Monday 23 October 2017

mario 3 no touch challenge part 21 - talk hexadecimal to me


Arin and Danny start world 7 and are reminded of the last time they played this game together for Grumps years ago :)

They get to the part with the two Koopas in the very narrow passage.

"Talk hexadecimal to me". That sequence where they disappoint a girl who wants this nerdy request is pretty funny :)

They wonder how Tumblr and other sites got their reputations.

They actually get past those two Koopas after a number of tries! That's very impressive! Arin proves himself though :) it can be done!

They pass the card concentration challenge and Arin goes on to get tongue-tied by saying "shiggity" too many times :)

When Toad says "contents" in the mushroom house where he says "the contents will help you on your way" it always made Danny happy... all content :)

They liken the desert-like stage to Graham Crackers with those textured blocks. I had to look them up and Wikipedia says they're similar to digestive biscuits over here. So that's cool.

Wow! Arin hasn't said "real talk" in years! Nice throwback :)

Arin talks about a special and very rare hands-free NES controller that he's thinking of getting for a video. Might be fun! A literal no touch challenge!

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