Monday 16 October 2017

mario 3 no touch challenge part 14 - how i reacted to the "pie hell" video


Arin and Danny don't have a special graphic ready for this series but the "FAIL" graphic is always at the ready!

Huh. I never knew Nesquik used to be called Quik. I don't think that was ever the case here.

Wow close call with those Lakitu Spinies :)

Danny recorded the concentration card game matches on his phone :) I remember writing them down on dot matrix printer paper lol.

They reach the stage in World 5 that scrolls diagonally with that bomb thing following them! Very very tricky for the no touch challenge!

They talk about a video called "Pie Hell" that's one of the funniest things they've ever seen. I'll have to watch it :)


OK! So I watched it and um... yes I laughed at first, then I got tired of laughing and thought it was really cruel and mean, then I started laughing again, then back to just being stunned at how long the cruelty was going, then I nearly passed out from laughing at the part where he opens the parcel, then I stopped laughing and thought about the nice home he has and how they were completely destroying it and him with pies, then I laughed loads when he put on music and they started dancing and hitting him with pies to the beat, then I stopped laughing again(I didn't laugh at any of the times he got hit in the crotch) and finally I laughed more when that lady got on top of him and these Lupin The Third gunshot sound effects went off. Crikey! That poor poor guy! What a gobsmacking video!

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