Tuesday 24 October 2017

mario 3 no touch challenge part 22 - singing upside-down sunglasses

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmodlzKmzHc

Arin and Danny ha ha at the angry man.

They compare this challenge to the average rage-inducing Super Mario Maker level.

Some close calls with that Koopa Paratroopa :) love how Arin sings it to the bgm!

That does look like upside-down sunglasses in the warp pipe tunnel! Love how Arin sings that to the bgm too!

I always thought Lakitu was particularly vicious in this game.

Wow! Arin gets 3 Fire Flower cards! I always found those the most difficult to get! He gets a star in the spinning card game too! Nice winning streak there :)

Arin sings how Danny's paying attention to his phone instead of the game in the water level :) That is a very tough water level though. Auto scrolling and full of jellyfish. Stuff comes out of the side of the screen all of a sudden too.

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