Tuesday 16 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 64 - inventive pronunciation of "inventory"

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgOkhAI1vBA

Arin and Danny are full of energy for the first time in a while :)

Whoa! They get ambushed by a creature pretending to be a treasure chest! Kinda like a Mimic but it was wearing a chest for a hat.

They head into another shrine. They figure out a nice bomb puzzle that's kind of like a carnival bell ring thing :)

Ah... actually I used to pronounce "inventory" the way that sounds strange to Arin when I was a kid. That was before I heard it being pronounced(I had only read it in video game dialogue text) and come to think of it, I've never heard anyone other than an American pronounce that word out loud, so it may be different.

Yeah Mars owns Snickers :) that would be a nice sponsorship deal! I think they own Skittles as well...

Danny hangs on to the hope that a Hyrule Bass is still alive :) these aren't Animal Crossing fish!

Jeekers... to hear a voice just suddenly creep up on you like that is kind of jarring.

That YouTube space PA voice is hilarious :) my old school principal only used the PA to announce that we couldn't play outside during break because of rain.

More fun with emus! I wonder if you can actually ride them like a horse?

Another shrine that looks very similar to one of the first shrines but they have to push rocks with their powers.

I know that elixir thing well! Saving for the last boss and you may not even need it then :)

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