Friday 6 May 2016

Zelda Ocarina of Time Part 52 - Water Temple Episode 5 out of 7, You Tektite!


Arin and Danny didn't go out the same door! Whew! As I suspected but forgot to check before, vortexes can also be called vortices. Also, Danny observes how the map looks like a cute snakey thing :3

It's funny about Ross taking metaphors literally. The "met a four" joke is a nice one :)

They discuss the notion of mentioning people and then those people hearing about the Grumps and what the Grumps said about them. Accountability is a pretty big thing. Graciousness of your subjects is a big thing too I suppose, but you still worry don't you! Worry about people being stung. I blog so I relate to this in some sense!

Ah, they're remodelling the Grump Space? How nice! I'll look forward to seeing that in future live action segments and on Instagram, etc!

Danny makes an interesting observation about the 3D Zelda gameplay and atmosphere here.

When Arin likens Danny to a Tektite, man... it's so funny! "That's YOU" he says in exasperation. Yes that same Tektite (the monster, not Danny) jumped into me and jarred me so many times on different playthroughs!

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