Saturday 28 October 2017

the evil within 2 part 3 - game gets scarier and more evil


Arin and Danny answer a payphone and asks if anyone remembers them.

They wander through the hallways of a hotel. A jumpscare happens where a lady appears and slams the window of a door on the other side. That was scary and unpleasant!

They then enter a scene where a stabbing happens. Yikes.

Lots of weird artsy stuff around too. It's all psychological here.

Jumpscarey sounds too made by nothing. There's lots of weird stuff that seems to be just thrown in there without meaning. That room with all the hanging bodies... Yeesh... Suddenly their picture is taken.

Action happens then when this big freaky laughing thing with a buzzsaw runs after them! Yikes!

Not safe in the air vents either! Gooch damage! Ouch!

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