Monday 30 October 2017

turducken chef - jontron


Mustn't forget about Jon before Halloween's over! He has fantastic production values as usual. :)

Oh man... he's got Banjo-Kazooie's Mad Monster Mansion music playing and has his kitchen all decorated... Oh! I'm loving this already :) New Super Mario Bros ghost house music is playing as well.

Wow I didn't know that PETA video existed. Yeesh.

Jon starts with the chicken. All those squishy sound effects XD

Then he prepares the duck he bought from Chinatown, while telling the story about the duck his grandmother made him. I dunno what the heck that thing inside the duck is either... he then stuffs the chicken inside the duck.

Then he prepares the turkey and stuffs the duck into it before tying it all together and readies it for the oven.

He has guests over for a costume party! I have no idea who they are though. They don't last long because the cooked turducken bursts out of the oven and kills them all with some spectacular special effects. Then Jon has to shoot the turducken.

Fun episode with some good commentary by Jon :) I wonder what he did with the actual turducken though?

He also shows some clothing merchandise. Some of the stuff is kinda wrinkly but cool nonetheless.

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