Thursday 25 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 73 - danny pomp and arin circumstance


Brian and Danny appear before the video to announce some Ninja Sex Party live show appearances! What better place to announce them than in the women's room? That mirror has a pretty cool design.

Arin and Danny answer two very important questions, one of them about the difference between a trilby and a fedora.

Link kind of looks like Bomberman in his costume :)

They fight Fireblight Ganon. Ah... so the Master Sword is more powerful when facing bosses. That's good at least  :)

They're a bit perplexed and their Goron buddy isn't that helpful with his protips. Danny has some protips from the internet though :)

Danny Pomp and Arin Circumstance sounds like a great buddy comedy :)

After they beat the boss they meet Daruk, who gives them that fiery aura thing, which is nice.

Yeah... I don't really get the obsession with every piece of technology having glowy blue LEDs.

After the creature lasers the castle, Zelda's voice comes in again. Final phase is coming along.

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