Friday 19 May 2017

don't you know who i am? - by kikity1414


This cartoon was inspired by the diva scenario that Arin and Danny were imagining them doing.

Goodness me this cartoon is just excellent. The detail, the character gestures and expressions, the lip sync... it is just excellently adapted in every way!

I absolutely adore the way the animator self-inserts herself as the unfortunate shop assistant too! Also, that part at the end where she sees the Grump celebrity magazine cover and her eyes widen in realisation... I love it to bits!

Arin's here as some kind of pimp and Danny... oh my gosh, Danny with his scarf and twirling his sunglasses around is just the bees knees. I've watched this at least half a dozen times for this scene alone! It's so well done!

Nice gag about the jerk-parking of the limo across several disabled spaces too!

Nice to imagine Arin and Suzy telling that story to their young 'uns too :)

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