

Arin finishes it soon enough. In this you have to "damage boost" at the end. That's a term I only learned recently. :) It's nice.

Next is "P is for Pain" by dansalvato. It looks absolutely brutal with nothing but P Switches for platforms.

They talk about improv classes and when you see the back of yourself in a mirror and how weird it feels. That's true, it does! It totally does.

A lot of shrieks and wails during this level...

Bear Simulator Part 2 - Bumper Bearisode


Ross and Arin can get messages from other animals by smelling their various urinated scent spots. It's like an animal Twitter :)

From the sound of things, Ross reckons it's a zombie apocalypse that was going on. There's stuff about bigfoot too, so there's a lot of interesting stuff to see and find.

They investigate a waterfall, because there's always something behind a waterfall in good games! They find an alligator and nearly get killed...

It's only now Arin's heard of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon! Historic moment!

They find lots more food and make some unbearable jokes ;)

Portal 2 Part 29 - How Do You Win With The Lasers


Danny and Arin go through another head scratching time. They get really stumped on what to do with the laser box so they don't get killed when trying to reach the exit. They don't figure it out this time but hopefully they will next time.



This is the little skit Arin had for the Give Grumps charity stream. I'm writing this after it finished and I see that they tweeted that the 8 hour archive of it is on Twitch. Should I watch all of it and blog it? Um.... :/

I tuned in to it for a while when it was on. Maybe I'll write something about it. I dunno. We'll see.

In any case, I love this skit. Arin's like a cross between Wayne and Garth here. A bit of the Awesome Video Games guys of FarFromSubtle are in him too it seems! I love him trying to name the Koopaling minions here.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 79 - Mac Meal


Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian appear at the start, announcing their new "Under The Covers" album being out now! They give us CD and digital purchasing options before celebrating with a death blossom high five, which looks like it stings!

Arin and Danny continue with "Simple 2: You Aint No Air Fightr" by Yoshiller.

Arin does an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression during this. It sounds like he started with a reference to the Arnold's Pizza Shop funny phone message, but then they talk about saying the title in movies and how it isn't done that much anymore.

Eventually they victoriously complete the level. Yay! :)

Bear Simulator Part 1 - Bear Doom!


New playthrough with Arin and Ross!

I am stunned they missed the pizza after trying to eat peppers and berries. It's a funny experience they're having with the game though :)

It's lovely, playing first person perspective as a bear, with its portrait in the corner. It's funny but not Goat Simulator funny, it's a lot more RPG oriented with stat gains and everything! Great sense of exploration and adventure too.

I'm also stunned they got killed by a fox!

They progress by leaps and bounds and at the end they find a hat that says "Top Bear" on it! This is lovely :)

Remember that joke image about a bear game on the Xbox 360? Did someone look at that and really wanted to make a game of it? Because I looked at it and I really wanted to play a game of it!

Portal 2 Part 28 - Johnny Gopp


Arin and Danny talk about how funny it would be to make friends with someone famous like Johnny Depp and be all excited but then he keeps annoying you by calling you constantly on the phone. Funny stuff :)

Lots of experiments with speedy goop and avoiding the crushy thing that don't work but some do work.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 4 - The Boss Enters


Arin and Suzy talk away while stuff happens with Sokolov and The Boss. It's that big dramatic scene on the bridge... you know the one!

They mention the livestream they're having later on today too! I'll try and tune in! I wonder if they'll put highlights or something on YouTube?

Friday 4 March 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 78 - Here Come The Jump Kick Injuries


Arin appears before the episode in a VHS style advert with ROB the robot, talking about a livestream they're doing on Saturday for a charity called Give Grumps. Sounds fun :)

Arin and Danny continue on to "Simple 2: You Aint No Air Fightr" by Yoshiller.

Very clever stage where it punishes jumping and has Little Mac, who's known in Smash 4 for being bad at jumping! Nice touch :)

Check out the jokes they start telling near the end too! Some good ones :) How about the French cat in quicksand? Cat sank!

Maybe they can use the invisible blocks to block that Thwomp from landing on them...

At the end it shows Arin and Danny on camera trying to do jump kicks and hurting themselves :O eesh!

Tetris Axis Part 3 - Score Chasing


Brian and Barry try Fever mode and Brian gets the high score.

Next is Stage Racer and Brian reaches the end, passing Barry.

Next is Tower Climber and Barry ascended more floors. This one looks hard and kind of reminds me of Castelian/Nebulus.

Good on them for keeping things interesting :)

I'm Blue - By LazyPillow


This cartoon was inspired by Danny singing Blue by Eiffel 65 during the Portal 2 playthrough. Arin and Danny are shown as humans instead of robots and I love the way it's presented as a slice of life kind of thing with them hanging out, moving around and trying to solve a puzzle together. That is until they burst into song using their own words and it's even more fun :)

Portal 2 Part 27 - NES Boxartin'


Danny and Arin face some more goopy puzzles.

They have this idea where they could recreate NES boxarts like Toobin' and Lunar Pool. Sounds pretty cool :)

Lunar Pool's cover doesn't have much of an effect on me but it does have a cool old sci-fi movie vibe to it. Toobin's cover is like some kind of National Lampoon teen comedy artwork and it looks pretty cool! Could make an awesome album cover :) Hrm... both could really.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 3 - Growl!


Arin and Suzy cross the bridge. Raptor Pro Tip makes a return!

That Ocelot growl is kinda goofy but Suzy lives for it!

I love the part where they're hunting snakes and rats under the building.

Super Mario Maker Part 77 - Star Man Zone and Donkey Kong Jr. Recreation!


Danny and Arin decide to run some automatic levels and talk over them! I think it's a great idea :) it could be like MST3K!

I'm not familiar with kanji characters, so I can't write these levels down, sorry!

The Splatoon one is very pretty :)

One of the levels has a Star Man Zone and a replica of the Donkey Kong Jr. rope keys at the end! Very clever and smile inducing! :) It's called "Muncher Madness"

Thursday 3 March 2016

Tetris Axis Part 2 - Beep Boop...


Barry and Brian continue stacking and clearing. It's Brian's turn this time. He creates Sad Robot! Those beep boop sounds are so sad! Please find the happiness chip Barry!

Brian doesn't beat Barry's score either. He came close though!

I still wonder if they can do a hard drop by pressing up?

Portal 2 Part 26 - Goop Walling


Danny and Arin scratch heads and make cross bridges to solve levels. Danny says he's getting the hang of the puzzles now :)

There's a lovely one here where you put the bouncy goop on the walls and you have to bounce between two of them to progress :) It's quite nice and seems fun to do.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 2 - Suzy Fujoshi, Su-joshi!


Suzy goes on about Snake embracing his gayness, like she's some kinda fujoshi and Arin's like wtf.

They go through the first area of gameplay, trying to avoid getting spotted, getting spotted anyway and then trying to stay alive. The episode ends near the bridge.

I forgot to mention this, but it's weird how Suzy's new avatar is here but Arin's avatar is his Grump head in the thumbnail!

Everybody Wants To Rule The World - NSP


A cover of the song originally by Tears For Fears.

In this video, Danny and Ninja Brian continue from the last one, walking off stage at the end and switching out of their costumes to go on the band tour bus with TWRP. They stay in their masks, but Ninja Brian takes his off! What?! OMG :O

They drive around on the road, hanging out on the bus/RV thingy and having fun, just like in S Club 7's Reach or We Like To Party by The Vengaboys. (These examples because the late 90s were my time :) ) Danny sings and there's a lot of happy singing, jamming, hanging out, driving around and enjoying the sights and sunsets :) Love it.

Maybe they could do a Farrelly Bros comedy someday? They prove here they can do the road trip thing :)

The song itself again pulls off that iconic 80s feel where you can just picture yourself listening to it on headphones and sitting next to your vinyl record player. I still have one! It's also one of those songs that I instantly recognise, but wouldn't know the title or the original musician. Can't wait for the next one!

Super Mario Maker Part 76 - That That


Before the video begins, Danny Sexbang and Brian appear to talk about the release of the next music video from their latest cover album Under The Covers. It's "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" and the video takes place directly after Take On Me ends! Wow! Will this be presented like a feature length thing someday? Under The Covers: The Movie? Maybe it could be a "Music DVD". I don't have any of those in my collection but the music/DVD shop near me has a section for them. We'll see, we'll see.

Arin and Danny continue "Stompstalk Swamp" by Dwreck. Arin beats it after hilariously losing his temper with the winged Thwomps and trying to set them on fire. :)

They move on to "Light and Shadow" by Robin. They have an interesting conversation about words, how sometimes two words can be the same and come right after each other and it feels weird. That's true, it does feel weird. I have an example: "I'm going to give her her own thing". It feels weird looking at it written down!

This level is quite clever how it has two parallel worlds with the light part and shadow part. It's like one of the last stages of World 4 in Super Mario Bros 3, where it goes between giant and small lands. They finish the level and move on.

Here I move on too, to "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Tetris Axis Part 1 - Grump! Cade!


Barry and Brian move on to Tetris Axis for 3DS! They wouldn't try multi-player? Does Tetris Axis even have single card download play? Ah well.

Brian shares this Star Wars cinema experience he had where a guy made both halves of the cinema crowd shout "Star" and "Wars". Sounds fun! Doing this with other movie titles sounds like a good laugh too!

They notice the modern Tetris features like spinning while the block has reached the bottom and the little guide shadow. I wonder if this game has the hard drop by pressing up?

It looks like they're going to challenge the other one's score on the next episode! That works too :) I'll look forward to it. Arin and Danny did the score thing with some Pac-Man games and it was great.

Portal 2 Part 25 - Bouncing and Swirling


Danny and Arin continue the level with the bouncy goop.

Those two big bouncy jumps looked fun! Took them ages to figure out the thing about the swirly thing and I was all the time hoping they'd figure it out and they did!

Metal Gear Solid 3 Part 1 - Substant...tience


Suzy has Arin along for MGS3! It's the super duper Subsistence version.

Arin's here, David Hayter Snake's voice is here, does it get any better than this? :)

Super Mario Maker Part 75 - Angry Sea Wigglers


Arin begins with this weird quirk with some promo code for a company I've never heard of but it gives free rides.

So, Arin and Danny move on to "Stompstalk Swamp" by Dwreck. It's tricky to say it ten times fast, but doable!

Yes, Super Mario Sunshine does feel like a lifetime ago! Also yeah, it was at Arin's house! The Grumproom!

Wow, those angry swimming Wigglers at the end. Scarier than the Rip Van Fishes! Because they're kind of eel like or serpent like.

Overall though, it's a good length of a level and quite satisfying to play.

Bust-A-Move Universe Part 3 - Return of Math Grumps!


Barry and Brian continue bantering and bubbling.

If you'd like to see how they go from talking about Clockwork Orange and Pulp Fiction to the Higgs particle, have a look!

Math Grumps is great. I wish Brian and Barry would play Doors!

They eventually talk about music too and fight a boss at the end, where they decide to wrap things up for the game.

They showed concert that it may not be a great game to watch being played but I dunno, I still find it magnetic to look at as if I am playing it!

Portal 2 Part 24 - Kevin SEES the Audio!


Arin entertains/annoys Danny by carrying a CD around and pretending it's a flying saucer. Voooooosshh :)

That was fun when they went down the long tunnel in the hole going "whoaaaaaaa" like Bill and Ted or something.

It's amazing how Kevin is able to recognise when Dan laughed during an episode, just by looking at the audio capture!

Ben and Ed Part 4 - Drop Doozy Suzy


More tough obstacle courses with Suzy!

She says Drop Dead Fred was one of her favourite movies as a kid. I remember loving it too but we all just liked the funny bits when we were kids.

Counter Strike: The Durst Offensive - JonTron


Jon plays some Counter Strike with Ethan (H3H3 Productions)

Nice chatter about Jon's psychopathic bird Cinnamon. Also great was when they opened the portable toilet door and Fred Durst was there.

Bit of trolling and trash talk with their teammates too. Some wild stuff being thrown around there!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

A Talking Cat!?! - JonTron


Woo! New JonTron episode with the intro :)

What a strange movie. The way it's shot and everything and the way it sounds is just bizarre. The cat itself doesn't seem like it had much to do with anything. I love the crunching sound Jon put in when the cat was being petted :)

Jon Goes Primal (Far Cry Primal) - JonTron


Jon plays this new Ubisoft game. It's all about prehistoric man and... wow all that shaky cam. Hey game cinematographers! Try doing what that movie The Revenant did. That didn't have much shaky cam at all and it just won the Oscar in that category too!

My favourite part was when he was talking for that wolf checking on his friend :) very funny.

Firework Full Cover by JonTron


JonTron animated! I think I'll give this the label. He's not a Grump anymore but the animators often make Game Grumps Animated shorts and there is a fantastic collection of them here animating Jon and Jacques!

Jon shows his amazing star power yet again with this lovely cover he did of a Katy Perry song. It was a reward for a charity goal!

He has a long history with this song. I remember the other video he did long ago where he stood on a cliff, belting out the song to sea! He and Arin used to sing various stuff on Game Grumps too. Yup, from the very beginning, that show just exploded with talent :)

The talent was already there mind you and I love seeing Jon continue to do so well!

Guns of Icarus Ft. JonTron


In this video, Jon provides his commentary style over an experience he had of an online game. What a weird thing online gaming can be. I've been watching some livestreams lately and I've gotta say it's weird the way people are communicating with each other. There's something very primitive and undeveloped about it. I'd say the best way to play is to play with friends you already know. Can you make friends through online gaming? I'm not sure. I don't really know what to think about it.