Monday 15 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 63 - midi sword


Arin and Danny are back with an answer to the lightning striking the ocean question! Tune in to find out!

Arin reads out a comprehensive answer to it.

They come across the bramble surrounded shrine and decide to paraglide there from the nearby mountain. It's one way to get in! It does make for a satisfying solution.

Oh man... Endless Ocean 2... Dog Island... Would love to see them continue those games again! Would also love to see them keep this up for years and years too! :D

They talk about the time the producer of Ninjabread Man and the other Popcorn Arcade games came into the office and signed their copy of the game! It was a great episode when they played it too :)

Danny noms a pretzel and they talk about their choice of mics for the show :)

Their next step is to go get the Master Sword :)

Nice but weird warping mechanism!

They ask for some epic music for pulling the Master Sword out, but Matt and Ryan put in a midi of All Star by Smash Mouth! Hehehe! :)

Aaaaaand they pull it out! Woo!

They get another flashback about Zelda. Yeah she's got the hot HD eyebrows :)

Love how they make out the Deku Tree to be an ordinary forgetful dude :)

Man that sword beam would be handy for the lawn :)

Danny has a celebration pretzel.

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