Wednesday 24 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 72 - snapchat and snazzy lines


Arin and Danny have fun with Snapchat and show come goofy effects they make on their faces.

They talk about their photograph posing habits and how they don't care too much about how they look in photos. Nice way to be :)

"High and rye" is a lovely joke Danny! I love it! XD that girl who mashes her face into bread is pretty awesome!

Danny talks about record shops turning into CD shops turning into t-shirt and merchandise shops. GameStop is turning into that very quickly... We don't have Hot Topic here but I get the idea.

Crazy Goth kids dancing is a great thing :)

Danny talks about how Dungeons & Dragons was the main thing until Shadowrun came out.

Getting heatstroke at a ren fair... Well, the climate over here in the British Isles is what those clothes were all about! Clothing in those days would've been different in California heat!

Danny jokingly wonders if a wizard at the ren fair made his old girlfriends break up with him!

"I adored this door!" Arin says as he opens a door :) another nice quick funny line!

Would like to see the cartoon he made where the guy says "I can't read!"

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