Wednesday 17 May 2017

shovel knight specter of torment part 16 - arin wants to laugh!


Arin and Danny face Treasure Knight.

Love how Arin puts on a cool voice but trips over a word in an uncool but funny way :)

Treasure Knight's rich enough to afford a walk cycle :)

Another flashback and it's with the Enchantress, turning him into Specter Knight.

Back to town and they get the plume ability.

Danny talks about seeing "Who's on first" by Abbott and Costello for the first time ever. Yeah it's excellent comedy :)

They go to the Flying Machine.

I thought Ross did the Let It Go death metal karaoke thing.

Arin laughs at his own Pokémon battle music joke :) it's a good one! No, I'd make that joke again! The guy's handle is "NateWantsToBattle" after all!

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