Thursday 26 October 2017

lost base escape - short corridor game and its steam reviews


Arin and Danny check out the Stream trailer for this game before playing it. Negative reviews and they approve to play!

With the easy game maker logo thing they think up a game about smacking butts :)

There are indeed horrifying creatures in this game and they're very resilient.

Scary scissory-handed dudes too. They make the dead human corpse say some goofy funny stuff. Bit of comic relief at least... :) it'll help me get through these scary episodes.

They finish the game after 5 minutes! Loads of save slots too! They then do a speedrun and then just read the Steam player reviews for fun :) All negative but Arin immediately wants to play again when he sees the part about there being a shotgun in the game.

They get the shotgun, which makes the enemies freeze. They have a good laugh at the doofiness of the scissor guy and get all up in their business :P

A good laugh was had by all! I liked this episode too :) It's also a let's play of the Steam experience!

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