Sunday 1 May 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 47 - Blue Link is Beautiful, Blue Link is Best


Arin and Danny defeat the Wolfos and meet Sheik again. Their N64 has not been switched off in forever! What a sturdy console it is :) I wouldn't push it though. Arin says this game is similar to Dark Souls. Well, it has rolling! Sword and Shield too of course. Then he drops the cool factoid about Twilight Princess' mirrored world to make Link right-handed in the Wii version.

Inspired by the disco-like design in the walls, they sing like the Bee Gees :)

Arin remembers the blue flame! But he goes back to the puzzle room to get it... Wow... making it harder on himself... ah well, it exercises his Zelda muscle more.

The falling moon impresses Danny. In the PAL version of the game, everything was slower so the moon only dropped much slower than this so it's kinda weird for me to see too. I've said it before but this makes it more realistic in our version!

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