Sunday 14 May 2017

doodle doods episode 10 - akira featuring krooked_glasses


Ross and Chris OneyNG have Amber aka Krooked_Glasses along to draw Akira characters.

They start with Kaneda and talk about their Akira memories. I watched it when I was 16 on the Sci-Fi Sky Digital channel.

Ross shares a story where he and his edgy friend sneaked into The Passion Of The Christ. Weird kind of edginess! Chris suggests doing a Doodle Doods based on that! Imagine!

They talk about the music from the movie. I don't remember the music that much!

Chris nearly drops a no-no word but then does an epic save where says "Australian" instead! Close!

They all have a bike joke and Ross and Chris do Kaneda with weirdly shaped heads!

Kai is next at Amber's pleading request :) Chris and Ross stop complaining and just draw him all ridiculous :)

Then they just draw a shark and some Ryan pictures are popped in too.

Kaori is next. Amber draws her doing that weird scream she did offscreen in the movie at one point. Chris seemed like he was gonna draw her cute but he goes back to being goofy and funny :) Ross' one has her doing a tiny face of disgust. Ross' "first anime crush" story is funny!

The old kids are next. Chris is in his element here! Amber does a cute Protec thing :)

Next is Tetsuo. Amber draws him cool and Ross and Chris draw him all goofy and both crushing Kaori. Amber's is goofy too but cool-goofy.

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