Thursday 5 May 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 51 - Water Temple Episode 4 out of 7, Dark Slurmped


Arin and Danny face Dark Slurmp. It's a toughie! One thing I would've advised here is to cast Farore's Wind so they can warp back just in case.

It's pretty stressful for Arin and he reckons he'll have to meditate afterwards. This was just before the session with Game of Thrones star Jacob Anderson, even though we already saw that episode. Weird time schedule stuff man!

They apply the "cheese" strategy and Arin's in a good mood again :) yay! Why not if it makes you happy!

They get the Longshot and... oh no... they're not actually going to go back out the same door, are they? Oh man I hope not... We'll have to find out next time.

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