Saturday 6 May 2017

doodle doods episode 9, featuring arin - sonic the hedgehog


Ross and Chris OneyNG have Arin along as a guest today to draw Sonic The Hedgehog!

Arin's a guest? Why not! :)

They start with Charmy The Bee funnily enough! Ross draws him realistically! Arin does a fun crazy big one and a cute little one :)

Knuckles is next. Ross says it's hard to Google search actual human knuckles because you get pictures of Knuckles as a human! That is hilarious :) Arin draws him a bit like Snoopy! Chris draws him with LEGO brick shoes for some reason. Ross draws him with some cool teeth and really huge fists!

Ross' advert for Crunchyroll's VRV has a cute girl from My Hero Academia in it. I should watch it sometime if it's anywhere near as good as Little Witch Academia. Don't know if they're related even.

Tails is next. Yes I remember the Dan neck brace story :P Arin draws Tails really cute! Ross draws him with crazy eyelashes and with every animal tail ever and Chris draws him plain crazy with almost nothing except tails!

Eggman is next. Chris struggles with drawing eggs! Arin explains why he doesn't like One Punch Man and Ross disagrees. Ross draws him as a breakfast sculpture. Arin draws him like some kind of Mr Potato Head :P and Chris draws him with awesome flailing legs!

Big The Cat is next! Ross and Chris draw him with gigantic nipples weirdly enough and Arin draws him as a stumpy not so big Big.

Sonic is next! He really does have a great design :) Arin draws him with a huge ugly jaw, crunching rings! Not cute like the Tails drawing! Chris draws him with big teeth and crazy fists. Ross draws him with a sad face and a body cast.

Kinda sad they didn't draw Cream. But hey, they had a Sonic episode so that's great :)

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