Tuesday 9 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 57 - epic goopy dragon

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsvhimEuuu8

Arin and Danny talk about their nice little understanding.

They meet Hestu again! They have lots of Korok seeds now, so they expand their inventory space.

I'm not into shoulder bags either. It feels weird. Also I always wear backpacks over both shoulders.

They head to Mount Lanayru while debating stuff about strangers' hands.

Wow... cool camouflage by that snow creature thingy.

They meet a cool dragon with a goop problem. Why not shoot the other eyes before shooting the one that allows it to fly away though?

It flies away and they give chase with the glider, shooting the goopy eyes bit by bit. This is freaking cool. Indeed it's also epic.

Love the cliffhanger fail at the end :)

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