Tuesday 2 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 50 - thank you too game grumps! mwah x

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FUQRixLsTQ

Arin and Danny are tired and emotional after having wrapped up their work on the YouTube Red show.

Aw that's nice that Danny got to have some matzo(spelling?) :)

and wow, I totally understand what Arin was going through as well with the anxiety and doubt and stuff. That whole thing about a job/gig coming to an end or a play coming to an end and you're saying bye to everyone... It's an emotional state to be in. I'm glad they got to go through it together because it's a good time to have a buddy.

Bar Mitzvah... I guess a Catholic version of that would be Confirmation. Different traditions and stuff but it takes place around the same age. It was much more comfortable for me than Danny's experience with his! My classmates and I sang in Irish and Latin together and we didn't have to go to Vatican City or anything like that! We did have months of rehearsals though. Whew...

Shucks! They uncovered a Korok just as big bad enemies were surrounding them and got whacked right after.

They're so thankful for us lovelies :) and I'm really thankful for them too. This fanblogging is gonna help me with something cool in the future, I just know it :)

Love the snake eating a huge animal analogy! Also I'm pretty sure that "you'll never make it" line that Danny says while they're in the shrine is a reference to Kung Pow, so I'm gonna label it!

They're so tired that Arin forgot Danny wasn't wearing pants :)

It's a lovely episode. Them talking like this while also going through a very dense and snowy land with low visibility, there's something cosy and magical about it, you know?

And yeah, that includes pantless Danny lol

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