Wednesday 17 May 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 65 - meeting gorons in the lava place


Arin and Danny have a chat with Gaile and some other residents of this little area.

Remind me of that Beastie Boys video later. :P

They get all organised with their fireproof elixir and flame guard and make their way into this volcanic region, which looks freaking awesome.

They meet Pelison the Goron, who wears a hard hat for some reason. I didn't think Gorons would need something like that. They eat rocks after all. Some more Gorons here they chat with too.

They meet Kima who gives them a subquest.

They talk about Hotpockets and microwaves. Danny shares a nice Saturday morning memory :)

That's the weirdest pronunciation of Nutella I've ever heard. :/

That Goron pooping on the target joke was pretty funny :)

Arin, you DID just say that baking eggs was healthier. What the heck :/ but yeah, baking eggs sounds like a great idea :)

They encounter the next Divine Beast, a big dinosaur thing crawling along the volcano. Coooooooool!

They arrive at Goron City.

Holy hotness indeed! Nice ending :)

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