Sunday 22 October 2017

mario 3: no touch challenge part 20 - world 6 meltdown


Arin and Danny are still reeling over the birthday laugh from last time :)

Love that strained grunt Arin makes when he runs against the direction of the conveyor belt while trying not to get squished by the Thwomp :) That last castle of world 6 is pretty tough but they make it :)

That seal form the king is in is more adorable than terrible :)

Arin tells a story while Danny adjusts the air conditioning. He dies on the airship though and goes on a rant when the airship flies beyond some levels that reset when he game over'd. Still nice how he doesn't have to stick to the rules on levels he's beaten already :) It must've been so satisfying to defeat that squiggly fire floaty thing! "ahhhhhhh!". He gets 3 Star cards for 5UP too so that's nice :) he really appreciates the extra lives in this mode.

They talk about the leaf sound effect briefly. It is kinda weird how it makes that sound effect when you lose the power alright. It's a great sound effect :)

They go on to beat world 6 and go on to world 7! Woo! They end the video by enjoying the finger clicking world 7 map music. Yeah!

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