Saturday 6 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 54 - stop making it rain meteors! ugh!


Arin and Danny do a really creepy voice. Dave Mustaine from Megadeth? Never heard of them... Their impression sounds a bit like Arin's Solid Snake!

Wow those Wizrobes are really hassling them while they're trying to climb that tower.

"Stop making it rain meteors! Ugh!". Just your everyday annoyances :)

They eventually make it though so yay!

They go into the Lost Woods... wow... they're being chased by the fog. Yikes... It's like outrunning a rain cloud or something.

Wow... the trees have hands and subtle but very unsettling faces!

They finally reach the Master Sword! Woo! A flashback comes and they do the squeaky Zelda voice where she says "Link! You must protect the Triforce! Liiiiiiiiiink!". Always loved that silly squeaky voice :)

The Deku Tree wakes up and starts talking too. He reminds them of all these other characters like the trash monster from Fraggle Rock and another character from Legends Of The Hidden Temple. He also reminds me of the face from Knightmare that says "Falsehood!"

They don't have enough hearts to pull the Master Sword so they go around chatting to the Koroks around here and check out their side missions and trials.

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