Monday 22 May 2017

shovel knight specter of torment part 21 finale - epilogue to prologue


Arin and Danny face a big boss summoned by the Enchantress.

It's pretty cool! It's like a Sonic running boss, except it's a scythe-skating boss! They beat him and sacrifice themselves to save their friend. So this is what leads to Shovel Knight's adventure!

Danny says he feels pretty invested in this world when the cast montage rolls. Yeah there's some great world building going on in this game :)

Specter Knight and Black Knight have a chat after this about what's gonna happen to the world now with the Enchantress taking over. Specter Knight then transforms into his end of level boss self!

No they're thinking of Matt Bozon. Mark Bozon is his brother.

Awesome post credits scene with Donovan and Luan too! Very nice game :) Yacht Club have a bright future ahead if they can keep doing quality stuff!

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