Wednesday 11 October 2017

gauntlet ii with michael ornstein - a weird mixture of goofy and upsetting


Danny and Arin are joined by Michael Ornstein! He played as the Gauntlet-obsessed Lorenzo in Good Game so they decide to play Gauntlet II together!

Yes Gauntlet always had scary and creepy sounds. I played the Macintosh version of the first Gauntlet.

The Deaths were particularly scary.

Danny says people don't watch this show for the gameplay but I watch for the gameplay as well as the Grumping! :D

Reflective shots?! Wow neat. I guess that's new to the sequel?

"To enter a secret room it could be nice"... Ominous!

Whats this weird "tag" thing about where you're it? Is that just a random fun thing like the real life tag or does it affect health or something?

The game glitches out so they have to start again! They're able to warp back though :)

Michael touched the glowy thing! Even when he was told not to! Yaaaah! He also learns how to move diagonally... I would've thought that kind of thing was instinctive... it's bewildering to imagine it as something you can learn and forget :O it's the kind of thing I take for granted.

I am no authority on tightness or dopeness.

Poor Michael keeps missing opportunities to exit when it was moving around! He got it eventually though :)

Another power lets you warp through walls but you warp through items without being able to pick them up. How... tragicomic! :P

Danny describes this game with its sound effects and theme and graphics as a weird mixture of goofy and upsetting. I would say that is a good way to describe it alright :)

Those random Grubba voice quotes that Arin comes up with are insane!

They wrap things up in a really lovely way by saying how much they loved working together :) I don't know much about Michael but it sounds like he's really hardworking. Insanely so with being busy with acting gigs all the time.

Michael figured out the controller at the end! Lorenzo!

They talk about their pets at the end too :)

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