Friday 12 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 60 - eventful eventide


Arin and Danny have some more fun with the Hinox whose orb they stole.

It's not exactly cut up about losing its orb! It just went back to sleep. They roll down a rock at it from the top of the hill, but it just misses. "You got him a pillow!". Hehe :)

It stops raining, but the Hinox comes up to the campsite so they can't cook. Plus, the blood moon comes round again! Oh well!

They plunder another orb from some Bokoblins.

"Disco Biscuits" sounds a bit too cute of a name for what they are. It makes for a good insult though!

They get a game over and do a fun fast forward through all of the stuff that happened on the island, set to upbeat banjo music :)

Danny talks about his group of four imaginary friends he had as a kid and how the fourth one was always saying random wacky things. I don't remember him mentioning it before!

Wow... the orb doubles as a nice shield against rocks being thrown at you!

Leonardo Da Pinchy is the greatest crab name ever :D or at least the best I've heard yet!

Oh no... a highly frustrating video game moment happens when their raft goes just beyond the boundary of the challenge and they can't get it out :(

Then they try golfing the orb over the water with the stasis power.

Suzy comes in briefly to grab a blanket.

Then they notice the raft drifted a little and they can use stasis on it!

Lots of panicked touchiness and nudging but they get the raft over and they finally get the orb over too! Yeehooooooooo! Great work guys :)

As for the YouTube comments... they're all about the ice power thing. Whoops! Oh well! Still funny though :)

The voice from before gives them all their old stuff back too! Yay!

Hehehe, Leonardo Da Pinchy XD

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