Thursday 5 May 2016

Super Mario Maker Part 104 - Top That Some More


Arin and Danny talk about the Top That scene in the Teen Witch movie. I've seen that scene before because Danny said to watch it in another episode! It's something special alright :)

Wow, I'd love to see them recreate that scene! For a new generation!

They move on to "Unlikely Companion (version 2)" by Sunder.

It's a swamp-wadingly slow level by Arin's friend. Arin makes it though and there's a nice sense of satisfaction on him beating it. Neat idea with the Boo and the Buzzy Beetle. Not too long either. Neat.

While waiting for stuff to happen, they imagine the music saying stuff like "this is awkward" and "yeeeeeaaaahhhh", which is humorous :)

In suggestions, Arin sees "eSports" by omgh4x, so he has to try it out. Oh my gosh it seems impossible. It looks like it could be one of those extreme difficulty stages I see on livestreams. I wonder how he's going to get the shell up there?

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