Friday 19 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 67 - consenting cantaloupe


Arin and Danny talk about forgetting stuff you were forced to learn in school like the term "adverb".

They talk about stuff they liked about school too. They have a fairly balanced and comprehensive discussion about it.

Pretty cool part in the volcano area where they're shooting cannons at stuff.

Yeah, how to talk to people is such an important subject :/ I had to learn most of it from books.

That thing about the octogenarian teaching sex education and using old timey expressions like "necking behind the malt shop" is pretty funny :)

Yeah what Arin is describing is a gay action but it doesn't mean that someone is gay, unless they want to keep doing it.

Danny brings up the cantaloupe non sequitur from another episode years ago. I remember that random quip well! :)

That's some interesting homework!

Consenting Cantaloupe does sound like an indie band! Lol!

They get some subquests from some Gorons. I like how different they all look! In Ocarina Of Time, most of them look the exact same!

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