Monday 29 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 77 - zelda's diary II: research notes


Arin and Danny climb another bit of the castle and another flashback happens.

Zelda clenching her fist like the Arthur meme! Well spotted!

"Concentrate on your duty... and flush it!". Got a nice laugh from that one :)

Now for Zelda's Research Notes! More loss for words! :P

The commentary gets so nuts they joke how it's Zelda's seals that took over the Guardians :)

It's also really funny when they say so much and then Zelda just takes a nap which ended up being 100 years long and all of a sudden the place is in ruin!

Wow... that castle map is a bit like Metroid Prime's map!

They talk about being served by waitresses dressed like Disney princesses while in a Disney restaurant. Sounds a bit like one of those Japanese cafés.

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