Thursday 26 October 2017

west of loathing part 6 - why doc alice is sad


Suzy tries to find out why Doctor Alice is so sad.

She opens out to her, talking about the living dead in the cemetery and that there's a "necromancer" behind it all.

This dialogue with Alice goes on for a while and it's very engaging and absorbing! This game's dialogue is very well written! Suzy buys the spooky horse and the keys to the horse :), names it Tina and brings Doc Alice along on the journey.

Whoa... this game gives you the option of deciding between distributing experience points automatically or letting you decide. I've never seen this option in an RPG before! I like it a lot :) Of course, I'd nearly always choose automatic but having an option is very cool. Suzy picks automatic as well.

They go to another town and Alice hangs around outside.

Suzy says "pronuncification" instead of "pronunciation" :) she's really getting into this western talk!

She's right about this game. It is adorable and I do hope she keeps playing it :)

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